Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 843: The Mysterious Island Owner

The tall man and the little old man were very puzzled, so after entering the passage, they pulled the old fishing man aside and wanted to ask.

As a result, the old woman yelled at the old fishing man, "Come here."

The old fishing man had to look at the two with an embarrassed smile, "Let's talk later."

The two wanted to transmit the sound, but the old woman glared at them, "If you dare to inquire more, I will let you try my medicine."

The two trembled immediately, but when Lin Tian and the others entered the inside, they saw mountains and forests all around, which can be said to be a paradise.

Not only that, but there are many precious medicinal herbs around.

The old fisherman went forward and led Lin Tian and others to the edge of a pond, and pointed to the pond and said, "The steam released here nourishes the soul. If it is combined with the Nine Soul Grass, it will be fine soon."

Lin Tian didn't expect that this pool could release soul-nourishing gas.

As for Hei Xueyu, she stood by the pool and felt much more comfortable in an instant, but Lin Tian said to her, "Find a place to sit down."


Hei Xueyu found a place to sit down, and then Lin Tian took out a Nine Soul Grass and gave it to Hei Xueyu.

The primordial spirit in Hei Xueyu's body was repaired frantically, while the old fishing man and the old woman also took the Nine Soul Grass.

As for the two old men, one tall and the other short, they stood there looking at each other, but they still wondered why the old woman didn't make things difficult for Lin Tian and others.

Lin Tian looked around and found that besides these four people on this island, there was another person retreating in the dark.

"I didn't expect such a small island to have such a strong person." Lin Tian muttered in his heart.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the person in the dark, "Old woman, old man Yu, who are they?"

Hearing this voice, the old woman was startled, and then hurriedly said, "Island Master."

Yan Shishi and the others were curious about who this person was, and why even such a crazy old woman was afraid of this island owner.

"Tell me, who are they?" the island owner asked again, and the old fishing man said, "Let's go in and tell you."

The old fishing man and the old woman got up and flew to the same place with one leap.

The tall man and the short man stared at Lin Tian and the others weirdly.

Yan Shishi worried, "Mr. Lin, is this island owner not kind?"

Zhou Zhongtian also felt this way, "It is rumored that this island owner hates strangers, and he is probably more terrifying than this old woman."

Gongsun Yuan sighed, "If only this was in the sea, I wouldn't have to be afraid of anything."

However, Hei Xueyu absorbed the Nine Soul Grass little by little. After all, her cultivation was not as strong as that of the fishing old man, so the absorption was relatively slow.

However, Lin Tian laughed and said, "No matter what happens to the other party, it's fine."

Seeing Lin Tian's self-confidence, Yan Shishi and the others were relieved, but at the moment, there was a person lying in a sarcophagus deep in a cave.

When the old woman and the old fishing man saw him, they had to kneel down respectfully and said in unison, "Island owner."

"Tell me, what's going on." The person in the sarcophagus was motionless, as if dead, but his voice was alive and well.

The fishing old man and the old woman looked at each other and explained everything one by one, but the island owner didn't believe it, "You said that he is a person who is in a fit state, not afraid of the Immortal Formation, not afraid of being weak, and can enter the Haiyou Cave physically. , what's even more frightening is that it can ignore the soul field?"

The old fishing man nodded wildly when he heard this, but the old woman didn't know what happened in the cave, so she didn't happen.

The island owner thought the old fishing man was joking and said, "Do you know the price of lying?"

"I'm not lying. If you don't believe me, you can ask the old woman."

The old woman said, "Except for the soul field, I have indeed seen it with my own eyes."

The island owner knew that the old woman was not a liar, so after thinking for a long time, he said, "Please invite him in, I want to talk to him."

The old fishing man said anxiously, "Island owner, don't you mean to treat him?"

"Don't worry, I won't kill him, I just think he is not simple, I want to test him." The island owner said.

The old fishing man was a little worried, but the old woman hesitated and said, "Island owner, he is really not simple."

"Don't talk nonsense." The island owner said three words directly, and the two had to leave here again, and then went to invite Lin Tian.

When they heard that the island chief was seeing Lin Tian, ​​Yan Shishi and the others immediately became worried, but Lin Tian comforted everyone and said with a smile, "You guys rest here, I'll just go and have a look."

Everyone expressed their gratitude, but Lin Tian had already followed the pace of the two of them and came to an underground passage.

Inside, Lin Tian saw a sarcophagus and the person lying there, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "The ninth level of Sanxian and the anti-immortal sarcophagus are pretty good!"

"Kangxian, do you know?" The people inside were startled, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "In the mortal world, as long as the cultivation base reaches the Great Consummation of the Ascension state or the ninth level of the Sanxian, you will receive the power of the fairy world." Guidance, if you don't want to leave the mortal world, there is only one way, to seal part of your own power, and then use the anti-immortal stone to make a container, and then hide in this container to prevent being drawn to the fairy world."

Hearing this, the people in the sarcophagus were startled, and the old fishing man and the old woman looked at Lin Tian with surprise.

Lin Tian smiled, "Tell me, what can you do to me."

"They said that you are not afraid of the Immortal Formation, you are not afraid of the soft energy, you are not afraid of the sea cave, and you even ignore the soul field, so I want to try."


"Yes, just try to see if what they said is true." Countless black rattans suddenly crawled out of the sarcophagus.

These black vines immediately formed a wooden cage around Lin Tian, ​​and black lights flickered on the cage, and then formed a small soul field.

Lin Tian smiled wryly, "Is it such a weak soul field?"

"Weak? This is the soul field that can trap the ninth-level monks of Sanxian." The island owner said to himself, but Lin Tian shook his head, "Too weak."

The other party thought Lin Tian was talking big and said, "I hope you can still be like this later."

Lin Tian suddenly said, "So what if I can resist? What if I can't resist?"

The fishing old man and the two didn't expect Lin Tian to say such a thing to the island owner.

The island owner was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I have seen countless geniuses, but no one has ever dared to talk to me like that."

"Just because others don't dare, doesn't mean I don't dare."

But the other party laughed suddenly, and laughed very loudly. As for the old fishing man and the old woman, they were nervous.

After the smile stopped, the island owner laughed and said, "If you can resist, then I will take you as a disciple, but if you can't resist, then there is no chance."

"Accept me as an apprentice? Hehe." Lin Tian laughed.

"Why? Don't you want to?" the island owner asked back, and the old fishing man hurriedly said to Lin Tian, ​​"Little brother, many people in this sea area want to worship the island owner as a teacher, but the island owner has accepted one himself, so you have to take care of it." Cherish it."

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian said, "I don't even want your island master to be my apprentice!"

The scene was quiet.

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