Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1253 Found the Instigator

Not only the little doctor, but many people want to know what kind of monster can bite people like this without wounds.

Lin Tian explained, "Actually, it's not a monster, but someone used some unique means to disturb the souls of these people, making them unable to wake up, so it's not really a disease."

Hearing this, Mr. Wu immediately became angry, "Who is so courageous? How dare you make trouble in our border city!"

Lin Tian stared at Mr. Wu and asked, "Are there any other cities?"

"My father said no for the time being, and the higher-ups also asked us to block the entrance and exit of the border city, and not let anyone leave this city, nor let anyone come from other cities." That Mr. Wu explained.

Lin Tian understood, "The troublemaker should still be in this city and cannot leave."

Mr. Wu said depressedly, "But there are at least a few hundred people in this city, and if you don't know what method the other party used to commit crimes, how can you find them?"

Regarding this question, the guards present were also at a loss, while the mountain sword looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Master Lin, do you have a solution?"

Before Lin Tian could speak, the Mozhong laughed and said, "Don't worry, this guy has all kinds of abilities."

Su Jing also boasted, "That's right, my ancestor is the most powerful."

The little fairy doctor looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Young master, this matter has a great impact. If it is not resolved, this city will be closed forever. At least it will affect the water country, and at the worst, people here may never be able to get rid of it." leave."

Mr. Wu also looked at Lin Tian, ​​"My lord, as long as you are willing to help, you can ask me to do anything."

Lin Tian said, "Let's treat everyone first."

Mr. Wu and others nodded, and immediately asked Lin Tian to treat everyone's illnesses. After Lin Tian cured everyone's illnesses one by one, that Mr. Wu invited Lin Tian to a banquet.

Lin Tian looked at the sky outside and asked, "Generally speaking, when does one get sick and completely collapse and lose memory, and how long does it take?"

Mr. Wu immediately said, "Every night someone has an accident, and when they arrive at the City Lord's Mansion, they are still a little awake, but after that they start to lose their minds, and then collapse, probably half an hour at most."

The little doctor Xian En said, "I saw such a group of people last night."

Lin Tian understood, "If there are no accidents, there should be some tonight, but I want to know where these people were killed."

Mr. Wu immediately took out a bunch of materials, "Here, there are records."


"Yes, when everyone comes to the City Lord's Mansion to report, I will ask people to register where they were when they got sick."

Lin Tian laughed and said, "You are quite a careful person."

Mr. Wu said embarrassedly, "Your Excellency is laughing at you."

Lin Tian took the recorded information and read it, while Su Jing asked curiously, "Old Ancestor, is there any problem with it?"

Lin Tian didn't find any problem yet, and Mr. Wu explained, "I saw that these people's illnesses are not in the same place, they seem to be scattered everywhere."

The little fairy doctor also said, "That's right, at first I thought that monster would commit crimes in one place, but after some research, they are all scattered around the city."

Lin Tian took a glance and said, "It's not completely scattered, but purposeful."

Mr. Wu wondered, "Oh? Why didn't I find out?"

Su Jing and others also leaned over to look, and there was indeed nothing, but Lin Tian said, "Give me a map of the city."

"Yes." Mr. Wu immediately responded, and then asked people to prepare, and then Lin Tian came to the map.

Lin Tian took out a pen, and then lightly tapped the places where they happened one by one. After a while, these places suddenly flashed green.

Then Lin Tian put his palm over the map, and swayed it a few times, and finally stopped at one place and said, "Look, the bottom of this palm corresponds to this place, and the distance is the same."

Everyone was stunned, but Mr. Wu looked at the place where the palm of his hand was facing the map, "Water Painting Workshop."

"Painting workshop? Where is it?" Lin Tian asked, and Mr. Wu explained, "This painting workshop is full of painters, and there are many talented painters among them. They can draw spells, magic weapons, and even people. Let these The things in the painting come out to attack people, so these are called combat painters."

Hearing the painter, Shan Jian's face changed, "It's not that guy who made a fool of himself, right?"

"Which guy?" Mr. Wu asked curiously.

Shan Jian embarrassingly explained what had happened, but Mr. Wu was shocked, "You didn't say anything about such a big thing?"

"I also met Mr. Lin, and he told me when he saw my painting." That mountain sword felt aggrieved.

Mr. Wu became anxious, "I'll send people to surround this workshop and find the person who sneaked in."

Shan Jian said, "I'll lead people to follow."

"En." Mr. Wu immediately prepared, and then a group of people rushed out, and Su Jing asked, "Old Ancestor, what about us?"

"Let's go and have a look together."

After Su Jingen made a sound, she immediately asked Mo Zhong to join her, and then the two rushed out to watch the play quickly, while Lin Tian had no choice but to follow behind.

But the little fairy doctor followed, and came to Lin Tian and asked curiously, "Young master, what is your name? And you said that you are the master of your Shui Liu Guoshi, is it true?"

Lin Tian said with a smile, "What? Do you still doubt my identity?"

"No, I just never met a doctor like you, so I'm curious." The little fairy doctor said shyly.

Lin Tian laughed and said, "My name is Lin Tian, ​​and I am the master of Shui Liu."

The little fairy doctor nodded and said, "Mr. Lin's healing skills are very good. If you are interested, you can go to our Heavenly Medicine Hall."

"If I have a chance, I will go and have a look." Lin Tian replied casually, and the little doctor followed Lin Tian silently after hearing his kind words, but he was curious in his heart, "Where did he learn his medical skills?"

However, at this moment, the painting workshop suddenly burst into flames, and the people inside shouted, "It's on fire!"

Those painters rushed out one after another, and the people led by Mr. Wu surrounded the surrounding area and told them not to wander around.

Until Lin Tian arrived, it became very chaotic everywhere, but the fire was very dazzling.

Shan Jian hurriedly came to Lin Tian to report, "Master Lin, there is a fire, and the person has not been found yet."

"Big fire?" Lin Tian stared at the fire and asked strangely, and Shan Jianen said, "Yes, this big fire has already burned many paintings inside, and those painters have already escaped."

Lin Tian said, "I'll go and have a look."

Shan Jian immediately brought Lin Tian to the front, and Mr. Wu planned to bring everyone in, but the fire was very scary, as long as they touched it, they would be burned to death, so they didn't dare to go in.

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