“You scared me to death, I thought something happened to you!”
He Yuzhu smiled:
“You don’t know my cultivation level yet. What can happen to me is to send me to the top of Mount Everest for a year and I have nothing to do. Well, you also know how powerful the second-order is, but I am better than the second-order. The rank is much higher, so I don’t need to worry about you, by the way, how long did it take me to understand this time!” Ran Qiuye said:
“It’s been eighteen hours, otherwise we wouldn’t be so worried!”
Ding Qiunan Road;
“Go tell grandma and eldest mom, they are also very worried!”
He Yuzhu Road;
“Okay, I’ll go tell them now, you haven’t eaten yet, I’ll cook for you!”
After speaking, He Yuzhu got up and went upstairs to see the aunt and the old lady. The old lady and the aunt were no longer worried when they saw He Yuzhu in such a spirit. After the meal, everyone rested.
The next day, He Yuzhu talked to the three girls and went to the rolling mill.
As soon as he arrived at the gate of the rolling mill, he saw Nan Yi waiting, and He Yuzhu asked Nan Yi to get on the bus.
After entering the rolling mill, seeing everyone working, He Yuzhu said;
“All of these jobs have been done, because now the rolling mill has to manage the rice, so your job is to cook for these workers.
Of course, if you want to earn food, you have to work hard for you, because here is more work and more pay.
For specific tasks, someone will tell you how much work you do and how much food you can get.
Of course, you can eat here, but that doesn’t count.
But you can’t bring your family, because there is a lot of food here. If you bring it, other people will have less food rations.
At this time, you also know the situation outside. No one has anything to eat, although I have a little to eat.
But I can only guarantee the lives of hard-working people. As for those who cheated and played tricks in the past, I’m sorry.
My personal ability is limited, so if you can agree, stay here.
If you don’t agree with my management style, or even think I’m cruel, then I won’t leave you! ”
Nan Yi Road:
…?… ask for flowers 0…
“That’s right, that’s what we should do. How to do it after cheating and cheating every day, that is, there will be no shortage of food in the future, and we can continue to produce.
It should be like this, this is the most fair! ”
Nan Yi’s family used to run a restaurant. Many people think that He Yuzhu’s approach is capitalism, but there is no way.
He Yuzhu would not give him a penny, because everyone knew that He Yuzhu had no money either.
As for the food, He Yuzhu said that he had the money to get the reserve food at the time, but no one knew where it was.
But the people here also know that no matter where we are, as long as we can live, He Yuzhu can provide food, and he is everyone’s benefactor. Everyone knows that if you report to He Yuzhu, He Yuzhu said, if the food runs out, then everyone will starve to death.
Therefore, everyone desperately protects He Yuzhu for their own lives.
And for the credit of He Yuzhu, no one is looking for trouble for He Yuzhu now.
As long as He Yuzhu doesn’t care about what’s going on outside, the rolling mill just tosses He Yuzhu, which has little impact on the overall situation anyway.
This has led to the fact that He Yuzhu is a pure land for the whole country.
After hearing Nan Yi’s words, He Yuzhu said:
“Cheng, since you agree, then you are working here. I will give you a day today to transfer your relationship. No problem!”
Nan Yi is very clear that in the current mechanic workshop, it is easy for anyone to mobilize the relationship.
After all, thousands of people have no food to eat, and the leaders of the machine repair factory also want to give everyone a way out.
In this era, there is no noble sentiment, and most people just want to live.
So, no one is foolish enough to stop these people from living.
Just when He Yuzhu and Nan Yi were about to go out, Qin Huairu suddenly appeared and stopped He Yuzhu’s car.
He Yuzhu was very angry, he pushed open the door and came out, loudly rebuking:
“Qin Huairu, do you have a brain, why do you just rush out like this, if I don’t pay attention?
You were hit to death, you know? If you want to die, get away and die, don’t make others uncomfortable! Neuropathy! “six.
Chapter 608: No, break Qin Huairu’s thoughts [Subscribe]
Qin Huairu did not directly tell He Yuzhu about work, but cried and said:
“Director He, I really know I’m wrong, please forgive me this time!”
He Yuzhu looked at Qin Huairu and wondered, what happened to this Qin Huairu?
But He Yuzhu is not afraid of Qin Huairu, knowing that whatever Qin Huairu does now, it is for the sake of his son.
Therefore, He Yuzhu did not have many twists and turns, and said directly to Qin Huairu;
“Qin Huairu, if you want to come back to work, you can come back at any time, anyway, you are also an employee of the rolling mill.
But Bangjie can’t work. Bangjie’s situation makes it impossible to arrange a job for him.
Even if I come here to work, my rolling mill doesn’t even admit that Bang Tei is a worker in the rolling mill!
If you are making such a fuss, you don’t have to come here! “Qin Huairu didn’t want to “five five seven” after hearing this, and pointed at Nan Yi and said:
“Then why can you arrange him? You can’t arrange it for my son. You just want to target me. Who are we orphans and widows who offend? What are you doing? Don’t we just want to eat?
I came here to work, without pay, just to survive, what did I do wrong? ”
Hearing that Qin Huairu was making trouble, people came one after another, and then looked at He Yuzhu, He Yuzhu said coldly:
“Qin Huairu, don’t make trouble unreasonably, don’t you just want your son to become a worker, and then avoid going to the army or go to the countryside? Today I will tell you that Nan Yi was originally a worker, a worker in a machine repair factory. Arrangement of work, but normal transfer. Why transfer, that is because I want to improve the standard of food for the workers in the rolling mill.
You Qin Huairu are acting stupid, you can ask other people, if you know the machine repair shop, you can go and ask if Nan Yi’s cooking skills are good.
Thinking of being as famous as me back then, I now manage a rolling mill and don’t cook for the workers, but I know it.
Only when the workers eat well and are full can they have the strength to eat.
If everyone is like you, whoever wants to come in can come in, I don’t care about this rolling mill.
Why didn’t you go to the factory manager before, but now you come to me, what’s wrong?
If I am your neighbor, I will take care of you for the rest of my life!
I made it clear today that even if you die here, I will not violate the principle.
You are a worker in a steel rolling mill. You can do whatever you want. I will give you a day’s rations and wages for a day. I don’t have a cent. As I said before, the rolling mills are now closed and there is no work. Now the grain is earned by your farming.
Of course, I will record the harvest in autumn. Except for the one handed over to the state, the rest will still be your rations.
Those who think farming is ashamed, don’t do it, I didn’t beg you!
Now hurry up and get the hell out of there, don’t think that you are the only one who is smart and everyone else is a fool. I’ll tell you, Qin Huairu.
Otherwise, how do you make trouble, even if you crash and die here, I will not arrange the stick! ”
Hearing He Yuzhu’s heartless words, Qin Huairu collapsed. Originally Qin Huairu still had hope, but He Yuzhu’s words completely dashed Qin Huairu’s hope. You must know that Qin Huairu did this for the sake of her son.
But He Yuzhu personally ruined the future of the stick, which made Qin Huairu unacceptable for a while.
Qin Huairu stood there dumbfounded, looked at He Yuzhu who was far away, and walked back in despair.
Qin Huairu knew that if He Yuzhu said this in front of so many people, he would definitely not let the sticks enter the rolling mill. And Qin Huairu also knew that there was no one he knew who could help Bang Terri to arrange work, not for himself. It’s because the workers’ current status + score is high, and the audit is also very serious. He Yuzhu really has the ability to arrange sticks in it. But He Yuzhu is also very clear that if you arrange sticks now, then the future will definitely be a scourge.
I don’t want to let the white-eyed wolf Bang Terri bite me again because of my soft heart.
So He Yuzhu tore his face and ignored Qin Huairu.
Looking at Qin Huairu’s appearance, Nan Yi felt a little soft-hearted. You must know that Nan Yi’s personality is similar to that of He Yuzhu before:
“Director He, isn’t it too cruel to do this?”
He Yuzhu said:
“Ruthless? Master Nan Yi, don’t you know that both Bang Terri and Da Mao have been admitted to the juvenile management center, if I arrange for Bang Terri now.
So what is waiting for me? Malfeasance is to be pulled out to shoot…
Bang Terri doesn’t have a job, so he can go to the army or go to the countryside, no matter which one he is, he is not mortal.
But as for me, if I arrange for him, then I will die!
Do you think I should arrange for him? ”
Nan Yi knew about what happened to Da Mao, so Nan Yi sighed:
“Hey, this Qin Huairu is too used to his son. Wouldn’t it be good to go to the countryside or become a soldier?”
He Yuzhu said:
“Hmph, if Bang Terri can live well without Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu will not be like this.
Qin Huairu is a very smart person. She knows her own son, if she is here, it will be trouble.
She will also use various methods to get rid of the stick and even apologize to the victim.
But if Qin Huairu is not there, then according to the temper of the stick, it is estimated that he will not be able to come back.
That’s why she is like this, but she is too selfish. For the sake of her son, she doesn’t care about the lives of others.
In her eyes, everyone else is superfluous, only her son is her only one.
I’m not one of her, so I won’t get used to her.
Okay, you’re there, remember to transfer the relationship, and then you can go to work tomorrow morning! ”
Nan Yi didn’t need to think that Qin Huairu would be like this. Yesterday, Nan Yi felt Qin Huairu was relatively pitiful, but now Nan Yi is very fortunate that the widow he has found since 0.6 is Liang Ladi, if it is Qin Huairu. Thinking of this, Nan Yi subconsciously fought a cold war, which is unimaginable.
Nan Yi intends to reason with this widow. Nan Yi is not the fool he used to be, greedy for the widow’s body.
Nan Yi has a simple heart and a sense of responsibility.
And Liang Ladi is also grateful, but Qin Huairu is different.
He Yuzhu didn’t have time to talk to Qin Huairu, because He Yuzhu knew that there was still a long time left.
Now what are you thinking about?After this time, He Yuzhu went back directly after sending Nan Yi.
As soon as he arrived at the mansion, he heard Mu Qingxue’s words coming over:
“Husband, it’s not good!”
He Yuzhu looked at Mu Qingxue and asked worriedly:
“Qingxue, what happened?
Chapter 609: Prepare to save He Yu [Subscribe]
Mu Qingxue said to He Yuzhu:
“I heard from Rain just now that they reported that one mu of land can produce ten thousand catties.
However, the news came just now that this is not a determination, but how many kilograms of grain will be paid as much as reported in the first place.
Now everyone in their village has to hand over their own food. If they hand over their food, they will destroy production.
After hearing Mu Qingxue’s words, He Yuzhu also knew to seize the consequences, paraded through the streets, and fought against him. It was estimated that the days to come would not be days, but hell.
He Yuzhu asked:
“How about the rain?”
Mu Qingxue said:
“There’s nothing wrong with the rain, because of your reasons, he was not allocated land, just for other jobs, just give him some meat in a symbolic way.

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