Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 3246 What does he want to do

After hearing Gui Qingming's words, Gui Chaowang looked at Lin Tian and said solemnly, "Brother Lin, you have a way."

"This is simple." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he asked the two to follow. After a while, the three of them walked out of the formation.

Gui Chaowang heaved a sigh of relief, "Finally calm."

"It's not calm yet." Lin Tian replied, but Gui Chaowang was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"That Shang can actually control your brother, so he must have controlled a lot of people." Lin Tian said, and Gui Chaowang frowned, "This guy is indeed a bit troublesome."

Gui Qingming wondered, "What is the origin of this Shang, why did he attack us ghosts and gods, and even let people pretend to be Emperor Lin."

King Guichao also wanted to know, so he looked at Lin Tian, ​​"I don't know Brother Lin, what do you think?"

"I'm going to find that Ghost Xingfan now, are you going?"

Gui Qingming immediately said, "I'm going."

Ghost Chao Wang said, "I still have to go back to Ghost Chao to preside over it, so as not to have any problems."

Lin Tian took the ghost Qingming with him and left, while the king of ghosts returned to the city of ghosts and gods.

On the way, Gui Qingming asked curiously, "Emperor Lin, where do you think they will be hiding?"

"Go and have a look to find out." Lin Tian couldn't be sure at the moment, so he could only go and have a look first, but this ghost Qingming nodded and followed Lin Tian silently until a few days later, when they reappeared, they had already arrived. To a valley full of flames.

"This is the ghost fire valley in the ghost and god world." The ghost Qingming was startled, and Lin Tian asked curiously, "Is there anything special about this place?"

Gui Qingming explained, "The flames here are the strongest in the world of ghosts and gods, and ordinary people will not come here, because even if the spirit of the ghost emperor is here, it will be very uncomfortable."

"But they are not ghost emperors, but ghost gods, even stronger." Lin Tian said, and Gui Qingming nodded, "That's true."

"Let's go." Lin Tian said, and the ghost Qingming asked curiously, "Where are you going?"

"Here, below." Lin Tian replied, as for Gui Qingming, he showed a puzzled look, "I'm the ghost emperor, I'm afraid of me."

"Don't worry, I'm here." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he leaped in, and the ghost Qingming took a deep breath, and also flew in, and Lin Tian directly released a ball of flames to protect the ghost Qingming.

Lin Tian's flame can absorb all the surrounding flames, so that Gui Qingming will not be burned by these flames.

This made Gui Qingming overjoyed, "It's really all over."

Lin Tian smiled, and then didn't say much, but looked around, "Except for the flame, it seems that I haven't found anything for the time being?"

"So, that Gui Xingfan is hiding?" Gui Qingming was suspicious, but Lin Tian said, "He should be hiding nearby."

Gui Qingming looked around suspiciously, "But here, there is nothing but flames, flames."

Lin Tian used the space peeping technique, and soon saw that there was still a layer of space around him and said with a smile, "There is still a layer of space."

"Another floor?" The ghost Qingming was surprised, and Lin Tian shot out a ball of flames with one finger, and hit a place, and a crack appeared there immediately.

"Look." Lin Tian pointed to the crack and said, while Gui Qingming said excitedly, "It really does exist."

"Let's go." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he immediately got into the crack, and that ghost Qingming also quickly got into the crack.

After a while, the two of them got into the crack and came to another space, but this space was "cold", especially when the ghost Qingming entered, he felt his soul tremble.

Lin Tian didn't feel much, but the ghost Qingming said tremblingly, "Emperor Lin, why is it so cold here."

"I have to ask them." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he walked in front of an ice sculpture, and that ghost Xingfan had already become an ice sculpture at this moment, and was motionless there.

Ghost Qingming said in shock, "This."

Lin Tian looked around, and after making sure that there was no one else, a ball of flame hit Gui Xingfan. After the ice on Gui Xingfan's body completely melted, his spirit gradually recovered.

When Gui Xingfan saw Lin Tianshu, his eyes were surprised and he said, "You, why are you here."

Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "Of course I came to look for you."

Gui Xingfan immediately became alert, "I don't know anything, don't, don't hurt me."

At this time, the Shenyou unicorn released a hood, trapping Gui Xingfan, and Gui Xingfan was in a hurry, but Lin Tian stared at him and said, "Where is the thing you cultivated?"

"T-was taken away by Shang." Gui Xingfan said depressedly, but Lin Tian was curious, "What about him?"

"After he took my things, he sealed me up. As for the rest, I really don't know." Gui Xingfan said in fear, while Gui Qingming wondered, "What the hell is that Shang trying to do?"

Gui Xingfan stammered, "What are you doing?"

"Yes, why did he want you to control those ghosts and gods to attack our ghosts and gods city." That ghost Qingming asked, and that ghost Xingfan timidly said, "This."

"What is this? Tell me quickly." The ghost Qingming said solemnly, and Gui Xingfan explained, "Shang said that more high-quality spirits are needed to cultivate my thing, so he asked me to control those ghost gods, and then go Attack Ghost City."

"More things to cultivate your things?" Gui Qingming was startled, and Gui Xingfan hummed.

Lin Tian stared at Gui Xingfan and said, "Come here, let me see your memory."

"You, you want to see my memory?" Gui Xingfan became more nervous, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "I don't believe what you said."

Gui Xingfan panicked, "I've said everything I need to say."

"Come here." Lin Tian didn't want to trust someone because of that, and that Ghost Xingfan gritted his teeth, "I'll go over, and you'll let me go."

"It depends."

Hearing this, Gui Xingfan was depressed, but he had no choice but to go to Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian put one hand on Gui Xingfan's forehead, and then entered the soul seal.

The next moment, Lin Tian saw Gui Xingfan's memories one by one, but he just couldn't see Shang's face clearly, but Lin Tian knew that Shang wanted to borrow the souls of many geniuses from the ghost and god world to cultivate that thing.

Not only that, but this thing also has a name, and Lin Tian asked suspiciously after seeing it, "Ancient Soul Devourer?"

"Yes, the ancient soul-devouring beast, once cultivated, it can be very powerful and can swallow any soul." The ghost Xingfan trembled, and the ghost Qingming looked ugly when he heard this, "The ancient soul-devouring beast, in hundreds of millions It appeared years ago, but at that time, wasn’t it already wiped out? How did you get it?”

"One day, this Shang found me. He gave me this thing and asked me to cultivate it for him. He also said that he could help me destroy other tribes, so I agreed." Gui Xingfan said nervously.

Gui Qingming looked ugly, "Once this thing is cultivated, our entire ghost world will be ruined."

Gui Xingfan lowered his head and said, "I used to think that I could easily control it, but I didn't expect it to become someone else's wedding dress."

But Lin Tian said solemnly, "That Shang, when did you find me?"

"About five or six thousand years ago."

Lin Tian was suspicious, "Who is this guy?"

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