Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 891 Immortal cold water, the body of illusion

That Kong You saw it at a glance and said, "A kind of communication talisman."

"Message talisman?" Su Yuanyuan was startled, and Kong You said kindly, "Yes, I guess it is to send news to the people of Xueshan Temple."

Su Yuanyuan was startled when she heard this, "Wouldn't it be that many people will come?"

"This, it's really hard to say." Kong You blinked and laughed, while Su Yuanyuan stared, "Are you still laughing?"

Kong You joked, "I'm not with you, should I cry?"

Su Yuanyuan was too angry to speak, but Bai Yushan suggested, "If there is a large army, we will kill you first."

Kong You rolled his eyes, "How can you be so cruel?"

"Ruthless? Are you as ruthless as usual?" Su Yuanyuan stared at Kong You and asked strangely, and Kong You smiled awkwardly.

Elder Pi stared worriedly at the cave, "What's going on here?"

Elder Pi's words brought Bai Yushan and the others back to their senses, staring at the entrance of the cave.

In the cave, the more Lin Tian walked, the stronger the flame, but fortunately, Lin Tian had the Ice King of Ten Thousand Years in his body, and gusts of cold air protected him, so that he was fine.

After going on like this for a while, Lin Tian saw a fiery red secret room.

In this secret room, Lin Tian didn't see anyone, which made him puzzled, "Strange, where did you go?"

Lin Tian began to walk in the secret room until there was a drop of water floating in a place.


The appearance of water in such a hot place made Lin Tian very curious, so Lin Tian touched the water with one hand.

Suddenly an extremely cold air flow emanated from the water drop, and Lin Tian quickly withdrew his hand, staring at the water drop, "Is this fairy cold water?"

Xianhanshui is a kind of water with a strong cold air, but it will not freeze or evaporate, and the cold air is pressing.

At the same time, a drop of immortal cold water can form a small world, which can even accommodate a person to practice in it.

This made Lin Tian wonder if Tian Luo was in it at the moment, so Lin Tian touched the drop of water again this time, and then disappeared from the original position.

When Lin Tian reappeared, he was standing in a place where the sky was so cold, and there was a vast expanse of white everywhere.

Lin Tian looked around, and soon sensed a breath, so he happily walked over, but to his disappointment, it was a shadow sitting cross-legged there.

The shadow was indistinct, like a cloud of mist.

Lin Tian stared at her curiously for a while, "Are you Tian Luo?"

The water mist was looming, and then his eyes were slightly opened, but he couldn't see the face clearly, he could only see the approximate shadow.

"Are you that fool?" Tian Luo saw Lin Tianshi at a glance, and asked curiously.

Lin Tian saw that her memory stayed in his home at Lin's and hurriedly said, "Yes, it's me."

"How did you find it?" Tian Luo was very surprised, and Lin Tian was a little excited at the moment, but he suppressed it, because he still couldn't determine the relationship between Tian Luo and Nangong Xue, so he hesitated for a while, "Where's your true self?"

Lin Tian knew that the one in front of him was just the clone of the other party. To be precise, it was not even as good as the clone, it was just a phantom body.

The phantom body is a phantom condensed by a practitioner, and this kind of phantom can be cultivated in a dangerous place. Although the effect is not as good as the deity's direct cultivation, it can reduce a lot of danger.

But it is very difficult for ordinary people to cultivate the illusion body, and it is only possible if the cultivation base has reached the realm of immortals.

Therefore, Lin Tian was a little surprised that Tian Luo could cultivate in an illusionary body.

Tian Luo replied, "My true self is in the Mountain God Hall of the Snow Mountain Temple."

Lin Tian knew that as long as he found the deity and studied her soul carefully, he could confirm whether she was Nangongxue, so he said excitedly, "I will look for you."

"No, you can't find me." Tian Luo suddenly became serious, and Lin Tian asked suspiciously, "Why?"

"If you look for me, you will be in danger, so you better not." That Tian Luo asked with great concern.

Lin Tian laughed, "Will you care about me?"

In Lin Tian's eyes, he and Tian Luo's physical bodies can only be regarded as having a marriage contract, but they have no real relationship, so Lin Tian feels very curious.

"You are my fiancé, of course I care about you." That Tian Luo said, but Lin Tian stared at Tian Luo for a while, "No matter what, we will talk about it when we meet."

"Don't you." Tian Luo continued to persuade, but Lin Tian was not such an easily blocked person, so he turned around and disappeared there.

I saw Lin Tian staring at the drop of water, feeling very complicated, "When I find you, I will be sure who you are."

Then Lin Tian turned around and left here.

After about a while, Lin Tian appeared a little "lost", and Su Yuanyuan asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Bai Yushan also asked suspiciously, "My lord, what happened?"

Lin Tian thought that he would be very excited and happy to see Tian Luo, and even thought that she was Nangong Xue.

But Lin Tian couldn't sense Nangongxue's aura in the transformed body just now, which made him suspect that this Tianluo might just look like Nangongxue in imagination, but his personality and aura were completely different.

Therefore, Lin Tian felt a little lost, and was even afraid to find Tianluo himself, and it would be nothing at that time, but he wanted to confirm it in his heart.

Even if the hope is only one ten-thousandth, Lin Tian wants to go and see, to confirm whether her soul really has nothing to do with Nangongxue.

When Lin Tian was in a daze, that Kong You said, "If there's nothing wrong, get out as soon as possible, otherwise the Snow Mountain Temple will be in big trouble."

Elder Pi also stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Master, let's leave first."

Lin Tian is not afraid of the Snow Mountain Temple, but there is no point in staying here. He plans to go to the Snow Mountain Temple by himself.

But before going to the Snow Mountain Temple, Lin Tian planned to go to the place Kong You mentioned first, so he asked Kong You to lead the way.

But as soon as these people left, that Luo Fei said to the people around him, "Go, follow them secretly."

Su Yuanyuan in front said to Lin Tian, ​​"They are following!"

Kong You laughed and said, "Continue to deal with them."

Lin Tian ignored it, and Lin Tian's sudden silence made everyone wonder what was going on.

In this way, Lin Tian led everyone away from the spirit beast field without saying a word, and let the people from the Holy Maiden Hall follow.

After a while, that Kong You saw his home, pointed at those ghosts and said, "Look, how nice my site is."

Lin Tian asked them to wait outside, while Lin Tian himself walked into the cloud of ghosts, while the people from the Saintess Hall not far away started talking.

"Captain, how did this guy get in?"

"It's full of ghosts, isn't he afraid of death?"

Luo Fei said, "Don't worry about him, we just need to wait here for the people from Snow Mountain Temple to deal with him."

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