An hour later, Lin Tian let go, and the lunatic was dazed and awake, and looked at the three of them, and finally stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Thank you for saving your life."

"Who are you, and why are you controlled by the Tiangu Alliance?" Lin Tian just wanted to know how the black chrysanthemum got here.

The other party said sadly as if recalling something, "My name is Tie Gu, and I am originally from the Northern Snow Sect in the Northern Wilderness Snow Ridge."

"Northern Wilderness Snow Ridge?" Lin Tian thought of the northern wilderness area of ​​the mainland, that Tie Gu Ensheng said, "Yes, I come from there, and then when I came to the East China Sea, I had a conflict with the people of the Tiangu Alliance, and then I was arrested by them Let's go, and finally they controlled it."

Lin Tian understood the whole process, and Tie Gu got up, bowed again, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Tie Gu said as if there was something urgent, "I have to leave first, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany everyone."

"Oh? That's fine." Lin Tian asked Zhou Zhongtian to open the clock, and after Zhou Zhongtian put away the clock, Tie Gu looked at Lin Tian for a while and said, "Goodbye."

Then Tie Gu took a leap and disappeared on the island, and that Yan Shishi muttered, "Just left?"

"Then what else do you want?" Lin Tian asked back, this Yan Shishi really didn't know what to do, so she could only say, "Can this five-star fairy formation be broken?"

"Let's go." Lin Tian asked Zhou Zhongtian to lead the way, and when the three of them passed by, many people from the island were attracted nearby.

These people have seen Lin Tian's horror with their own eyes just now, so these people dare not approach and can only discuss from a distance.

Until Lin Tian saw the five-star fairy formation, there were still many people attacking the formation, but he had no choice but to step aside and let others continue.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhongtian said, "Let's do it."

Those people looked at each other in blank dismay, and then silently stepped aside, but everyone had dissatisfaction written on their faces, and some even muttered, "Obviously we came first."

Zhou Zhongtian frowned, "If you can break it, we will definitely not grab it, but you can't."

This remark attracted many counterattacks, and some people even said, "It seems that you can only break it."

"With him, we can break." Zhou Zhongtian believed in Lin Tian, ​​and everyone booed.

Zhou Zhongtian didn't bother to pay attention to these people, but looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Brother Lin, what are you going to do?"

Lin Tian looked at the five-star fairy formation around the entrance of the cave and said with a smile, "This kind of incomplete fairy formation is still easy to break."

But everyone thought Lin Tian was joking, and some people even shouted, "Boy, don't just talk, just do it if you have the ability."

"That's right, kid, don't just rely on your mouth to feel that you are great."

Lin Tian smiled and said nothing, but the next moment, everyone was stunned.

Because Lin Tian held a jade pendant and put it on the formation, the formation trembled a few times in an instant, and then it was fragmented, and a complete hole appeared.

"This." Everyone at the scene was startled, and some people even muttered, "It's been hundreds of years, and someone finally broke it."

At this time, someone wanted to go in first, but Zhou Zhongtian stood at the entrance of the cave, staring at everyone, "We opened it, so the inside is ours now."

These words immediately attracted complaints from countless people, especially some people who have been waiting here for many years, hoping that one day it will be broken.

But now, Zhou Zhongtian's words made everyone shout, "It's not fair!"

"This fairy mansion belongs to everyone."

"That's right, Xianfu, everyone has a share!"

Yan Shishi didn't expect these people to be so brazen and said, "We broke it, why do you have a share!"

"Who let us see it." Someone said cheekily, and someone shouted, "We have a lot of people, so it's best not to mess with us, or if we attack together, you may not be our opponents."

Zhou Zhongtian didn't expect these people to be so shameless, and that Yan Shishi became even more angry.

At this time, an old man's voice came from the crowd, "I'll be the referee!"

Everyone turned around one after another, seeing an old man in a golden robe with a golden beard, they respectfully said, "Mr. Yi!"

Zhou Zhongtian frowned, "It's that rascal again."

"A rascal?" Yan Shishi wondered why Zhou Zhongtian said this old man, and Zhou Zhongtian said, "This guy is a very powerful person, and he always likes to be a good guy."

"Good old man?"

"That is, if other people have any disputes, he will stand up, help to resolve the siege, and then reap some benefits for himself, and some people just like him, so they call him a good guy." Zhou Zhongtian obviously suffered from him and was very depressed.

Sure enough, the people at the scene were optimistic about this old man, and the old man smiled at Lin Tian and the three of them, "My name is Yi Shan, and I belong to the Sanxian of this sea area, and I don't have any strength behind it, so my words are the fairest and most just. .”

Zhou Zhongtian snorted, "You bad old man, how many treasures have you cheated on me?"

"Crap? It's because your skills are inferior to others, how can you blame me?" Yi Shan said with an aggrieved face.

The weather in the middle of the week had to do it, but that Yi Shan said with a smile, "Little devil, you know I'm good, so don't try to do it."

When Zhou Zhongtian thought of Yi Shan's weird ability, he had no choice but to put down his temper and look at Lin Tian, ​​"Be careful, don't fall into his ways."

Lin Tian looked at the old man and asked, "Want to go in?"

"Everyone has seen it, so naturally they have a share, and many people have been waiting for many years, so everyone should be allowed to compete."

"Competition?" Lin Tian smiled strangely, and that Yi Shan said kindly, "Yes."

"What if I don't let everyone compete?" Lin Tian smiled, but this Yi Shan shook his head and said with a smile, "As long as I see it, I will definitely let everyone compete."

Lin Tian suddenly laughed evilly, "I have a temper."

"Oh? What kind of temper?" Yi Shan asked with a smile, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "If others want to get what I cracked, they have to pay a price."

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately refused to accept it, and some people encouraged them, "Boy, with Mr. Yi around, you're going to be crazy."

"That's right, Elder Yi values ​​fairness the most."

That Yi Shan looked at Lin Tian with a smile, "Young man, you have seen that everyone supports my decision."

"It's your business that they support you, not mine." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he looked at Yan Shishi and Zhou Zhongtian, "Let's go in and ignore them."

Zhou Zhongtian said grace, and Yan Shishi also nodded, but at this moment, Yi Lao swung a wall to block the hole.

That mid-week weather said, "It's this trick again."

Yan Shishi frowned, and tried to attack the wall, but the wall was very hard and could not be shaken at all.

That Yi Shan laughed, "Three, sit down and have a good chat, don't rush to leave."

Lin Tian suddenly turned around and stared at Yi Shan coldly, "You have to pay for your actions!"

"Tsk tsk, young man, why are you so fierce?" That Yi Shan laughed playfully.

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