Qin Huairu saw that Nan Yi ran away, and stopped He Yuzhu:
“He Yuzhu, what do you mean, is it not your reason for sticking into the detention center?
It’s not easy to arrange now. You talked about Bang Terri’s entry into the detention center. If it wasn’t for you, Bang Terrier could have done this.
I don’t care, if you don’t solve the stick-terrier thing for me today, I’m not finished with you! ”
He Yuzhu said:
“Qin Huairu, you’re so funny, Bang Tei entered the detention center because I reported the case, but why did I report the case.Don’t you have a number in your own mind?
Have I warned you that your family members are not allowed to enter my house or touch my things in the future?
how? There’s no end to stealing, right?
If it was the first time I stole something from my house, and if I reported the crime, it would mean that I, He Yuzhu, were careful.
Tell me, how many times is this?
And because of me, if it wasn’t for your indulgence, would he do this?
When there is a problem, I don’t find the reason in myself. Now I come to blame this and that. If you think it’s my fault, yes, you can report it to the police, you can report it, as long as it’s because of me. Even if it’s dead, I’ll make arrangements for your family. If it’s not my fault, then listen to Nan Yi.
Or go to the countryside. Although it is hard, it is safe.
Otherwise, join the army. Although it is dangerous, you will be a hero when you come back. Choose for yourself! ” Hearing He Yuzhu’s words, Qin Huairu was stunned, because He Yuzhu had never done this before. Watching the car slowly go away, Qin Huairu didn’t know what to do, just as He Yuzhu said. I can’t find this matter anywhere. He Yuzhu, who blames someone else, is blaming his son for stealing things from others. When he came back, he retaliated against He Yuzhu. If it wasn’t for He Yuzhu’s mercy, then the sticks are still inside. But thinking of what silly Zhu did before, Qin Huairu thought that , this matter is He Yuzhu’s fault. If He Yuzhu is still the same as before, listening to himself in everything and treating his son as (Li Li Zhao) as his own son. Then there will be no such problem, and now it is because of He Yuzhu Changed his mind, if He Yuzhu didn’t know Mu Qingxue, then He Yuzhu was still a lump of noodles in his hand, and he could knead as he wanted.
Thinking of this, Qin Huairu not only resented He Yuzhu, but even more resented Mu Qingxue.
However, Qin Huairu didn’t dare to feel sad. It’s not long before Bang Terri goes to the countryside. If he can’t find a job for Bang Terri now. Then it’s the same as what Nan Yi said, either go to the countryside or join the army.
But Bang Terri is his only son, Qin Huairu doesn’t want to choose either.
Qin Huairu thought about it, but she could only go to Xu Damao. Now, for her son, she can act as much as she wants. I heard that Xu Damao is doing well now. Thinking of this, Qin Huairu went directly to Xu Damao’s house! .
Chapter 606: Qin Huairu begs Xu Damao [Subscribe]
Qin Jingru, who was in the room, heard a knock on the door outside, Qin Jingru asked:
“Who is it?”
Qin Huairu shouted:
“Jingru, it’s me, your sister, is Da Mao at home?”
Qin Jingru opened the door, looked at Qin Huairu, and asked:
“Sleeping at home, what’s the matter? What’s the matter?”
At this time, Xu Damao asked:
“Jingru, who is it?”
Qin Jingru said to Xu Damao:
“My sister, Qin Huairu!”
Xu Damao walked out, looked at Qin Huairu, and asked Qin Huairu coldly:
“What are you doing here? Let me tell you, there are not many things in my house, but there is nothing to help your house!”
Xu Damao is not the uncle and the old fool, even if he married Qin Jingru, Xu Damao didn’t help Qin Huairu’s family very much.
Of course, unless Qin Huairu paid a little something, Xu Damao would not let others take advantage of it in vain.
Qin Huairu said:
“Xu Damao, I’m not here to borrow something from you, I just want to ask you for help with something.
Xu Damao also knew about Qin Huairu and Director Xu before, and Xu Damao and Director Xu were very familiar with each other.
Director Xu, although greedy for money and lustful, has absolutely no courage to use force.
And he didn’t have the guts to cheat, but Director Xu was also very ruthless.
Otherwise, I wouldn’t be the director of the food station, and there are also backstage.
But it was just such a person who was given 30 years by Qin Huairu.
It’s really cruel, Xu Damao is even more afraid of Qin Huairu:
“Qin Huairu, I’m just a projectionist, I can help you with something, go find someone else!”
Qin Huairu said:
“Xu Damao, what do you say we are also relatives, can we wait until we die!”
Xu Damao doesn’t want to eat this set:
“Qin Huairu, come on, let’s put away your set, I don’t believe it, I still want to live a good few years.
I’m dying too. Ever since He Yuzhu became an official, I have avoided him every day, something He Yuzhu couldn’t do.
Even if you come to me, I can’t do it! ”
Xu Damao is not a fool, on the contrary, he is very shrewd. Such people are very bad, and there is no bottom line for being bad.
But such people are also more attentive to the situation. Xu Damao knew that if (bgag) he couldn’t kill He Yuzhu once, then he would be the one who died. And he can’t provoke He Yuzhu. If he can’t provoke himself, he will be annoyed by He Yuzhu, then he will suffer in the end. As for what Qin Huairu came to do, Qin Huairu didn’t say anything, and Xu Damao also knew.
It’s not for the job of the stick, Xu Damao is very clear, Director Xu is not without work, Director Xu has done it.
But in the case of sticks, it really can’t be done now.
If it wasn’t for the ingredients of the sticks, there would be no problem, otherwise, the sticks would have been in the bullpen long ago.
It’s because there is no problem with the ingredients of the sticks, but there were problems in the past. Such people, no matter how powerful they are, dare not arrange for sticks.
If you don’t get it right, you’ll make yourself a mess, or even get on your own.life.
So Xu Damao didn’t let Qin Huairu speak at all. If Qin Huairu did, Qin Huairu still didn’t know what to do?
Xu Damao knew Qin Huairu very well, so Xu Damao said:
“Okay, I already know, you don’t need to say more, I don’t know what He Yuzhu and you said!
But I can tell you clearly, you can inquire about the entire imperial capital, and no one dares to answer your questions.
You are cruel enough. You have worked for Director Xu for 30 years. Let me tell you, Director Xu has helped you.
But at this time, no one dares to answer, so there is no way to arrange it.
I also know your situation. I also know what Director Xu looks like. I don’t want to say anything to you when he gets to this point.
I just want to tell you, you just give up, not to mention that if He Yuzhu did it for you for this matter, then he would have to be targeted tomorrow.
Work is the property of the country, and He Yuzhu will be the unlucky one.
Okay, what I said to you, if you listen to it, you want to let the stick to be a soldier, and now you have to let stick to the training.
If you want Bang Teng to go to the countryside, then you need to get more supplies, then find someone to arrange a nearby village for Bang Teng, but it is convenient for you to find him. Well, that’s all, I don’t care what you think, you don’t have to tell me anything, I can’t help! ”
After speaking, Xu Damao went back and said to Qin Jingru:
“Jingru, close the door
Qin Huairu looked at Qin Huairu embarrassedly:
“Sister, you’ve seen it too, there’s no way, why don’t you go to other places and find a way?”
After finishing speaking, Qin Jingru closed the door without waiting for Qin Huairu to speak.
“Okay, sister, I won’t leave you anymore!”
After he finished speaking, he went back.
Seeing the closed door, Qin Huairu didn’t know who she was going to look for next.
Everyone turned away from Qin Huairu. Qin Huairu didn’t know who to look for. After thinking about it for a long time, there was only He Yuzhu.
Qin Huairu still planned to find He Yuzhu, because Qin Huairu knew that no one he knew could help him except He Yuzhu. Moreover, in Qin Huairu’s view, as long as he gets a job for Bangjie, it doesn’t matter to him whether other people live or die.
As long as his son is good, even if others die, it has nothing to do with him, at best he won’t report it.
This is what Qin Huairu thought, but Qin Huairu knew that He Yuzhu had left.
She didn’t know where He Yuzhu lived, but Qin Huairu knew that Qin Huairu would definitely stay with Nan Yi to work tomorrow.
When the time comes, he will stop He Yuzhu and make a big noise in the rolling mill. If he arranges it for himself, he will be fine, but if he doesn’t arrange it for himself.
At that time, we must make He Yuzhu ugly and let He Yuzhu know that if I can’t arrange it, then don’t arrange it for anyone.
He Yuzhu himself should not think about it better.
Thinking of this, Qin Huairu went back to rest. After running all day, she was really tired.
When he got home, He Yuzhu was lying on the bed and quickly fell asleep. The aunt said:
“Qingxue, He Yuzhu is exhausted. I have never seen He Yuzhu look like this!”
Mu Qingxue Road?
“It’s also the first time I’ve seen He Yuzhu like this. He Yuzhu has never been like this before!”
The eldest mother almost booed, and then said:
“Let’s go out and talk, don’t delay the pillar to rest!”
The girls all went out cautiously, Ran Qiuye said:
“It’s the first time I’ve seen Brother Zhuzi like this!
Chapter 607: Advance to the seventh rank, arrange Nanyi [Subscribe]
You must know that He Yuzhu’s cultivation will not be like this. How could He Yuzhu be tired with just this matter?
Even with the cultivation of the three girls, they wouldn’t be so tired.
The three girls were very worried about He Yuzhu, the old lady said:
“Okay, just get some sleep!”
What everyone didn’t know was that when He Yuzhu was asleep, He Yuzhu had already entered his sea of ​​consciousness.
In He Yuzhu’s sea of ​​consciousness, countless mysterious scriptures are constantly surging.
The three thousand profound scriptures were continuously fused and woven into a huge network that enveloped the entire sea of ​​consciousness.
The mystery between heaven and earth now has no secrets in front of He Yuzhu.
He Yuzhu has comprehended the Mysterious Classics for so long, and has comprehended the three thousand profound meanings. The great net of the team leader of the three thousand profound meanings laid the foundation for He Yuzhu’s future generations.
Originally, it was impossible for He Yuzhu to be so tired, but now He Yuzhu’s whole mind is focused on comprehending the Mysterious Sutra.
So in the eyes of others, He Yuzhu was asleep.
But only He Yuzhu knew that he was like this because of his cultivation. Since everyone thought he was tired, then he was tired.
He Yuzhu’s mind is all used to comprehend the insights after promotion. These insights are impossible to learn.
What He Yuzhu didn’t know was that although this world was just an ordinary world, and all kinds of mysteries had already disappeared.
But after He Yuzhu’s activation, perception, absorption, and digestion, this opportunity is not something that can be understood by promotion in the game world.
Of course, this He Yuzhu doesn’t know either. Only when the future is in the game world will He Yuzhu know how important it is for him to be promoted to the seventh rank, and how important it is to be promoted to the seventh rank in the real world. Of course, this is another story. After He Yuzhu absorbed the profound mystery, he slowly woke up.
When He Yuzhu just woke up, Mu Qingxue’s worried voice came over:
“Husband, are you all right?”He Yuzhu smiled slightly:
“It’s alright, I just suddenly realized something. I was afraid of losing this opportunity, so I realized it and made you worry 1”
The three daughters all knew about He Yuzhu’s practice. Now that they heard what He Yuzhu said, the three daughters breathed a sigh of relief.
Mu Qingxue said:

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