Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 860 One of the Four Masters

Hearing this, Lin Tian took a closer look at Bai Yushan's memory, and after making sure that he was not lying, he took out the breath tracing scroll, "Let's see it tomorrow."

Bai Yushan didn't know what Lin Tian said, but at this moment he had been marked with a soul mark, so he naturally didn't dare to be careless, so he could only watch here silently.

At this time, it was snowing heavily again, and Lin Tian looked at the snowflakes in the sky and the monks flying not far away, and muttered to himself, "I will definitely find you."

People in Feixianzong and Beixue Prefecture investigated the situation everywhere, but Lin Tian seemed to have disappeared, which made them very depressed, and finally returned without success.

That Beichen, because he had swallowed the Shunhun Pill, could only timidly go back to a study in Beixuezhou Mansion.

After a while, a voice came from outside the house, "Chen'er."

The door was opened, and there were two people outside, a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman.

The woman is Beichen's mother, Mrs. Yang.

The man is Beichen's father and the head of Beixue Prefecture, Bei Lengkuang.

When Mrs. Yang saw Beichen, she went forward to make various checks with a distressed face, and then asked, "Are you okay?"


"But I heard that your soul has been shackled by someone, and you still rely on the Soul Closing Pill, right?" Mrs. Yang asked excitedly.

That Beichen nodded, and Mrs. Yang looked at Bei Lengkuang angrily, "Husband, you must find that kid!"

"I sent someone to look for it." That Bei Leng said solemnly, while Bei Chen said anxiously, "Father, will that guy kill me?"

"This is the capital of Beixue Prefecture, does he dare to come?" Bei Leng said wildly, that Bei Chen was still a little worried, "but this guy is too scary."

"You coward." That Bei Leng stared wildly, and Mrs. Yang said angrily, "Why are you so cruel to the child? If you have the ability, you arrest that kid."

"Who knows where this kid is hiding!" Bei Lengkuang was very helpless, but Mrs. Yang didn't care, "No matter what I do, you have to protect my son, or if something happens to him, I'll never end with you .”

"Don't worry, Beixue Prefecture, he is alone, if he dares to come, I will kill him immediately." That Bei Lengkuang said confidently.

Madam Yang was relieved now, and then stared at Beichen, "Chen'er, you stay here, that kid will never dare to come."

Beichen nodded, "Yes, mother."

Only then did Madam Yang walk out of the study with Bei Lengkuang in peace of mind, but that Madam Yang kept chattering, "Look at you, a majestic Palace Master can't even protect a son."

"Madam, that kid is so cunning, how can you blame me?" Bei Lengkuang was very depressed.

Mrs. Yang said anxiously, "This is the result of you not arranging expert protection for him."

"It's obvious that you spoiled him and let him bully others every day. It's all right now, he's in trouble." That Bei Lengkuang complained.

Mrs. Yang refused, "He is my son, the future heir of Beixue Prefecture, sooner or later he will have to bully others, so bullying others now is to establish prestige."

"Okay, what you said is right!" That Bei Lengkuang really didn't want to argue, but was thinking about how to find Lin Tian quickly.

Mrs. Yang said depressedly, "Anyway, you have to catch this kid quickly. I want to see who is so bold and dare to bully my son."


Only then did Madam Yang leave satisfied, and Bei Lengkuang resented in his heart, "Damn boy, I will definitely catch you."

However, in order to prevent Lin Tian from sneaking in, Bei Lengkuang specially arranged a lot of ghost cultivators and people with strong soul defense.

Not only that, but some soul defense formations were also arranged in the mansion, just in case.

Lin Tian didn't know what was going on in the North Xuezhou Prefecture in the snowy mountains, but he was waiting until the next day when he arrived, he hurriedly looked at the picture scroll.

However, there was a white mist inside the picture scroll, which made Lin Tian frown, "How could this be?"

Bai Yushan didn't know what Lin Tian was thinking, but seeing Lin Tian's expression, he became nervous, fearing that Lin Tian would be unhappy and solve himself.

Lin Tian frowned after staggering there for a long time, "It seems that she may have been taken to a special place, and even the breath tracking scroll cannot determine her location."

Bai Yushan said nervously, "My lord, what did you say?"

Lin Tian came back to his senses and looked at Bai Yushan, "This Mrs. Zhou is from Beixue Prefecture?"

"Yes, Beixue Prefecture, madam's senior sister."


"It's our palace master's wife. She usually lives there, but some people say she's not there." That Bai Yushan said tremblingly.

Lin Tian stood up, "Let's go."

"Where are you going?"

"Northern Xuezhou Prefecture."

Bai Yushan's eyes widened, "Are you going there?"

"Is there a problem?" Lin Tian stared at Bai Yushan, and Bai Yushan explained, "There are so many masters in Beixue Prefecture, even countless times stronger than our Feixianzong, I'm afraid."

"Are you afraid I can't do it?"

Bai Yushan didn't speak, but Lin Tian said without fear of anything, "Just lead the way, don't worry about the rest."

Bai Yushan groaned, and began to lead Lin Tian to Beixue Prefecture.

At dawn, the two of them had already arrived at North Snow City, which is also the main city of North Snow State Prefecture.

It's just that the moment the two of them arrived there, they were watched by countless guards, and there were also large troops appearing everywhere.

That Bai Yushan was startled, "There are a lot of people."

"Not even Ascension Realm, just here to die." Lin Tian looked at those people coldly, but those people didn't dare to go forward, but they could only surround Lin Tian there, as if waiting for someone to come.

However, people in the city rushed out to watch, and some even pointed out, "This guy is the one who injured the Palace Master's son?"

"Not only that, it is said that he also wounded many members of Feixianzong."

"real or fake?"

"Look, isn't that the Sect Master of the Feixian Sect? How embarrassed he is now!"

At this moment, after everyone discovered Bai Yushan, the discussion immediately became more heated, and that Bai Yushan covered his face in embarrassment, afraid of being recognized by others, after all, he is also the master of a sect.

At this time, a laugh came from the gate of the city, "I never expected Sect Master Bai to end up like this."

Bai Yushan was curious about who it was, until everyone stepped aside, and a person wearing blood-red armor and holding a blood-red sword appeared.

Everyone immediately exclaimed, "The four masters of the state capital, Xue Bing."

Blood ice, a gust of cold air radiated, and the people nearby immediately backed away, and Bai Yushan looked at Lin Tian and said timidly, "He is one of the four masters of the palace master."

Lin Tian snorted, but didn't pay attention to it, and the Blood Ice Ascension Realm was perfect, he came to Lin Tian step by step with a sword in his hand and said with a smile, "Boy, I heard that you defeated the Sword Immortal, Li Jianfei, yes Bar?"

"What? Do you want to try your own swordsmanship too?" Lin Tian sneered when he saw the posture of him holding the sword, obviously wanting to use his swordsmanship.

Xue Bing smiled strangely, "Although I am not a sword fairy, my strength combined with my swordsmanship can make life worse than death!"

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