Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 844 A new way to play, directly frighten the island owner

The island owner in the sarcophagus also didn't say a word for a long time, but Lin Tian said, "Everyone, is there anything else?"

The old fishing man and the old woman looked at each other, not knowing what to say, but the person in the sarcophagus laughed, "You can't break the soul field released by my plants, so you dare to say such crazy words?"

"Are you talking about these black soul vines? It's actually very simple!" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he grabbed them with one hand, and the vines began to dry up.

Both the old fisherman and the old woman were stunned, unable to believe what they saw, and the people in the sarcophagus immediately put away the rattan.

Lin Tian laughed, "If you don't want to continue to increase your troubles, you don't have to test me."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian turned around, intending to leave, but a stone door appeared at the entrance of the cave, "Boom."

The old fishing man and the old woman knew that the main force of their island was in trouble.

"If you want to leave, you can. Break through the stone gate yourself. If you can't break through, you can stay and be my apprentice."

"Let me make a choice?"

"Yes." The island owner said with a smile, but Lin Tian laughed, "I never like to make choices."

"Oh? Then do you have any other solutions?" The island owner smiled, and the old fishing man quickly spoke for Lin Tian, ​​"Island owner, he has no malicious intentions, let him go."

The old woman also wanted to say something, but she knew it was useless to say anything, so she could only sigh helplessly.

But the island owner said, "You should know my temper, so it's best not to talk nonsense, just watch it for me."

The fishing old man and the old woman didn't know what to do, so they could only look at Lin Tian.

Especially the old fishing man said to Lin Tian, ​​"Young man, please admit your mistake to the island owner."

Seeing the persuasion of the old man fishing, the old woman hesitated and said, "That's right, if you admit your mistake, you can leave here."

For the kindness of the two, Lin Tian just laughed it off, and then walked towards the sarcophagus step by step.

The fishing old man and the two were curious about what Lin Tian was going to do, and the man inside the sarcophagus even laughed, "What? Can't you think about it?"

"If I destroy your sarcophagus, don't you have to obediently report to the fairy world?" Lin Tian said with a smile.

The person in the sarcophagus was stunned for a moment and then laughed, "You actually have such a dangerous idea?"

"I don't think it's dangerous at all."

"Then you have to be close to me."

After finishing speaking, green airflows flew out of the sarcophagus, and these airflows were transformed by fairy crystals, forming a cover that enveloped Lin Tian.

The fishing old man and the old lady were shocked, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "It's a bit extravagant to use the fairy crystal as a spell to attack."

"Because it's powerful." The person in the sarcophagus said with a smile, but Lin Tian lacked the wood fairy crystal, so he deliberately provoked, "It's a pity that there are too few of them, and the power is too weak."

"Weak? Boy, are you kidding me!"

Lin Tian's soul of reincarnation opened, and the spells transformed by the "Wooden Immortal Crystal" were absorbed by Lin Tian one by one.

The next moment, the green covers disappeared, and the two fishing old men stared at Lin Tian in disbelief.

The person in the sarcophagus said in disbelief, "You, how did you do it?"

Lin Tian laughed, "What are you asking so much for? Just continue to attack me with extravagant means."

Faced with Lin Tian's instigation, the person in the sarcophagus really continued to hit the wood fairy crystal, and then the fairy crystal gas turned into "flying swords".

"Boy, if I use this spell, your body will definitely be shattered."

If it was in the past, Lin Tian might not have dared, but now his "Fusion Transformation" can absorb high-energy matter to condense his clone, so he is not afraid, instead he stood there and said with a smile, "Come and try."

"Looking for death!" The other party snorted, and those "flying swords" hit Lin Tian one by one.

However, Lin Tian's physical body is still relatively weak. In order to prevent his physical body from being shattered by the "sword", Lin Tian directly created countless ghosts.

Whenever a phantom is hit, the phantom will absorb the "sword", and the absorbed power will be swallowed by the deity Lin Tianyuan, and transformed into the wooden body.

I saw the green light of the invisible wooden avatar flashing and flickering, absorbing it crazily.

The fishing old man and the old woman were already dumbfounded, and the people inside the sarcophagus were even more stunned, "My attack can't kill you."

"It's good that you know." Lin Tian smiled, but he was extremely happy in his heart, especially when the phantom cooperates with the soul of reincarnation, and then cooperates with "Fusion Change", transforming other people's spells into his own energy.

However, this method has a disadvantage, that is, if the opponent attacks and destroys all the phantoms in an instant, then naturally the deity will die.

But it is very difficult to destroy all the ghosts at once, just like Lin Tian couldn't kill the ghosts thousands of years ago.

Especially the current Lin Tian, ​​after the state of integration, can already split two thousand phantoms in an instant.

It is very difficult to destroy these two thousand at once, especially since there are clones that can switch positions, making it hard to guard against.

So Lin Tian is now confident that he can resist the harm of anyone in the mortal world.

But the one in the sarcophagus was not reconciled, and gathered more attacks in the next moment, and the opponent was of the wood type, so after the wood fairy crystal was gone, he used the wood spirit energy again.

But the attack transformed by the wood fairy crystal can't do anything to Lin Tian, ​​let alone the wood spirit, so Lin Tian came to the side of the sarcophagus, stood there staring at the people inside and said with a smile, "If I put my finger on your sarcophagus Come on, your sarcophagus will be broken."

"How dare you!" The person in the sarcophagus suddenly became anxious after feeling that Lin Tian was not easy.

The fishing old man and the old woman were stunned, and couldn't even believe what happened here, but Lin Tian looked at the island owner, "Do you want to try?"

Lin Tian put one hand on the sarcophagus, and then began to absorb the power on the sarcophagus, causing the power on the sarcophagus to immediately start to wear out.

The island owner inside the sarcophagus was immediately frightened. After all, he didn't want to go to the fairyland so soon, so he said anxiously, "Boy, if you have something to say, speak up."

"Can you speak well?"

"Yes!" The island owner seemed to be begging for mercy this time.

The fishing old man and the old lady were at a loss, but Lin Tian smiled strangely, "I don't think I will destroy this sarcophagus, there is only one condition."

"If you want to leave, I will immediately open the stone gate and let you go."

"No, I want to do this." Lin Tian pointed his finger on his forehead, and the island owner immediately opened his eyes, staring at Lin Tian in shock.

Lin Tian smiled evilly, "Lie down well."

The island owner wanted to struggle, but the powerful soul marks hit his soul one by one, making his soul have a mark.

Lin Tian put away his hands and smiled, "Okay, I'm leaving."

The island owner was frightened, until he opened the stone gate at the entrance of the cave after a while, and ordered the old fishing man and the old woman, "Send your lord out."

"Expert?" The two were stunned, not knowing what was going on, and the island owner said angrily, "Why are you in a daze, hurry up."

The two said, and immediately sent Lin Tian away respectfully, while the island owner in the sarcophagus was uneasy, "Okay, it's scary!"

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