Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2405 the guy who doesn't have long eyes

The cat demon knew that he was doomed, so he could only helplessly stare at Lin Tiandao, "Okay, I'll just take you there."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian let her go and let her lead the way, but the cat demon was depressed, especially the moment her soul was beaten into the soul seal by Lin Tian, ​​she knew that it would be difficult for her to be free.

Lin Tian was thinking about the ancient demon temple, and checked the memory of the cat demon one by one to determine whether the ancient demon temple had what he wanted.

Until half a day later, the cat demon pointed to a tall tower ahead, and this tower exuded a strong demonic aura.

"This is the ancient demon temple." The cat demon pointed to the tower and said, but Lin Tian looked over and saw many demons entering and leaving there.

"Let's go." Without thinking too much, Lin Tian let the cat demon lead the way, and the cat demon sighed and continued to lead the way.

After walking for a while, the nearby monsters saw Lin Tian and surrounded them one by one. Some monsters showed greedy expressions, "This human, don't want to live anymore? Dare to come here?"

Seeing these demons wanting to attack Lin Tianxia, ​​the cat demon said to them, "I remind you, don't have any thoughts, otherwise, you will regret it."

These demons don't take the cat demon seriously, and some demons even said, "Isn't it just a fairy emperor human?"

"That's right, it's just an immortal emperor, and we're still afraid of him?"

The cat demon said contemptuously, "The earth shook today and the sky almost split open. Do you know why?"

A demon asked puzzled, "Why?"

"He did it, so if you don't want to die, just keep messing with him." The cat demon said to these demons.

These monsters didn't believe it, and some monsters even said, "Only him, the Immortal Emperor, can the world fall apart?"

"No, our demon world is not a world of fools."

Seeing how inconsiderate these guys were, the cat demon said, "I advise you to get out of the way."

After finishing speaking, the cat demon led Lin Tian forward, but these demons still had to block in front of them, not giving them a way to move forward.

Some monsters even slapped out a palm from the air, intending to hit Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian was just a shadow.

This startled those demons, and the cat demon glared and said, "You guys, are you really doing it?"

"Just do it, what are you afraid of!" At this time, a shadow of the queen of the monster group flashed, and then turned into a wolf.

Seeing him, all the demons respectfully said, "Master Wolf."

Seeing him, the cat demon said with a strange expression, "Master Wolf, why are you free to come here today?"

"Such a big thing happened today, I want to see if there is any record in this ancient demon temple, but I didn't expect that you, a little cat demon, would bring a human here." The wolf lord said contemptuously.

The cat demon said helplessly, "Master Wolf, let me tell you that our demon clan alliance has been destroyed, and the whereabouts of the eight demon kings are unknown, and all of this was done by him. If you don't want to die, you can try."

As soon as these words came out, those monsters suddenly laughed strangely, and some monsters even said, "Can an immortal emperor mess up the monster clan alliance?"

Lord Wolf naturally didn't believe it, and said sarcastically, "Little cat demon, don't just talk about it."

"I'm not talking nonsense. If you don't believe me, go and find out if he went to our Monster Race Alliance today, and then something happened to the demon world." This cat demon now knows that he is on the same boat as Lin Tian, ​​so he can only protect Lin Tian as much as possible.

Mr. Wolf didn't believe it, so he waved his hand, and a rope formed by monster energy entangled Lin Tian, ​​and glared, "Boy, are you so powerful?"

At this time, Lin Tian disappeared and appeared in another place, staring at them and said, "I don't want to waste time, if any of you want to die, you can come and try, and I will accompany him for a while."

When the demons heard the sound, they immediately looked over, and saw Lin Tian smiling at them not far away.

The wolf master said contemptuously, "Boy, do you think it's really amazing to rely on shadows?"

"I didn't say it was great, but it's enough to deal with you."

"Treat me? It's ridiculous! Do you know what I can do?" The wolf lord stared, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "It's just a monster, it's no big deal."

"It's no big deal? It seems that you really don't know how scary I am!" After the wolf lord finished speaking, he turned into an afterimage.

At the same time, he appeared behind Lin Tian, ​​thinking that he could easily kill Lin Tian, ​​but this Lord Wolf didn't expect that it was a shadow that he killed.

This made Master Wolf annoyed, "Damn it, get out!"

"You can't even tell whether I'm the deity or the shadow. How do you fight against me?" Lin Tian asked back, and the wolf lord was even angrier when he heard this, and shouted to the demons, "Everyone, let's go together."


These monsters went up one after another, and there were many ghosts, and those monsters could not be wiped out at all. As for the cat monster, he said helplessly, "It's really a bunch of lifeless guys."

At this moment, Lin Tian's Tianyin piano was turned on, and these little monsters couldn't resist the sound at all, and they retreated one after another, only Mr. Wolf was better.

But this Lord Wolf still stared at Lin Tian unwillingly, "Boy, your voice is just for dealing with some little demons, but it is useless for dealing with me."

"Is it really useless to deal with you?" Lin Tian asked back, and the wolf lord snorted, "Yes, it is useless!"

Lin Tian could only laugh and said, "That's fine, I'll let you see it."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tiancun's sorcery combined with the sound of the zither, the wolf lord knelt down and begged for mercy, and rolled over there, while those monsters were so frightened that they couldn't even believe that an immortal emperor was so terrifying.

The cat demon even came to that Lord Wolf and asked with a smile, "I told you, why don't you believe me?"

"I, I was wrong." The wolf lord trembled, and the cat demon said with a smile, "Then you admit your mistake, but I just don't know if you are worthless."

Hearing the value, the wolf lord hurriedly asked Lin Tian, ​​"Whatever you want, I will give it to you."

At this time, the cat demon came to Lin Tian and whispered, "He is very familiar with this ancient demon temple, and he even knows what's in it."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, it's true." The cat demon nodded, and Lin Tian looked at the wolf and said with a smile, "Then you come here."

This Lord Wolf has climbed to the extreme, so he came to Lin Tian anxiously, and stammered, "You, what are you going to do?"

Lin Tian entered a soul seal, the wolf was shocked, and Lin Tian glanced at it one by one and asked, "How did you get the underground seal of the Monster Race Alliance?"

"Underground seal? This, how do I know." Lord Wolf said depressedly, while Lin Tian stared at him coldly.

But the cat demon said to him, "If you want to survive, just think about it."

The wolf lord stammered in fright, "I know where there is a record in the ancient demon temple."

"That's good, lead the way!" Lin Tian said coldly, and the wolf lord immediately led the way, while the cat demon and Lin Tian followed.

Those little monsters could only hide in the distance, not daring to approach, fearing that Lin Tian would be unhappy, so he repaired them.

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