Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 859 These Old Guys Are Not Simple!

These Supreme Elders are the old monsters of Feixianzong. They can say that they have seen everything in the world and everyone, but today they are the first time to see such a crazy young man.

So an elder immediately shouted, "Boy, do you really think that there is no one in our Feixianzong?"

"I didn't say you have no one, but don't mess with me, otherwise."

"What else? Can you still fight us?" The elder finished speaking, and then these elders moved there, surrounding Lin Tian.

These elders released their aura one by one, and all of them ascended to the Great Perfection, and they became immortals with one foot, and they were short of entering the fairyland.

Bai Yushan said proudly, "Boy, they are all about to become immortals, do you think you can fight them?"

Lin Tian laughed, then glanced at these people, and borrowed one person's power from the soul technique.

These people immediately felt that something was wrong, and an elder said in shock, "His soul power has changed!"

"He seems to be using our soul power." An elder noticed it with sharp eyes.

Lin Tian didn't expect that these old guys would even know how to borrow the soul.

"No, he's going to attack us." Those elders retreated immediately, keeping a certain distance from Lin Tian.

Regarding Lin Tian's Xu Mie, these people avoided them one by one when they fought out, and none of them were hurt.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Bai Yushan didn't know what happened just now, so he could only look at each other.

But an elder said, "Keep a distance from him, or his soul law will hurt us."

"Yes, as long as the speed is fast enough." An elder agreed.

So these elders guarded the surroundings there, and at the same time concentrated their strength to attack Lin Tian, ​​while Lin Tian moved to dodge the attacks of those people, and at the same time went to sneak attack them.

However, these old guys' souls are not weak, and their perception is also very strong. Whenever Lin Tian teleports behind them, they can react quickly.

This made Lin Tian sigh secretly, "It seems that the speed of avatar replacement is still too slow."

However, Lin Tian knew that he was only the third clone, and what he needed to do now was to strive for nine clones as soon as possible.

Because it was mentioned in "Fusion Change", once the nine avatars are formed, the exchange speed will be many times stronger than it is now.

While Lin Tian was daydreaming, that Bai Yushan was cheering on the sidelines, "Kill him!"

Lin Tian suddenly thought of something, and came behind Bai Yushan, and Bai Yushan was not as powerful as these old guys after all.

Therefore, when Lin Tian appeared, he became dull, and it was this point of dullness, and Lin Tian's extinction hit him.

Bai Yushan was pale at the scene, but he was not seriously injured, and Lin Tian had to admire, "That's right, it's so strong."

Bai Yushan was so frightened that he came to an elder to ask for help, then stared around, "Boy, you have the ability to come out."

Lin Tian muttered in his heart, "These guys have strong perception and strong soul resistance."

Bai Yushan didn't know what Lin Tian was thinking, but instead looked around, and finally glared and said, "Boy, have the guts to come out!"

But Lin Tian was still moving there quickly, those elders couldn't take him down at all, and Bai Yushan was very anxious.

After about a while, Lin Tian suddenly appeared behind Bai Yushan and struck again, and Bai Yushan's injuries worsened, but he was not dead yet, but he looked at the elders in horror, "Elders, you, hurry up and clean up those elders!" kid."

Everyone thought too, but Lin Tian was too scary.

But at this moment, Lin Tian suddenly stood at the entrance of the cave, and deliberately did not move away. The elders were overjoyed and attacked one after another.

When all the attacks hit that person, that person disappeared, and everyone thought Lin Tian was blasted to pieces.

Bai Yushan also had an excited expression on his face, who would have thought that thousands of phantoms would suddenly appear inside the cave, blocking the entire cave at once.

Those elders were confused, but they had to attack wildly, and Lin Tian's phantom cooperated with the extinction, plus borrowing the soul.

The entire cave was filled with black vortices flying around, and these elders could only retreat step by step, and finally hid in a corner, and then several elders condensed into a soul defense cover.

I saw the black soul defense cover resisting the extinction one by one.

Lin Tian has to admire how powerful these elders are, they can even create a soul defense shield, and several people cast it together. In this way, the power of a soul defense shield is comparable to the superposition of the soul power of several people.

This made Lin Tian unable to break through the opponent's defense even with the extinction and the use of soul power.

But Lin Tian's target is not them, but that Baiyu Mountain.

At this moment, Bai Yushan stood alone in a corner, crouching down with his head in his arms, trying to hide himself.

But all of Lin Tian's attacks hit this Bai Yushan, and this kind of saturated attack made Bai Yushan's life worse than death, until after a while, Lin Tian grabbed Bai Yushan and flew towards the entrance of the cave.

The elders were shocked, and when they realized that they were about to go out to save Baiyu Mountain, all the ghosts and Lin Tian disappeared.

"Damn it." An elder gritted his teeth angrily.

Another old Zhang said, "Quickly spread this kid's skills to Beixuezhou Prefecture, so that some ghost cultivators and masters will know how to guard against this kid."

Everyone nodded, and quickly spread the news, and because of Beichen's matter, Beixue Prefecture sent a large number of experts.

At this moment, on a hill near Feixianzong, Lin Tian threw the Baiyu Mountain aside, and then said with a smile, "You old guys from Feixianzong are really smart."

Bai Yushan struggled, "They, as well as Beixue Prefecture, will definitely not let you go."

"You still think about yourself, whether you can survive." Lin Tian stared at Bai Yushan and sneered.

Bai Yushan looked at Lin Tian in horror, "What do you mean?"

"If you want to live, just answer my questions obediently."

At the beginning, Bai Yushan was still thinking about how to trick Lin Tian, ​​but after Lin Tian touched his forehead with one hand and branded his soul, he was completely dumbfounded, "You."

"be honest."

Bai Yushan was extremely depressed at the moment, but he had to ask, "You, what do you want to know."

Lin Tian brought out the appearance of this Tian Luo, and said, "According to what your Elder Li said, after you caught her today, you took her away, and only you know."

Seeing Tianluo, Bai Yushan was startled, "You, are you looking for her?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

Bai Yushan said nervously, "During the day, Mrs. Zhou took her away."

"Master Zhou? Who?" Lin Tian said coldly, and Bai Yushan said nervously, "People from Beixue Prefecture."

"Oh? Take me to find her!" Lin Tian stared, while Bai Yushan said anxiously, "She's gone, I don't know where she is!"

"you sure?"

"Really!" Bai Yushan said depressedly, but Lin Tian asked suspiciously, "Then why did Mrs. Zhou take her away?"

"She said that woman was very useful, so she asked me to let her go, and then took her away, but I didn't dare to ask more questions, so I let her take her away." That Bai Yushan stammered.

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