Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 815 Ancient Blood Palace

This person has disheveled hair, and is covered in tattered clothes, with two black balls wrapped around his legs. When he walks, sparks will be rubbed off on the ground.

"Isn't this lunatic the same as the lunatic from the Tiangu Alliance?"

"Yes, that's him, a geek of the sixth rank of Sanxian, known as Iron Maniac."

Some people who didn't know this lunatic asked curiously, "Then what are these two balls for?"

"It is said to be a terrible artifact."

While everyone was talking about this lunatic, Zhou Zhongtian frowned, "Why is it him?"

"Do you know?" Lin Tian asked that Zhou Zhongtian, and that Zhou Zhongtian said in an engraved voice, "I once fought for an immortal weapon, and he was only at the fifth level of Sanxian at that time, but now at the sixth level of Sanxian, I am afraid it is much more terrifying than before. "

Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, but Yan Shishi was a little frightened, especially when the other party's powerful momentum approached step by step, it was like a wild beast approaching.

Just when Lin Tian wanted to ask who he was, a young man walked up from the crowd. He was dressed in green clothes, his face was slightly pale, and his lips were a little chapped, but he laughed and said, "Old iron, wait a minute."

At this moment, the lunatic stopped and stood there, as if waiting for the young man to give an order, and everyone wondered who the young man was.

The young man walked up step by step, like a weak and sick scholar, and stopped only five steps away from Lin Tian and the three of them, then smiled at Lin Tian, ​​"You are the one who took over the old nest of the Tiangu Alliance."

"What do you think?" Lin Tian asked back, and the young man smiled after seeing Lin Tian being so crazy, "Let me introduce myself."

Everyone was curious about who he was and why he was able to order this lunatic until he took out a blood-red token with the word Tian Gu engraved on it.

Everyone said in unison, "Tiangu blood killing order!"

Yan Shishi was startled, "It turned out to be the one who killed the palace with blood."

"Blood Killing Hall?" Lin Tian looked at Yan Shishi curiously, and Yan Shishi explained, "It is rumored that there is a kind of terrible killer in the Tiangu Alliance, and these people can kill each other 100% as long as they make a move, and this The humanoids come from the Hall of Blood Slaughter, and this token is their status symbol."

After she finished speaking, Yan Shishi showed a look of surprise, and the onlookers kept talking.

But the young man said with a smile, "I, Tian Guxue Slay Palace Baili Shuxie, everyone likes to be called Xie Shusheng. As for you, you can call me whatever you want."

Lin Tian smiled but said nothing. The evil scholar laughed when he saw that Lin Tian was not afraid of him, "What? Are you not afraid of me?"

"Why am I afraid of you?" Lin Tian asked with a smile. Everyone didn't expect Lin Tian to speak so madly, but Xie Shusheng said with a smile, "I've seen a lot of people like you."

"My kind?"

"That's right, I thought I was invincible after killing a few weak disciples of our Tiangu Alliance. In fact, I haven't even seen a real master of our Tiangu Alliance." The evil scholar said unceremoniously.

"Oh? Then do you count?" Lin Tian looked at the evil scholar with a smile, and the evil scholar said proudly, "Of course."

Lin Tian shook his head and smiled, "In my eyes, you are just a small reptile of the Tiangu Alliance."

Xie Shusheng was stunned for a moment and then laughed, while that Yan Shishi got goosebumps when she heard the laughter.

Zhou Zhongtian reminded Lin Tian, ​​"He is not simple, so he must not be careless."

"It's okay." Lin Tian still didn't take it seriously, but the evil scholar stopped laughing and said instead, "If it weren't for the Tiangu Alliance's regulations to capture you alive, I would have killed you in one fell swoop."

"After talking for a long time, aren't you tired?" Lin Tian stared at the evil scholar with a strange smile, and the evil scholar laughed when he saw that Lin Tian wanted to die so much, "Okay, you continue to be crazy, wait and see what my old iron man will do kill you."

After finishing speaking, the evil scholar said to the lunatic, "Old Tie, abolish his cultivation."

The lunatic didn't speak, but he continued to walk, and the golden light began to shine on his body, until the next moment, suddenly, like a gust of wind, he rushed over, reached Lin Tian at once, and punched him.

This speed was so fast that even Zhou Zhongtian couldn't stop it, and when that Yan Shishi realized it, it was too late to stop her, so she could only watch helplessly as the lunatic punched.

The evil scholar laughed evilly, "I'm crazy to see you."

But at this moment, Lin Tian's body split into countless phantoms. The lunatic hit a phantom, just like hitting a shadow, and the phantom disappeared immediately.

The other phantoms laughed and said in unison, "You move faster, or I split faster."

The lunatic made a beast sound, as if he was about to tear Lin Tian apart, but the people around him were startled.

"How did this guy do it?"

"It's Mozhong's magic shadow technique!" After someone recognized it at a glance, they all became startled, and the evil scholar was unwilling to reconcile, and said to the lunatic, "Hurry up and abolish him."

The lunatic continued to work, but the result was the same. In the end, the lunatic was still mad, and the evil scholar said impatiently, "Untie the sphere."

Everyone was curious about what it means to untie the spheres, but the lunatic took the two balls down, and then the lunatic moved at the same speed as a series of shadows.

All of a sudden, this lunatic smashed hundreds of ghosts, but Lin Tian stood there and said with a smile, "The speed is quite fast, but it is still slower than my split."

The lunatic roared, and then speeded up again. This time, he smashed more than six hundred pieces at once, but Lin Tian could make a thousand in an instant. In this way, it was impossible to take Lin Tian down.

Not only that, but the people around were stunned, especially those who looked down on Lin Tian, ​​feeling as if their cognition had been broken.

The evil scholar was a little upset, and said to the lunatic, "Use the ball!"

This time the lunatic stopped, took out two balls, and then the two balls were thrown out and split into countless small balls.

These small balls attacked the phantoms instantly, and when everyone thought that Lin Tian would be hit this time, the balls suddenly stopped in front of all the phantoms, then gathered together, and finally floated in midair.

Everyone wondered what happened, but the evil scholar asked anxiously, "Old Tie, what's wrong?"

This one sounded like a mute, only opening his mouth and showing his teeth, staring at Lin Tian frantically, while the evil book said angrily, "Get out of the way, I'll do it."

The lunatic retreated to the side, but his eyes were fixed on those phantoms, looking very unwilling.

Xie Shusheng looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, if you can force me to make a move, you are considered amazing."

"You can't do anything to me."

"Hmph, not only do I want to take you down, I also want to abolish you, and kill all of you Tianshuimen!" the evil scholar said angrily.

Lin Tian suddenly said coldly, "I hate others bullying Tianshuimen the most, so you'd better take back what you just said."

"Take it back? Haha! Kid, it's hard to protect yourself! You still want me to take it back? Naive!" The evil scholar not only laughed but also satirized.

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