Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3245 Void Soul Art is terrible

Hearing this, Lin Tian put away the Shenyou unicorn, then stared at the Ghost Xingfan and said with a smile, "Maybe, before, I might not be able to deal with you and this strange thing behind you, but now I have."

"Boy, don't brag, the thing behind me is a very powerful thing."

Lin Tianxie smiled, and directly used the Void Soul Art, that Ghost Xingfan and that shadow immediately became sluggish, not knowing what to do.

Gui Chaowang and Gui Qingming watched in amazement, as for Gui Xingfan who struggled for a while, but still couldn't break free from the strange restraint, he said anxiously, "Little guy, what did you do to me?"

"It's nothing, just let you try it, the taste of being slowed down and frozen."

Gui Xingfan got angry when he heard this, but he couldn't escape at all, so he could only stare at Lin Tian, ​​"Do you think you can trap me like this?"

Lin Tian laughed and said, "Do you think there is still a way for you to escape?"

"Hmph, I'll let you know how powerful the thing I cultivated is." After the ghost Xingfan finished speaking, he ordered the thing, "Go and deal with him."

That thing started to go crazy, and slowly rushed to Lin Tian, ​​and hit it with a palm, trying to give Lin Tian a thunderous blow, and Lin Tian Xu Hunjue directly weakened the opponent's strength.

So when that palm landed on Lin Tian, ​​it was as if there was nothing, and Lin Tian still didn't move, "What is this, so weak?"

Gui Xingfan was dumbfounded, still staring at the thing and shouting, "What are you doing?"

That thing was roaring, very unwilling, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "Let you try my strength."

I saw that Lin Tian shot out a void, which directly injured the thing, and then the thing roared, and then returned to the ghost Xingfan, and the ghost Xingfan panicked, still staring at Lin Tian, ​​"little Guy, I have no grievances with you, don't hurt me."

"There is no injustice, but I want to know the whereabouts of that man named Shang." Lin Tian said, but this Ghost Xingfan shook his head and said, "I can't say that."

"Can't say? Then you would rather choose to die?" Lin Tian asked, and the ghost Xingfan said anxiously, "I didn't mean that, but."

"But what?" Lin Tian asked, and that ghost Xingfan hurriedly said, "If I say it, I will die even worse."

With a half-smile, Lin Tian went straight over and entered the soul mark, but that ghost Xingfan screamed, and then his fascination dissipated.

Lin Tian frowned, "This guy actually has other powers in his body."

Gui Chaowang hurried forward, frowning, "He, is he dead?"

"Not dead, just gone."

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded in the dark, "Emperor Lin, do you want to find me?"

That voice was the one called Shang, that is, the stone statue behind the national teacher, and Lin Tian said coldly after hearing this voice, "Why don't you come out?"

"I don't think there is any need for me to come out." This Shang said with a smile, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "So timid?"

"It's not that I'm timid, but I think we haven't reached the point where we can meet."

"You let someone pretend to be me, and you said there is no need to meet, what do you mean?"

"I let people pretend to be you, naturally there is my purpose." That Shang smiled, while Lin Tian asked suspiciously, "Then you, really won't come out?"

"I won't come out, but I can answer a few questions for you as compensation."

"Compensation?" Lin Tian sneered, and Shang smiled, "That's right, it's compensation for pretending to be you."

Lin Tian said coldly, "Is compensation useful?"

"It seems that you don't want my answer, forget it." After the other party finished speaking, he disappeared, but Lin Tian said there, "Look at it, I will find you."

But the other party was no longer there, and the ghost king was curious, "Who is that person?"

"Now I just know that his name is Shang, and then let the national teacher pretend to be me." Lin Tian said, and Gui Chaowang said in surprise, "What, let the national teacher pretend to be you?"


"Why don't I know?" Gui Chaowang was a little surprised, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "It's normal that you don't know, after all, the other party hides it very well."

Ghost Chaowang said depressedly, "I didn't expect that in my court, there would be scum colluding with others."

"Don't be angry, that national teacher has already surrendered to me." Lin Tian said with a smile, but Gui Chaowang said in surprise, "Really?"


But this ghost Qingming was curious, "Emperor Lin, can this Shang catch him?"

"He behaved strangely and it was difficult to find him."

"So, we don't know where he went at all? And we can't find out the whereabouts of that ghost Xingfan?" Gui Qingming was puzzled, but Lin Tian said, "I left traces of this ghost Xingfan. Look slowly."

Gui Qingming said happily, "That's good."

The Ghost King said with a serious expression, "I didn't expect him to come back again."

"You mean your brother?" Lin Tian asked curiously, and Gui Chaowang nodded and said, "Yes, it's him."

"You guys, what happened?"

King Guichao sighed, "Our ghost and god clan is controlled by several royal tribes, and each tribe was in charge of the ghost and god realm for a period of time, but later, the previous royal family was too domineering and didn't want to hand it over to us, plus Ghost Xingfan, he I don’t know where I learned the weird ability to condense a powerful soul by hunting other geniuses, so those tribes wanted to destroy us, so I had no choice but to lead our tribe to resist.”

"In the end, your tribe took down the other tribes?"

"Well, then Gui Chao was created, and he took control of the Ghost Temple of Reincarnation, and Gui Xingfan has disappeared since then and has never appeared again, but the fact that he used other geniuses to refine powerful spirits is naturally something we all know He resisted, and I also severed ties with him."

Lin Tian understood and said, "Has he appeared before? Or is it the first time this time?"

"It's the first time."

Lin Tian was curious, "He didn't show up for so many years, but he chose this time, and he can also control those ghosts and gods."

Ghost Chaowang hummed, "This is what I'm most worried about."

Lin Tian looked at the ghosts and gods, "What are you going to do with these?"

Gui Chao Wang sighed, "Keeping these things is a danger. I plan to completely seal these ghosts and gods so that no one can control them."

Lin Tian nodded and said, "Your proposal is not bad, but there are so many, are you sure you want it?"


After the ghost king finished speaking, he walked up to the ghost gods, and said to the ghost gods, "I'm sorry, everyone."

I saw that the ghost king started to attack, and attacked the ghosts and gods one by one, and after these ghosts and gods were taken down one by one, they completely fell into a coma and fell into a "sleep".

Gui Qingming breathed a sigh of relief, "These ghosts and gods are done, but this formation."

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