Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3205 The painter has a temper

Sleeping Monster hesitated for a while and said, "My friend has a weird temper. I'm afraid you will be mad at him if you see him."

"You can just lead the way, and I can handle the rest myself."

"Fine, come with me." Sleeping Monster took Lin Tian and the others along, and on the way, Palace Master Su whispered, "You are so capable that even Sleeping Monster is doing things for you."

Xue Wangyou asked even more curiously, "Master, how did you do it?"

"Secret." Lin Tian smiled strangely, and didn't say much, while Xue Wangyou and Palace Master Su showed suspicious expressions.

Until a while, they came to Yishanzhuang, the "painter".

"Painter?" Xue Wangyou was suspicious, but Palace Master Su hesitated, "Could it be the rumored painter, the copying king, the supreme king?"

"Du, it's Jue Ding Wang." The sleepy old monster said, but Xue Wangyou was suspicious, "Ji Ding Wang? It seems that his surname is not Hua, why build a painter's villa."

"He likes to paint, so he named his villa like this." After the sleeping monster finished speaking, he led them to the gate.

The guard at the gate saw that it was Sleeping Monster and said respectfully, "Sleeping Palace Master."

After the sleepy old monster hummed, he took them in, as if entering his own villa.

I saw the guards and servants in these four places, seeing the sleeping old monster, they were all very respectful, and they said one by one, "Sleeping palace master."

Sleeping monsters nodded one by one, and finally came to a yard, and in this yard, there are paintings everywhere, and there is a man with a lot of hair, holding a brush in his hand, and in that crazy painting, there are also paintings. I don't know what to draw.

But after a while, a painting appeared.

Seeing this, Palace Master Su sighed, "It is rumored that Juedingtian's painting skills are very high, and his speed is also very powerful."

But Xue Wangyou said, "In other words, my master is better than him."

Palace Master Su hesitated, "Your master, can you also draw?"

"Of course." Xue Wangyou was confident, and Palace Master Su looked at Lin Tian curiously, but Lin Tian didn't speak, while the sleepy old monster stood there for a long time, and he didn't smile until the extreme sky stopped. Said, "I said Great Painter, can we have a chat?"

"Don't you find it annoying that you run to me twice a day?" The other party sneered, and the old sleeper smiled and said, "Someone wants to chat with you."

"I'm very busy." This Juedingtian said, and the sleepy monster looked at Lin Tian helplessly, "Did you see that?"

Lin Tian stared at the painter for a while and then asked, "You copied Shengyue Tianqin's handwriting."

The other party didn't pay attention, and didn't even take Lin Tian seriously, but that Xue Wangyou was a little unhappy, "My master, I asked you to draw!"

"A kid in the Golden God Realm can be your master. How weak are you?" That Jue Ding Tian laughed at Lin Tian while painting, while Xue Wangyou said anxiously, "My master is amazing."

"I don't know if your master is great or not. I just know that this is my place and I don't welcome you." After the other party finished speaking, he continued to paint, not taking Lin Tian seriously at all.

This made Xue Wangyou unhappy, and Palace Master Su sighed, "It seems that this painter is not very simple."

Sleeping Monster stared at Lin Tiandao, "I told you earlier, he's not easy to communicate with."

But Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, and said to Jueding Tian, ​​"Why do you want to copy other people's handwriting?"

But this Jue Dingtian still didn't take Lin Tian seriously, and Lin Tian could only laugh, "Are you sure you don't want to say it?"

The other party still didn't say anything, but Lin Tian had no choice but to say, "It's so, that's okay, I have to force you to say it."

This Jue Dingtian didn't know what Lin Tian was going to do, but when Lin Tian received all the paintings in front of him, that Jue Dingtian went into a rage on the spot, "Boy, what do you mean?"

"I want you to answer me a question, otherwise these paintings will be scrapped." Lin Tian said with a smile, and Jue Dingtian said, "How dare you?"

The Sleeping Monster and Palace Master Su were stunned, and they didn't even expect Lin Tian to adopt such an unfriendly approach.

Lin Tian looked at this Jue Ding Tian with a smile, "Then I'll put it away first."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian put all these away, and now he was extremely unhappy, and stared at Sleeping Monster, "Sleeping Monster, I didn't make things difficult for him because of your face, but he is so shameless .”

"This." The sleeping monster didn't know what to say, and that Jue Dingtian snorted, then set his eyes on Lin Tian, ​​and the pen in his hand started to dance, and then Lin Tian's body was covered with "ink".

These "inks" bound him there, like a black cloth wrapped around him.

Lin Tian was very calm, and even stared at Jue Dingtian without taking it seriously, "Your attack is actually not very good."

"Not so good? Kid, do you take yourself too seriously?" This Jue Dingtian laughed at Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian smiled at Deciding Tian, ​​"I'll let you see it."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian ruined the "cloth" immediately, and Lin Tian grabbed it with one hand, but the other party's pen fell into Lin Tian's hand instead.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and that Jue Dingtian said angrily, "Boy, return my pen."

"What if I don't give it to you?" Lin Tian looked at Juedingtian with a smile, and said anxiously, "Are you sure you won't give it to me?"

"Just answer my question, and I'll give it to you."

"Don't even think about it." After Juedingtian finished speaking, he slapped Lin Tian with his palm, wanting to show Lin Tian some color, but Lin Tian moved away immediately, and the opponent missed on the spot.

Sleeping Monster was puzzled, "How did he do it?"

Palace Master Su sighed, "Facing such a strong man, he is fine, it's really strange."

Xue Wangyou muttered, "Master is master, always so powerful."

But Jue Dingtian was in a hurry and looked around, "Boy, what else are you doing besides dodging?"

"It seems that I have to show you some color." Lin Tian finished speaking, then smiled strangely, and hit Xu Mie, but that Jue Dingtian didn't take it seriously, and even resisted with his bare hands.

But when Xu Mie hit, the supreme genius knew how fierce Lin Tian's attack was, and even his own hand started to smoke.

The sleeping monster gasped, "This."

Palace Master Su couldn't believe it, but this Jue Dingtian looked solemn, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "I'm not here to find fault, but to ask questions, so you don't have to keep making things difficult for me like this."

Gritting his teeth, Juedingtian said, "What's the question?"

"You, why did you copy Shengyue Tianqin's handwriting?"

"I'm an expert at copying. I can copy it after reading it once. There's nothing unusual about it." This Juedingtian said depressedly, but Lin Tian asked suspiciously, "Then do you know Shengyue Tianqin himself?"

"Why are you asking this?" That Jue Dingtian stared at Lin Tian suspiciously, wondering why he asked this.

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