Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 861 Deliberately Captured

Xue Bing's words made everyone think that Lin Tian would run away, but Lin Tian was very calm, staring at Xue Bing and said, "Life is better than death, just you?"

Lin Tian's tone made Xue Bing's eyes flash coldly, and the sword in his hand flew into the air, and then countless water-blue sword shadows flickered in mid-air, and finally turned into countless sword auras, flying directly towards Lin Tian.

People here have never mentioned the scene of Lin Tian resisting Li Jianfei's swordsmanship, so they all thought that Lin Tian would just run away, but what they didn't expect was that the sword energy split in two and disappeared from Lin Tian's body. up.

Everyone was shocked, and some people said in a daze, "How is this possible."

Bai Yushan was not far from the edge of the forest sky, and he could clearly see the separation of the sword qi. It was the first time he saw it with his own eyes, and he murmured to himself, "What a terrible guy."

Lin Tian stared at the blood ice, "What? The four masters, is this the only thing they can do?"

Lin Tian's ridicule made many people in Beixue Prefecture show dissatisfaction, and some even shouted at Xue Bing, "Master Xue, kill him."

Xue Bing withdrew his sword, his eyes flashed coldly, "You must have some magic weapon on your body, that's why you let the sword energy disperse."

"Apart from saying that I only know magic weapons, can you think of other excuses?" Lin Tian asked back, but Xue Bing was choked up, so he could only stare, "This time, let me see how you avoid it. "

At this time, Xue Bing suddenly had countless blood shadows all over his body, and these blood shadows rushed towards Lin Tian together with the deity.

Everyone exclaimed, "Blood shadow technique."

The blood shadow technique is similar to the clone, but different from the clone, when it is attacked, it has no effect on the deity, and it can even be used as an element to detonate.

Therefore, the blood ice stabbed at Lin Tian with a sword first, but the sword stayed in front of Lin Tian, ​​but the blood shadow had already reached in front of Lin Tian, ​​and then there was a "boom".

This huge explosion caused the surrounding ground to shake, and a large pit had appeared where Lin Tian was originally located.

Seeing this, everyone thought that Lin Tian was blown to ashes and smoke, and Xue Bing put away his sword, looked at Bai Yushan and said with a smile, "Sect Master Bai, you see, this kind of little thing is still very easy to deal with."

Bai Yushan said in surprise, "He's not dead."

"Not dead? Do you think I'm a fool?" That Xue Bing didn't believe it, and Bai Yushan had Lin Tian's soul imprint. If Lin Tian died, he must be dead too, but at the moment he is fine, so he concluded that Lin Tian is fine .

But Xue Bing still didn't believe it, and even the onlookers felt that Bai Yushan was lying.

At this time, Lin Tian suddenly appeared behind Xue Bing and said with a smile, "Actually, he is right."

Xue Bing was shocked, and immediately the deity and the blood shadow appeared together, and the deity immediately flew into the air, and the blood shadow detonated again on the spot.


After the deity left, another big hole appeared on the ground, and the blood ice floated in the air, staring at the two big holes on the ground and humming, "Not dead yet?"

"He's really not dead." Bai Yushan said nervously, but Xuebing didn't believe it, but when a breath appeared again, he immediately turned around, and Lin Tian's Blood Demon Sword resigned.

That Blood Bing immediately used his sword to block in front of him, and then retreated completely after being shocked, but it was not serious, and his pupils became bigger and he said coldly, "Boy, not bad, I didn't kill you twice."

"You're not bad, you react very quickly." Lin Tian said with a smile, and Xue Bing gritted his teeth, "This time, I will definitely let you die."

After finishing speaking, Xue Bing silently recited the magic formula, and water-blue rays of light appeared all over Lin Tian's body. At the same time, the water-blue rays of light began to freeze, and Lin Tian was frozen in the air all of a sudden, and fell on the ground together with the surrounding ice. on the ground.

"Boom", a small iceberg appeared in front of everyone.

The guards who saw this cheered one by one, and Bai Yushan knew that Lin Tian was at most trapped at the moment.

But Xue Bing smiled and looked at Lin Tian inside the ice sculpture, "Boy, I am a holy-level freezing technique, not to mention you, I can freeze people who have crossed the Tribulation Realm."

"You just froze my physical body." Lin Tian's voice laughed there, and that blood ice teased, "The physical body is fine."

Lin Tian smiled, "Oh? The body will do? Are you sure?"

"That's right, freeze your body, and I'll take you to the state capital and hand it over to the mansion master." That Xue Bing said with a smile.

After thinking about it, Lin Tian smiled and said, "Alright, take me to your mansion as a guest."

"As a guest? You have a good idea!" The Xue Bing snorted, then controlled the small iceberg and headed for the city.

The onlookers dispersed after watching the show, and Bai Yushan could only go to the state capital with him.

In Beixuezhou Mansion, Bei Lengkuang was overjoyed when he heard that Lin Tian was caught and was rushing to the mansion, and then he found his wife.

Mrs. Yang was very happy when she heard this, and she brought Beichen into the hall of the mansion, and said to Beichen, "Chen'er, don't worry, when he comes, we will let him erase your soul mark .”

"Mother, what if he doesn't?" Beichen was worried, but Mrs. Yang said domineeringly, "If he doesn't, I'll let him be wiped out."

Bei Lengkuang also nodded and said, "That's right, if he dares not, he won't be able to live!"

Beichen was still a little worried, but he didn't know what to say, and after a while, a huge ice stone fell into the courtyard of the mansion, and that blood ice stepped forward excitedly, "Master, madam, that kid has already Taken by me."

Mrs. Yang and Bei Lengkuang immediately came to the yard, and Beichen followed nervously.

As for Bai Yushan, who was in the guard, he didn't dare to say anything more.

Lin Tian laughed and said, "You are the Palace Master?"

That Bei Leng stared wildly, "Yes, I am the Palace Master."

"Then this is your wife?" Lin Tian stared at Mrs. Yang and asked, and that Mrs. Yang was about to lose her temper when she heard Lin Tian asking herself and glared, "Yes, I am Mrs. Yang, Beichen mother."

Lin Tianen asked, "What about your senior sister, Mrs. Zhou?"

Seeing Lin Tian inquiring about her senior sister's whereabouts, Mrs. Yang sneered, "Boy, don't you know your situation?"

"What's the matter with my situation?" Lin Tian didn't think there was anything wrong, but laughed and said, while the guards onlookers whispered, "This kid, he is in a catastrophe, and he dares to be so crazy."

"No, they are all frozen, and dare to talk to our wife like that."

That blood ice glared even more, "Boy, do you want to die?"

"You've said this many times, but you can't help me?" Lin Tian laughed, and Xue Bing gritted his teeth angrily.

As for Mrs. Yang, she snorted, "Boy, you don't really think that no one can do anything to you, do you?"

"Your Beixue Prefecture Mansion really can't hold me down." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he disappeared the next moment.

The people present were shocked immediately.

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