Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 841 Consequences of Unbelief

Seeing that the old woman didn't believe it, Yan Shishi didn't argue with her, but the old woman was not reconciled and wanted to continue to hinder Lin Tianxia.

So the old lady continued to walk into the valley until after a while, she came to a cave.

However, the cave was full of black smoke, and the old fishing man immediately stopped everyone, "This is Haiyou Cave on Haiyou Island, don't go in!"

When Zhou Zhongtian heard Haiyou Cave, his eyes immediately widened, "No way, this is the rumored Haiyou Cave?"

"Is it scary?" Yan Shishi asked curiously, and Gongsun Yuan and Hei Xueyu also stared at Zhou Zhongtian curiously.

Zhou Zhongtian explained, "It is rumored that the body cannot enter Haiyou Cave, only the primordial spirit or soul can enter, otherwise the strange gas in the cave will corrode the body."

Yan Shishi was startled when she heard this, "Can't you just open the cover?"

Zhou Zhongtian shook his head, but Yan Shishi didn't believe it, but the old fishing man frowned and said, "What he said is true, any magic weapon, any cover, can't be used, you can only obediently get out of body or soul out of body, But it's still dangerous."

The old woman stared at Lin Tian and smiled strangely, "The Nine Soul Grass is in this cave. If you don't believe me, you can ask this old man. I'm not lying."

Lin Tian looked at the old fishing man, and the old fishing man said Ensheng, "He is right, the grass is inside, but this hole is very scary. Once the Yuanshen enters, he will get lost and may never come back."

But Lin Tian looked at Yan Shishi and the others, "You guys wait here, I'll just go in."

Yan Shishi and the others shouted, and the old woman laughed when she saw that Lin Tianzhen was about to go in, "Boy, if your primordial spirit gets lost inside, your physical body will be mine."

"The flesh is yours?"

"That's right, anyway, your primordial spirit will never come back, and your physical body is of great research value." The old woman said proudly.

But Lin Tian smiled strangely, "I'm sorry, my physical body has to go in too."

The old woman and the fishing old man were even more surprised when they heard it, especially the old woman smiled strangely after calming down, "Boy, you said you want to go in?"

"Is there a problem?"

The old woman didn't believe it, and laughed, "Boy, no one has ever been able to go in here physically! So don't even think about it."

The old fishing man also stared at Lin Tian and said, "She is right, no one can go in with a physical body."

But Lin Tian smiled there, "You are you, I am me!"

This tone made the old woman very unhappy, "Boy, just keep going crazy."

However, Lin Tian took the next step and stepped directly into the hole without even opening the cover, and then let the black air flow into his body.

Zhou Zhongtian stammered in fear, "Will it be corroded?"

The old fishing man also frowned, "Why court death?"

The old woman had a look of pity, "It's a good body, just scrapped like this."

Who knows that Lin Tian is fine, and turned around, smiling at the two people outside, "You two, where is this grass, so I can find it."

The old woman and the fishing old man were stunned, and they couldn't even believe that Lin Tian was fine.

"Tell me, where is it?" Lin Tian asked again after seeing the two people in a daze, and the old fishing man hurried back to God, "In the deepest part of this cave, there are many Nine Soul Grasses."

"Okay, I'll take my leave." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he walked inside.

The old woman looked at the old fishing man and questioned, "I don't have eyesight."


"No, it's impossible." The old woman didn't believe it, and then wandered there, finally staring at the old fishing man and said, "My soul will go in, and you can help me look at the body."

"What?" The old fisherman was confused, and the old woman wanted to see what was going on, so she sat down cross-legged, and Yuanshen rushed into the hole.

As soon as Lin Tian walked a few steps, he felt the old woman appearing behind him and said with a smile, "You came in too?"

The figure transformed by the old woman's soul stared at Lin Tian strangely, "Why are you afraid of the airflow here?"

"I'm not afraid, of course I have my reasons."

"Are you going to tell me or not!" The old woman was going to be tough, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "What? Are you going to attack me?"

"Boy, I'm already at the ninth level of Sanxian. You should know how powerful my soul power is, so don't test my patience." The old woman became angry and threatened Lin Tian.

But Lin Tian said with a smile, "If your body is here, maybe it will be harder for me to deal with you, but if you are only the soul and dare to appear in front of me, then you will be out of luck."

"Unlucky? What an arrogant kid." The old woman stared, and Lin Tian looked at the old woman with a smile, "Why? Don't you believe it?"

"It seems that if I don't give you a little color, you really don't know who you are talking to." The old woman immediately condensed a soul method.

I saw that this soul method was a whip, and it was floating around Lin Tian, ​​and then he was about to whip Lin Tian.

Lin Tian smiled, "You will regret it."

"I regret it? Let's dream." The old woman didn't believe it, but Lin Tian used the soul borrowing technique, and then there were black vortexes all over her body.

The old woman asked suspiciously, "What is this?"

"Soul law." Lin Tianxie smiled, and then those black vortexes hit the opponent's primordial spirit one by one.

The old woman didn't take it seriously at first, and even felt that Lin Tian's soul in a body-fit state was not very strong.

But this is the soul power of the ninth rank of Sanxian, plus the power of emptiness, it hit the old woman directly, making the old woman's primordial spirit flicker on the spot, and she was extremely weak.

The old woman stared wide-eyed, "How is that possible!"

"If you attack a few more times, I think you will be wiped out." Lin Tian looked at the old woman with a smile.

The old woman turned around and left in fright, but Lin Tian sneered, "Do you really think I'm a little guy?"

After complaining helplessly, Lin Tiancai turned and walked deep.

The old woman's primordial spirit returned to her body, but a mouthful of blood spurted out, her face turned pale, and she was out of breath.

The old fishing man was shocked, "Old woman, what's wrong with you?"

The old woman didn't answer, but turned around and stared at Yan Shishi and the others strangely.

Yan Shishi was not afraid, and even said with a smile, "Senior, everyone said that he is not simple, but you still want to provoke him."

The old woman's face was ugly, "He is just a person in a fit state, why is it so scary?"

Yan Shishi didn't know either, but she said with a smile, "I want to know about this too, but you'd better not mess with him, or you won't know how to die later."

The old woman was not reconciled, but her soul was severely injured, so she could only look at the old man fishing, "Old man, go inside and help me get the Nine Soul Grass."

The old fishing man said helplessly, "Understood."

After finishing speaking, the old fisherman sat cross-legged, and his primordial spirit flew into it. Obviously, the old woman's primordial spirit was severely injured, and she also needed the Nine Soul Grass.

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