Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1254 Mr. Leng on the screen

"My lord, this fire is too difficult to deal with." That Mr. Wu was still ashamed and complained to Lin Tian.

Mo Zhong also came to Lin Tian's side and said, "Emperor Lin, I tried these flames, and it was really uncomfortable, but it's okay if I want to rush in, just."

"Just what?"

"It's just that the inside is like a maze. If you go in, you can't find your way at all, so I have no choice but to back out." The Mo Zhong said depressedly.

Everyone was startled when they heard this, feeling too incredible, but Lin Tian said, "This is a painting."

"Painting?" Everyone looked at each other, but Mozhong asked suspiciously, "You mean, what we see now is actually fake?"

"It's not fake, it's a combination of painting and reality, so there are real and fake, it's just unpredictable." Lin Tian explained.

Hearing this, Mo Zhong was depressed and said, "What is the origin of this painter, he can make such a thing."

Mr. Wu immediately called some people from the painting workshop, and showed them the portrait of the artist in question, "Have you seen this person?"

Everyone looked at it and nodded, and some people said, "He is amazing."

"Yes, he is a very powerful painter."

Everyone agreed that this person is not simple, but Mr. Wu immediately looked at Lin Tian depressed, "Master Lin, what should we do now?"

"I'll force him out." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he walked towards the fire, but everyone became worried. After all, they had tried this fire before, and it was not an ordinary flame.

Lin Tian was very calm, and continued to move forward step by step until he disappeared from everyone's eyes, while Su Jing asked Mo Zhong, "Master, is it really a maze inside?"

"Yes." Mo nodded, and Su Jing became serious, "Is the ancestor going to be okay?"

"Don't worry, your ancestor, you can do anything." Mo Zhong said with a smile, while other people looked at each other when they heard this, especially some people who didn't know Lin Tian thought Mo Zhong was joking.

At this moment, Lin Tian has come to the painting, and there is fog and some weird flames everywhere.

Lin Tian laughed and said, "Do you think I can't find you if you hide?"

At this moment, a young man's voice asked in the dark, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is who you are and why you are making trouble in the city." Lin Tian asked in the dark.

The man laughed and said, "I'm from another country, and I'm making trouble here, so I naturally don't want the good of the country."

"Which country?"

"Why did I tell you?"

Lin Tian had no choice but to say, "When I find you, you will tell me obediently."

"Dream, in my painting, you will never find me." The man said to himself, but Lin Tian walked into a pile of flames.

The man laughed, "It's all fire, you dare to come here?"

"Huo, that's just a fake." Lin Tian stretched out his hand, and with a wave, a gust of air directly sent these fire bombs flying.

Then a path appeared, and Lin Tian walked out of the path, and saw a person in a yard.

This person is just like the picture Shan Jian gave him before, a "scholar" with a painting on his back.

I saw that the scholar's face was a little pale, but he was holding a scroll in one hand, staring at Lin Tian strangely, "I didn't expect that you could really come here."

"Drawing this kind of thing, I don't like to play anymore." Lin Tian said with a smile, but the other party thought Lin was joking, so he sneered, "Boy, do you think I will believe you?"

"Whether you believe it or not, what I can tell you is that if you want to use paintings to deal with me, that is a fantasy." Lin Tian said to this person.

But this person sneered, "I'm not bragging about my ability to picture Mr. Leng."

"Mr. cold picture?"

"Yes, I can get people's souls into my paintings, just like those walking dead." The picture Leng Jun proudly said, but Lin Tian laughed, "Souls into paintings? I'm afraid you just learned a little That's all, at most it just stuns them."

Leng Jun stared at the picture, "Boy, what do you know?"

"I have already revived those people you made unconscious. If you really have the ability to get their souls into the painting, I'm afraid they are still unconscious now." Lin Tian smiled and looked at the picture Leng Jun.

Mr. Leng frowned in the picture, "So you saved those people sober?"

"What do you think?"

Mr. Leng became irritable in the picture, and even said angrily, "It seems that I have to fix you."

"Fix me? You are overestimating yourself." Lin Tian said fearlessly.

"Okay, let's see the trick." Leng Jun snorted in the picture, took out a golden scroll in his hand, and then sprinkled it into the air, and golden covers immediately appeared around Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian was trapped in the covers.

"Using paintings to cast spells, I have seen this kind of bad tricks a lot." Lin Tian said, and the picture Leng Jun said, "The power of my spells is not weak, especially the spells created in the paintings are not affected by this world. The impact, that is, will not be diminished by a factor of ten."

Lin Tian laughed and said, "Oh? Really? That's quite interesting."

"Interesting? You are trapped by me, is it interesting?" Leng Jun laughed at the scene, but Lin Tian smiled, "It seems that it is necessary for you to understand."

At this time, Lin Tian touched the cover with one hand, and the cover lasted for a while, and immediately disappeared. As for the painting, it seemed to lose its strength and fell in front of Lin Tian.

This changed Leng Jun's expression on the screen, "You."

"Are you scared?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, while Leng Jun snorted, "I still have more."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Leng released a seven-star holy spirit on the screen, and it was a pen, and this pen was not an ordinary pen, it was swaying there like a spiritual one.

Not only that, but in the picture Leng Jun's body was shimmering with golden light, and then countless golden pens flew out, and these pens were floating around Lin Tian.

In the next moment, countless spells were drawn, and these spells surrounded Lin Tian, ​​as if they were about to attack Lin Tian at any time.

Looking at these spells ready to be released, Lin Tian smiled, "Come on."

"Why? Don't you surrender?" Mr. Leng asked strangely after seeing Lin Tian so rigidly on the screen, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "Because these spells can't hurt me at all."

"Can't hurt you? Naive!" After speaking, Mr. Leng made a move on the screen.

Unexpectedly, when Lin Tian used the belief isolation technique, the other party's holy spirit immediately became invalid, and without the blessing of the seven-star holy spirit, those pens were faintly visible, and even the spells drawn were very virtual.

So these weak spells hit Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian was fine.

"This." Mr. Leng was curious about what was going on in that scene.

"Surrender." Lin Tian stared at the screen Leng Jundao, but the screen Leng Jun refused to surrender, "It's ridiculous, just you? You still want me to surrender?"

"What? Do you think I can't catch you?" Lin Tian asked back, and Mr. Leng said to himself in the picture, "I can come to the country of water, so there is naturally a way to prevent you from catching me."

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