Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3206 If you lose, just lead the way obediently

Lin Tian said very simply, "I want to find her."

"Why?" Juedingtian wanted to ask clearly, otherwise he would not be reconciled, but Lin Tian stared at him and said, "You don't need to know."

Juedingtian continued to ask, "Are you her enemy or her friend?"

"Is this important?" Lin Tian asked, and this Jue Dingtian frowned, "Of course it is important."

"Oh? Could it be that you really know her?" Lin Tian couldn't help asking curiously, but Jueding Tian said coldly, "Yes, I know her, and I have a good relationship with her, but if you are finding fault, I won't tell You, where is she?"

Hearing this, Sleeping Monster was the first to be surprised, "I said old guy, do you really know where she is?"

"Of course, but it's a secret, and I won't say it casually." The Juedingtian said, but the old sleeper said anxiously, "You bastard, you're hiding something from me."

"You don't need to know her whereabouts, and you won't lose if you hide it from you." The Jue Dingtian explained, while the sleeping monster hesitated, "That's right, it really doesn't affect me where she is."

Lin Tian said, "I need her whereabouts, and I'm not here to harm her, nor to find fault with her."

These words made Juedingtian dubious, "How do I know what you said is true?"

Lin Tian had no choice but to say, "Then how do you tell me where she is?"

Juedingtian stared at Lin Tiandao, "I won't tell you casually."

"Speaking of it, you still refuse to say it?" Lin Tian was a little disappointed, and that Jueding Tian turned around and disappeared directly.

Lin Tian smiled wryly, "Aren't you afraid that all your things will be destroyed by me?"

At this time, the voice of the sky was in the dark, "If you destroy my things, I will not let you leave here."

"So, you really want to force me to do it." Lin Tian said helplessly, looking at the formations that were starting to work around.

"Then you should try." This Jue Dingtian said coldly, and then the formations around him accelerated, while the old sleeping monster became anxious, "It's over, he activated the formation here, and it will be difficult to get out. "

Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, but that Jue Dingtian scolded the old sleeping monster in the dark, "It's you who brought this guy here."

Sleeping monster was very wronged and didn't know what to say. As for Lin Tian, ​​he said to Jue Dingtian in the dark, "You think this can trap me?"

"With my formation, it's okay to trap this guy, let alone trap you." That Jue Dingtian said confidently, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "Then how about we make a bet?"

"What bet?"

"If I break this formation, you will take me to find that Shengyue Tianqin, but if I don't break it, I will return all your things to you, and I will never ask you about Shengyue Tianqin again. "

Juedingtian naturally agreed with Lin Tian's words, and said bluntly, "You said that."

"Yes, that's what I said." Lin Tian said with a smile, and this Jue Dingtian said, "Then I will give you an hour."

"Whatever." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he rushed into the formation, and the old sleeping monster sighed, "This kid, he just agreed casually without looking at what formation this is."

"Is there anything special about this formation?" Palace Master Su asked suspiciously, and that Xue Wangyou also wanted to know. As for the sleeping old monster, he explained, "This formation is indeed very different."

Palace Master Su was curious, "Why is it different?"

Sleeping Monster explained, "This formation is not only strong, but also composed of multiple formations, so to break this formation, you have to break other formations, so it is difficult to solve."

Palace Master Su was suspicious, "So, it's impossible for him to break?"

Sleeping Monster nodded and said, "Yes, it's almost impossible."

Xue Wangyou believed in Lin Tian, ​​"My master will be fine."

But the sleeping monster still felt that Lin Tian didn't believe it, until after a while, when the formation began to be fragmented, that Lin Tian was already standing in the sky, confronting that Jue Dingtian.

Juedingtian stared at Lin Tian in astonishment, "Why?"

"what why?"

"Why can you break it?" Jueding Tian was puzzled at this moment, why Lin Tian could break it, and Lin Tian explained, "Your formations are nothing in my eyes."

Juedingtian didn't quite believe it, but Lin Tian looked at him, "You lost, shouldn't you fulfill your promise?"

Juedingtian was depressed, and stared at Lin Tian and said, "I can only take you there alone, others, no."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "Yes."

Jue Dingtian finally fell down, but when he passed the sleeping old monster, he blamed him, "It's all your fault today."

Sleeping monster looked depressed, "How can you blame me?"

"Huh." Juedingtian snorted, took Lin Tian and left, and Lin Tian asked Palace Master Su and Xue Wangyou to wait in the teahouse before, as for Lin Tian, ​​he followed the other party and left the city.

The Sleeping Monster was the most wronged, so he could only return to his Sleeping God Palace.

On the road outside the city, that Jue Ding Tian walked and said, "Boy, I'm not trying to scare you."

"What are you scaring me about?"

"The place I'm taking you to is Shenyou's famous Lost Ghost Forest. After entering, you may lose yourself."

"Lost Ghost Forest?"

"Yes, that Shengyue Tianqin is in this forest. Whether you can find her or not depends on your luck." The Juedingtian explained, but Lin Tian stared at him when he heard this, "You won't cheat Me?"

"What are you doing?" Juedingtian scorned, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "Because you are not reconciled."

"I'm not reconciled, but I'm willing to admit defeat. I'll do everything I need to say and do. As for whether you can find her, it's up to you. After all, I only know she's there. I don't know anything else. .” This Jue Ding Tian said very aggrieved.

When Lin Tian heard this, he looked at Jueding Tian with a smile, "Then you follow me."

"At that time, I only said, to tell you where she is, but I didn't say that I would take you to find her." The Jue Dingtian immediately said depressed, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "If you don't go, how will I know if what you said is true or not? ?”

But Juedingtian looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Then you might as well kill me, anyway, in that kind of place, I'm not stupid enough to go there."

"Near death? So, you haven't been there."


"Then how do you know she's inside?" Lin Tian couldn't help asking, and Jueding Tian said as if recalling something, "I once met her outside this forest, but I couldn't see her face clearly, but she said she It's Shengyue Tianqin, and she left behind a painting, and that painting is indeed her original work."

Lin Tian looked depressed, "So, you don't know if she is Shengyue Tianqin."

"It should be, otherwise, what is that person pretending to be Shengyue Tianqin doing?" This Jue Dingtian said depressedly.

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