Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 840 The skills shown are really scary

The old fisherman silently followed behind Lin Tian and the others, but muttered in his mouth, "You guys, follow her, otherwise she will play tricks, and you will be worse than her."

After hearing this, Yan Shishi couldn't help asking, "Senior, you are both from Haiyou Island, why is she so violent while you are so docile."

"This, it has something to do with my personality." The old fishing man said, while the old woman in front complained, "You old fish man, you can just say that I have a bad personality. Why are you beating me around?"

"I didn't." The old fishing man said firmly, but the old lady didn't bother to argue with him, but walked into a pile of grass and suddenly laughed strangely.

Seeing that the old lady didn't speak, the fishing old man knew there was a problem, so he reminded everyone, "Be careful, there may be danger here."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and at this moment, there was a strange aura in the haystack.

"What's the smell? It smells so good." That Yan Shishi couldn't help but take a few more sips, but the old fisherman was shocked, "Don't take it."

But it was too late, except for Lin Tian, ​​those people were all powerless and fell to the ground, panting.

The old fisherman was shocked, "This is soft qi powder. Once you smell it, you will feel weak all over your body, unless you have a cultivation base above the eighth level of Sanxian."

Everyone was shocked, but the old lady stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Why are you okay?"

Only then did the old fishing man realize that Lin Tian was standing there motionless, but Lin Tian looked at the old lady with a smile, "Do you think a little poisonous gas can hurt me?"

"This is not simple poisonous gas, they are soft qi powder, one of the top ten poisonous weeds!" The old lady explained.

But Lin Tian looked at her with a smile, "I said that I am a doctor and I am not afraid of this poison, do you believe it?"

"Impossible, there is no doctor in the world who can resist this poison at the eighth level of Sanxian." The old lady didn't believe it.

Lin Tian didn't speak, but came to Zhou Zhongtian and others, directly took out a needle, and injected them into some places in those people's bodies one by one.

All those poisonous gases were drawn out by Lin Tian and absorbed by the Samsara Primordial Spirit.

Seeing that Lin Tian could not only attract the poisonous gas, but even absorb it, the old lady and the fishing old man were stunned.

Yan Shishi and the others quickly released a protective cover to prevent themselves from encountering the poisonous gas again.

Lin Tian stared at the stunned old lady, "Lead the way."

The old lady looked at Lin Tian strangely, "Are you really a doctor?"

"Is there a problem?" Lin Tian asked back, but the old lady didn't believe it, and planned to test Lin Tian again, so she took Lin Tian to many places full of poisonous weeds or poisonous forests.

But none of these poisons can affect Lin Tian.

This frightened the old lady, and the old fishing man couldn't believe it.

But Hei Xueyu laughed and said, "Our ancestor is a very powerful doctor, so you should stop testing him."

The old lady was not convinced, but she had no choice but to fight herself, snorted, and led them through a valley.

But somewhere in the valley, she suddenly jumped to a place, and then a formation immediately appeared around Lin Tian and the others.

The formation fog was formed, surrounding Lin Tian and the others.

The old fisherman was also among them, and said in surprise, "Why is there a Remnant Immortal Formation here?"

"I found out earlier, but I just didn't tell you." The old lady said proudly there, while the old fishing man said anxiously, "You old woman, let them come out quickly."

The old lady said helplessly, "I only know that there is a formation, but I don't know how to break it, so you didn't follow me just now, so you can't blame me for harming you."

"Senior, why are you so reckless." Zhou Zhongtian said helplessly, but Gongsun Yuan looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Destroy this immortal formation."

Yan Shishi agreed, "That's right, destroy this formation."

But the fishing old man said, "It's useless, this is the Immortal Formation, not to mention you, even I can't break it."

But Yan Shishi laughed and said, "Senior, he is a master at breaking the formation, so don't worry about whether he can break it."

"A master of the formation, that can't break the immortal formation." The old fishing man believed that no one could break the "immortal formation".

But Yan Shishi and the others just laughed and said nothing. As for the old lady, she even said, "In this world, there are only two kinds of people who can break this kind of fairy formation. The first kind is the formation master from the fairy world, otherwise ordinary people would not be able to break through it at all."

But Yan Shishi and others laughed, and the old lady didn't know what these people were laughing at.

As for Lin Tian, ​​he said to the old lady outside, "You have a lot of careful thoughts." "Little guy, it's because you didn't keep up, so you can't blame me." The old lady said cheekily, while Lin Tian held the jade pendant , and then the surrounding power crazily poured into the jade pendant.

The next moment, this so-called "immortal formation" immediately shattered and disappeared in front of everyone.

Only the stunned old lady and the fishing old man were left.

Yan Shishi stared at the old lady and said with a smile, "Senior, you really underestimated him."

Gongsun Yuan said triumphantly, "He has broken through all the formations of the Seven Star Immortal Mansion, let alone this small formation."

"Can he break the formation of Seven Star Immortal Mansion?" The old fishing man was shocked, but everyone nodded.

The old lady didn't believe in evil anymore, and said, "I don't believe it, you little guy can do everything!"

After finishing speaking, the old lady continued to move forward, but the old fishing man came to Lin Tian and asked curiously, "Little brother, what do you call it? And your ability to detoxify and break the formation, who learned it?"

"My name is Lin Tian, ​​the ancestor of Tianshuimen. As for my ability, I have already met." Lin Tian laughed after speaking.

The old fisherman hesitated, "Tianshuimen? Is it the first one in the mainland ten thousand years ago?"


But the fishing old man said regretfully, "This sect has long since lost its reputation."

"Not famous?"

"Yes, as far as I know, it has been tossed about to disappear by the Tiangu Alliance." The old fishing man explained.

Lin Tian laughed without saying a word, while that Yan Shishi said, "The current Tianshuimen has been taken away by him again."

"Take a flight?" The old fishing man didn't know what he meant, but Yan Shishi explained everything one by one.

When he learned that Lin Tian took over the Tiangu Alliance's old den in the Sacred Heart of the East China Sea with such a weak cultivation base, the fishing old man was full of disbelief.

The old lady sneered even more in front, "Fit Body Realm, just destroy a group of loose immortals, do you think I'm a fool?"

Seeing the other party's disbelief, Yan Shishi said, "It's not the state of fit, but the state of distraction."

The old lady didn't believe it even more when she heard this, but Yan Shishi became more serious, "To be honest, before he came, he also killed a group of people from the Tiangu Alliance who were at the seventh or eighth rank of Sanxian."

Hearing this, the old lady couldn't help laughing out loud, and the laughter echoed in the valley.

"What are you laughing at?" Yan Shishi was puzzled, but God stopped laughing, "Do you think I believe it?"

"Ask them." Yan Shishi looked at Gongsun Yuan and the others, and Gongsun Yuan and the others naturally supported Yan Shishi.

But the old lady said, "You are all in the same group, I don't believe it!"

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