Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 816 Black Chrysanthemum Logo

The scattered immortals watching were curious about Lin Tian's ability to resist this evil scholar, but Lin Tian smiled at the evil scholar, "Do you think you are better than this madman?"

"Boy, it seems that you really don't know how terrifying the people in our Heavenly Ancient Blood Killing Palace are." After the evil scholar finished speaking, his eyes widened, and countless sword rains fell from the sky.

These sword rains are all fire-type sword rains, and they have their own burning. Coupled with the opponent's sixth-level Sanxian, the huge sword rain is not only fast, but also has a wide range and great power.

Those phantoms were all wiped out at once.

Everyone exclaimed, and some people even sighed, "The people who killed the palace in the ancient blood today are really terrifying."

"Of course, those who can enter the blood killing hall are all geniuses among geniuses, and they are not comparable to us ordinary people."

After hearing these people's words, the evil scholar sighed, "I wanted to save your life, but in the end there is nothing left."

Yan Shishi frowned, then looked around, because she didn't think Lin Tian would die so easily.

Not only Yan Shishi, but also Zhou Zhongtian looked around strangely, while the evil scholar smiled at the two of them, "You two, don't look for him, he has already disappeared."

Yan Shishi didn't believe it, "The sky is falling, he can't even die."

Zhou Zhongtian also nodded and said, "Yes, he is not as fragile as you imagined."

The evil scholar sighed, "Why do people nowadays not believe what they see?"

"Who are you talking about?" Suddenly a voice appeared in the space, and it was that Lin Tian.

Everyone present was startled, and some wondered, "How did he get up there?"

"More than that, there was no breath just now, how did this happen?"

Yan Shishi was overjoyed, "I knew you were fine."

That Zhou Zhongtian also laughed, and the evil scholar frowned, but the lunatic roared angrily, wishing to tear Lin Tian off.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "It's my turn."

"You? Still want to attack me?" The evil scholar sneered, and Lin Tian laughed strangely, and then cast the soul-borrowing technique.

The soul power of this evil scholar was borrowed by Lin Tian, ​​and then countless black vortices appeared around Lin Tian.

Everyone was curious about what kind of vortex Lin Tian was, but the evil scholar didn't take it seriously, and condensed a fiery red hood, and provocatively said, "Boy, even if I attack you, you can't hurt me."

"Oh? Are you sure?"

"Yes!" The evil scholar wanted Lin Tian to know how scary he was, so he said madly, and Lin Tian smiled, "Then it will make you happy."

In an instant, countless black vortices hit the past one by one, and then passed through the fiery red aura mask, directly passing through the opponent's soul.

The evil scholar's smiling face suddenly froze, and he didn't vomit blood until after a while.

Everyone wondered what was going on, and the lunatic also looked at the evil scholar in doubt.

Yan Shishi said excitedly, "Amazing."

Zhou Zhongtian also had to sigh, "Sixth-level Sanxian was seriously injured like this?"

But Lin Tian said, "Careless, this is the consequence."

Xie Shu Shengsi refused to admit it, "I just don't feel well today."

"Uncomfortable?" Lin Tian smiled strangely, and then condensed the black vortex again, and the evil scholar immediately said to the lunatic, "Old iron."

The lunatic immediately stood in front of the evil scholar, and those black vortices hit the lunatic one by one.

The lunatic spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then knelt down powerlessly. As for the evil scholar, he cursed, "Boy, wait, I'll deal with you later."

Then the evil scholar jumped into the sea at once, and then disappeared in front of everyone with a plop.

Only the lunatic knelt there, motionless, as if he was too badly injured to move.

Lin Tian fell down and walked towards the lunatic, but Yan Shishi stepped forward to stop her, "Be careful."

"It's okay, he's just being controlled."

"Being controlled by someone?" Yan Shishi hesitated, and the onlookers looked at each other in blank dismay. As for Zhou Zhongtian, he asked suspiciously, "Brother Lin, you said he was controlled by someone?"

"Well, I woke him up just now." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he came to the lunatic and put one hand on the lunatic's head.

The next moment, everyone saw a blood-red needle flying out of the lunatic's head.

At the same time, there was a golden light symbol on the needle, and everyone was shocked when they saw this.

Zhou Zhongtian said in a daze, "It's the blood soul needle."

Yan Shishi asked suspiciously, "What is this thing?"

Zhou Zhongtian explained, "Once the blood soul needle penetrates the human body, the soul and flesh and blood will be controlled, making it impossible for oneself to control oneself."

Yan Shishi gasped, "Isn't this Tiangu Alliance too cruel? They treat people like this."

At this time, the lunatic gradually came to his senses, and then stared at Lin Tian for a while with his eyes scattered under the batch hair, and said, "Thank you."

Then the lunatic passed out, and Yan Shishi was stunned, "What should I do now?"

Lin Tian stared at the back of the lunatic's neck and found a black chrysanthemum there.

Lin Tian squatted down, brushed his hair away, and soon the black chrysanthemum was exposed, and everyone wondered what kind of sign it was.

Yan Shishi thought that Zhou Zhongtian knew everything, so she looked at Zhou Zhongtian and asked, "What's going on?"

"you ask me?"

"Yes, don't you understand?"

"I really don't understand." Zhou Zhongtian looked embarrassed, and Yan Shishi could only look at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian put one hand on the black chrysanthemum, and found that his consciousness seemed to enter a dark space, and he couldn't explore anything.

Not only that, but the consciousness will be swallowed inside, which scared Lin Tian quickly withdrew his hand and said, "It seems that his identity is not simple."

Yan Shishi was suspicious, "Then what should I do?"

"I'll heal him first." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he lifted the lunatic aside, while the onlookers stared curiously.

"Please create a isolation zone, don't let them see this." Lin Tian said to Zhou Zhongtian, and Zhou Zhongtian said kindly, and then found a magic weapon from his body.

This is a clock-like thing. When Zhou Zhongtian threw it out, it immediately grew bigger, and then covered Lin Tian and others inside.

In an instant, there was darkness and tranquility inside, and Yan Shishi hurriedly produced a bunch of green light, and illuminated the surroundings, "What kind of magic weapon are you, it's scary enough."

"This is called a shielding bell, and it's also a remnant immortal weapon."

"Is it great?"

"It's amazing. It can shield the consciousness and sound, and it can also resist the attacks of people below the eighth rank of Sanxian!" That Zhou Zhongtian said proudly.

Yan Shishi took a breath, "It's amazing."

Lin Tian has already started to treat this lunatic, while that Yan Shishi is suspicious, "Who the hell is he?"

Zhou Zhongtian didn't understand either, so he could only wait there slowly for Lin Tian to wake him up.

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