The magic operator turned pale with shock, until Lin Tian finished reading the memory, the magic operator became serious again, "I have destroyed the memory, you can't see the whole thing."

"As for me, I have learned some skills to restore memory." Lin Tianxie smiled, and the magic operator stared at Lin Tian strangely after hearing this, "You, do you think I am a fool?"

"I'm not fooling you, I'm telling you the truth."

But the fortune teller said contemptuously, "Okay, don't brag, I don't believe it."

Seeing that the other party didn't believe it, Lin Tian cast the immortality technique, and the memory of the magic operator recovered little by little. The magic operator was shocked when he saw this, and said anxiously, "You, you can't do this!"

Lin Tian didn't care, and didn't care if he was the old man from before, he just looked at the memory one by one and became cold, "You guys plan to use countless dead souls to resurrect the ancient ghost king of Huangquan!"

Seeing that Lin Tian saw everything, the fortune teller did not hide anything, "Yes, we need to release the ancient ghost king and control it, but we need countless dead souls, and we need powerful fairy souls, demon souls, and demon souls. "

Lin Tian flashed cold eyes, "Have you been preparing for hundreds of thousands of years?"


After the magic operator finished speaking, he stared at Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian said coldly, "What happened to Luo that day?"

"She was an accident."


"A deity from the God Realm asked us to escort her to the God Realm, so it has nothing to do with our plan." The fortune teller explained, but Lin Tian asked suspiciously, "Who told you to release the ancient ghost king?"

Now the fortune teller stopped talking, but Lin Tian said coldly, "Don't think that if you don't tell me, I won't be able to know from your memory."

"Only the Void Emperor knows. If you ask me, I don't know." The magic operator explained, and Lin Tianyi looked at his memory, and it turned out that only the Void Emperor knew.

Lin Tian was curious about who this Void Emperor was, why he knew there was such a seal here, and how he knew about the ancient ghost king. After all, the ancient ghost king was sealed because the ancient ghost king was like a soul eater, and was finally sealed.

But now, someone is going to release it, which is not a good thing, so Lin Tian stared at the fortune teller, "How do you find Emperor Void?"

Shen Suanzi said depressedly, "Since he went to Huangquan, I haven't seen him again, except for occasionally using a special way of sound transmission."

"You really haven't seen him?"

"No." The fortune teller nodded, and Lin Tian asked after checking again, "Then who taught you your calculation skills?"

"A god-man, but he is no longer here, but returned to the God Realm." The fortune teller explained, and Lin Tian fell into deep thought, because the Three Realms merged into one, but the people are devastated, and the most pitiful thing is nothing more than ordinary people.

Although Lin Tian is not a savior, many of his disciples and grandchildren will be involved. This is not what he wants, so he must stop the outside forces.

So Lin Tian himself came outside, looked at the ground, and there was a strong air flow crazily, and this air flow flew out of the ruins and reached the air, which would make the space of the three realms unstable, as if it wanted to shatter the space.

Lin Tian took a deep breath, and the deity leaped into the airflow, and the airflow was so huge that it even tore Lin Tian apart, and Lin Tian was replaced by an earth clone, and continued.

After a while, Lin Tian came to the bottom and saw a wall, and there was a seal on the wall, but part of the seal had been blown to pieces, causing the power inside to leak crazily.

"The space storm actually appeared in such a place." Lin Tian became serious.

But there was no time to think about it at the moment, Lin Tian went straight up, began to continue to fill these seals, and then sealed the exits one by one, until the Three Realms stabilized, Lin Tian sat down exhausted.

At the same time, Shen Suanzi was also released by Lin Tian, ​​and Shen Suanzi was startled when he saw the hole in front of him was repaired, "You will also do this seal?"

"What? Is there a problem?" Lin Tian stared at the magic operator, and the magic operator said awkwardly, "No, I just feel very curious."

"You should think about yourself." Lin Tian said coldly, but the fortune teller was puzzled, "What do you want to do?"

"I'm going to the Ghost Realm to find the Void Emperor."

"You looking for him?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

Shen Suanzi explained, "Emperor Void is a person who has always existed in the void realm, and when I knew him, he was elusive and very powerful."

"You don't need to worry about this, I will take care of it myself." Lin Tian said to himself, but the fortune teller said strangely, "Are you really going to Huangquan?"

"Yes." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he put away the magic operator and flew out of here.

At this moment, the main hall outside has collapsed everywhere, and the eight demon kings were seriously injured by the storm just now, and the other little demons were even injured or killed by various things.

Lin Tian glanced over, and those monsters fled away in fright. As for the cat monster, he was even more scared to leave, and Lin Tian leaped and landed in front of the cat monster.

The cat demon was in a hurry, "You should look for those demon kings, not me."

Lin Tian stared at the cat demon, "How much do you know about this underground storm?"

The cat demon said anxiously, "How would I know such a thing."

"Are you sure you don't know?"

"Really, I don't know." The cat demons shook their heads one after another, and Lin Tian said coldly, "You have been in this alliance for so long, so you know something."

"You can ask the fortune teller."

"The fortune teller only happens once in a thousand years. As for the rumors and stories earlier, he doesn't know." Lin Tian replied one by one, and the cat demon was depressed, "If he doesn't know, then you can't find me." Use it."

Lin Tian laughed and said, "I think you have at least several million years of cultivation, so you know a little bit."

The cat demon panicked, "Just because I have millions of years of cultivation doesn't mean I know everything."

Lin Tian condensed a brush, and then a shackle entangled the cat demon, and the cat demon was shocked, "Why are you so narrow-minded."


"Nonsense, I just want to eat you, but I didn't eat you, so don't be so narrow-minded." The cat demon defended, but Lin Tian sneered, "You really know how to talk nonsense."

The cat demon was in a hurry, but Lin Tian ignored it, and entered with a soul seal. The cat demon was shocked, and said with wide eyes, "You."

Lin Tian put away his hands, "You said it yourself, or I searched it myself."

The cat demon said depressedly, "In our place, there is an ancient demon temple. There are many rumors and stories there. If you want to know why there is this down there, you can go there and look for it. I think you should be able to find it."

"Ancient demon temple?"

"Yes, it is the most mysterious place in our demon world."

Lin Tian understood and said, "Lead the way."

"Ah? Do you want me to lead the way?" The cat demon was in a hurry, but Lin Tian said coldly, "What do you think?"

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