On the eagle, that young master Hua showed off, "Boy, your little wooden bird is not as fast as ours."

Lin Tian ignored it, but that young master Hua continued to harass in the sky.

The Feng aunt couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to control the little wooden bird to fly up, but the distance the little wooden bird could fly was limited, and it still couldn't touch the huge eagle that was close to it.

"Haha! It's useless!" That Young Master Hua showed off, and that Nan Jian also laughed.

The old man said to Mrs. Feng, "Don't bother, they won't let you touch it!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Feng was still a little unwilling. She shot out the flying needle and thread in her hand, and she was about to entangle the huge eagle, but the eagle immediately increased its distance and speed, and got rid of it on the spot.

Young Master Hua was still sneering, "It's useless, the more advanced our machine bird is, the more powerful it will be."

"Damn it." Mrs. Feng was very unwilling, and the old gentleman sighed helplessly.

At this time, Lin Tian said to the old man, "You control the bird."

"What are you going to do?"

"If you want to control it, then control it." Lin Tian said to the old gentleman, and the old gentleman said oh, as for Lin Tian, ​​he started to fiddle with it.

Draw a talisman and get some pills.

The old man was confused, and Mrs. Feng didn't really want to know what Lin Tian was going to do.

Seeing Lin Tian's serious look, the masked woman knew that the two guys above her head were going to be unlucky.

That young master Hua laughed, "Don't waste your energy, it's useless."

After a while, Lin Tian had a few more pills in his hand, but the young master Hua laughed, "Boy, you don't plan to attack us with pills, do you?"

"There is such a plan." Lin Tian smiled and looked at the eagle not far above his head and said with a smile, while the young master Hua said with a smile, "Boy, what power can a pill have? Can it hit us if it is thrown out?"

For Young Master Hua's ridicule, Lin Tian was never at ease. He held a pill in one hand and activated the runes on the pill. The old man and others saw that the pill was flickering.

"The combination of runes and elixir?" The old man was stunned, and it was the first time that Mrs. Feng had seen such a strange operation, and she seemed a little puzzled.

The masked woman hesitated, "Activate the rune and throw the elixir?"

However, Young Master Hua mocked from above, "Boy, let me tell you, you don't want to touch us with such a broken elixir."

The airway in Lin Tian's body opened, and after the airway changed color, he underwent a fourth-order change from 20,000 airways to 320,000 airways.

At the same time, concentrate all the brute force of the 320,000 Qi Dao on the pill, and then shake it hard.

The elixir flew out at a very fast speed, reaching the eagle in the blink of an eye, and the moment the eagle was hit, there was a "boom".

The eagle immediately split into two parts, and was still rolling in the air. The young master Hua fell from a high altitude, and the whole person was terrified and yelled, "Help!"

Regarding Nan Jian, his expression changed drastically, and he took out a wooden board in his arms, and the runes on the wooden board flashed, and then the whole wooden board glides in the air.

Nan Jian also grabbed the young master Hua with one hand, and quickly landed on the ground, while Lin Tian smiled strangely, took out another one again, activated the rune, and threw it out again.

Nan Jian was shocked, and immediately controlled the gliding plank to dodge, who would have thought that this pill would be locked.

"Tracking lock symbols, you can also draw?" The old man was startled when he saw the origin of the runes.

Aunt Feng was also stunned. After all, tracking lock symbols are usually used on arrows, but now Lin Tian is using them on pills.

This makes the elixir track the target, and the elixir is bursting with great power.

Therefore, even though Nanjian swayed in various ways, the wooden board was finally hit, "Boom".

The board shattered, and Nan Jian and Master Hua were blown away.

The two of them then fell heavily to the ground. On the spot, Young Master Hua fell apart, a mouthful of blood, and he didn't even have the strength to speak.

Nan Jian was a little better. After all, his strong physical body was still there, but when he struggled to get up, he was about to fall apart, and he looked up at Lin Tian and the others who were going away and gritted his teeth, "Wait, I will definitely kill you."

The old gentleman on the wooden bird laughed, "It's too exciting."

Lin Tian didn't speak, but calmed down and continued to control the wooden bird. As for Mrs. Feng, she asked curiously, "Who taught you these runes?"

The old man was also puzzled. After all, Lin Tian could draw symbols for restraining monsters, and now he can draw symbols for tracking and locking, which is really curious.

Not to mention the masked woman, she has long been familiar with Lin Tian's various abilities.

Lin Tian smiled, "Nobody taught me, I learned it myself."

"Learn by yourself?" The three looked at each other, feeling that Lin Tian was talking nonsense, especially the old man, "Impossible."

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, anyway, I learned it by myself." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he stopped talking.

They could only chat by themselves, while Young Master Hua, who was lying on the ground seriously injured, was struggling at the moment.

After a while, a blue figure appeared, standing beside Young Master Hua, took out a pill and stuffed it into Young Master Hua's mouth.

Young Master Hua's breath was a little more stable, and he saved his life in the end, but he couldn't move quickly and said weakly, "Uncle Lan, you, why did you just show up."

"You are too fast. When I catch up, you will already be gone." After Lan Shun finished speaking, he stopped talking.

Nan Jian struggled to come over, stared at Lan Shun and said, "Brother Lan, if you made a move earlier, we wouldn't either."

"As I said, I am only responsible for protecting your safety, and I will not take the initiative to attack others." Lan Shun said persistently.

Nan Jian said depressedly, "But this kid is too scary. If you don't solve it early, it will be even more difficult to deal with in the future."

Young Master Hua also begged to look at Lan Shun, "Uncle Lan, just take action."

Lan Shun shook his head, refusing to agree, that young master Hua was very depressed, but Nan Jian could only say, "Forget it, don't beg him, I'll find another way."

"Uncle Nan, is there anything else you can do?" Young Master Hua asked curiously after seeing that Nan Jian was not much better than himself at the moment.

Nan Jian said depressedly, "I'm seriously injured now, and it will take some time to recover, so it's not very possible to make a move, but I can find help."

"Uncle Nan, what helper?"

"Just follow me." After speaking, Nan Jian released an eagle again, then lifted Young Master Hua onto the eagle, and then controlled the eagle to disappear.

Lan Shun helplessly shook his head and left there too.

Five days later, Lin Tian and others came to a mountain, and the mountain was full of people and some camps.

After seeing the clothes of those people, the flags planted everywhere, and the patrol team, Mrs. Feng said, "These should belong to the Wugu League."

Lin Tian looked at the big flags, which indeed had "Wu Gu League" engraved on them.

When Lin Tian and the others fell, a group of disciples appeared and surrounded the four of them.

"Who are you, why are you approaching here?" The leader among the disciples stepped forward and asked them.

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