Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 892 Super Soul Defense

After hearing what Luo Fei said, those people from the Temple of the Holy Maiden immediately lurked there quietly one by one, not daring to move at will.

Lin Tian walked in this dark airflow, looked at the ghostly aura everywhere, and sighed in his heart, "No matter what, let's raise your cultivation level first."

Soon Lin Tian slowly regained his senses from the loss, and the whole person sat there cross-legged, sucking the ghost energy around him a little bit and transforming it into the power of the dark avatar.

About half an hour later, a group of people came outside, and these people ranged from six to nine baptized people.

When Elder Pi and the others saw the person shining with nine levels of light, their eyes widened.

Luo Fei rushed out, excitedly said to the nodding old man, that is, the one who had been baptized nine times, "Elder Guang."

This old man is a little bald, but his eyes are very sharp, and he looks very fierce. When Kong You saw him, he laughed, "Who did I think it was, so it was Guanggu, Elder Guang."

Guanggu, the master of the Law Enforcement Hall and one of the elders of the Snow Mountain Temple, stared at Kong You coldly, "Kong You, what does this mean?"

Luo Fei who heard Guanggu called Kong You's real name asked doubtfully, "Elder Guang, is he really Kong You?"

"That's right." Guanggu said with a stern face, and everyone in the Temple of the Holy Maiden showed shocked expressions.

Kong You joked, "I told you all, but you still don't believe me."

The people in the Hall of the Holy Maiden were speechless, but the elder Guang glared, "Kong You, you should give an explanation."

"What do you say?"

"Some people in my Xueshan Temple asked you to deal with one person, but you not only failed to deal with them, but also let those people die, and now you are with the people who killed us. What do you mean?" Elder Guang was very annoyed.

Kong You laughed, "It seems that you know what happened?"

Elder Guang snorted, "Do you think that my Snow Mountain Temple is a fool?"

"Come on, don't be angry, I was also forced to be helpless." That Kong You smiled wryly, and that Guanggu stared, "Being forced to be helpless?"

"Yes, this kid is too powerful, even I am no match for him, no, I was caught by him!" Kong You said lightly, as if he was still a victim.

But none of the people from the Snow Mountain Temple believed it, and that Luo Fei even complained, "Elder Guang, they are clearly in the same group."

"Kong You, you heard it!" That Guanggu was furious, and that Kong You was helpless, "Anyway, I've said everything, believe it or not."

That Guanggu knew that Kong You's soul was very powerful, so he hesitated for a while and then ordered, "Don't touch this Kong You for the time being, and the others, take it down for me."


These people immediately targeted Su Yuanyuan and the three of them, but Elder Pi was in a hurry. After all, each of these guys has been baptized more than six times, which can be said to be very scary.

"What should I do now?" Su Yuanyuan didn't expect that one day, the place she yearned for would become her nightmare at this moment.

But Bai Yushan said solemnly, "Hang on, my lord, you will definitely save us."

Elder Pi also reassured, "That's right, you'll be safe when my master comes out."

Hearing this group of people talking, Kong You looked at Elder Guang and the others with a smile, "Did you hear that?"

"What do you mean?" Elder Guang glared, and that Kong You said with a smile, "If that kid comes out, you are all dead."

Elder Guang sneered, "I said, Kong You, do you think we will be afraid of a person who is fit?"

"Are you afraid, you have to ask these little girls how they were repaired just now." Kong You stared at Luo Fei and the others and smiled strangely.

Elder Guang looked at the people in the Saintess Hall and asked, "That kid, is he very powerful?"

Luo Fei had to admit, "This kid is really scary."

Other women also said that Lin Tian was difficult to deal with, but Guanggu was dissatisfied, "In Jiuxue Tianshan, there is nothing our Snow Mountain Temple can handle."

"Really?" At this time, a figure came out of the dark place, and that person was none other than Lin Tian.

At this moment, Lin Tian is only one step away from the Great Perfection of the combined body, because his seventh dark clone has been condensed, and now he only needs the power of thunder and light.

Among them, Lin Tian also has a plan, that is the holy pool of the Snow Mountain Temple, because the increase in white light of these people after baptism is similar to the increase in power of the light system.

So Lin Tian wanted to visit this holy pool.

But at this moment, Guanggu stared at Lin Tian and sneered, "I thought he was superhuman, but Naihe was just a guy who didn't even have the Tribulation Boundary."

Lin Tian looked at the people in front of him with a smile, "Although I haven't crossed the Tribulation Realm, it's enough to deal with you."

Lin Tian's domineering made everyone in Xueshan Temple unhappy, and some even rushed out directly, intending to give Lin Tian a thunderous blow.

But before this person reached Lin Tian, ​​the black vortex in front of Lin Tian made those people afraid, and then these people retreated obediently.

Elder Guang flashed his cold eyes, "Ghost art?"

"Ghost art, it's not counted, but soul art is real." Lin Tian smiled, while Kong You stared at Elder Guang and said with a smile, "Elder Guang, I didn't scare you. Few people can carry it."

Elder Guang snorted, "We also have a lot of strong soul defenses here, I don't believe he can break it!"

After finishing speaking, with a word from Elder Guang, several people walked out, and each of these people had very strong souls and strong defenses.

Especially when these people come out, there are black covers around them, which are the soul defense covers.

That Kong You suddenly laughed, "It is rumored that there is a team in the Snow Mountain Temple, called the ghost repair team, and it specializes in soul defense, but I didn't expect to see it today."

"Originally, this team was used to deal with some powerful people, but today we can think highly of him when we deal with this kid." Elder Guang snorted.

Kong You laughed, "Then I really want to see if he is better than you."

That Su Yuanyuan stared, "Which side are you on?"

Bai Yushan also stared at Kong You, "A person like you just needs to be dealt with."

Kong You looked aggrieved, "I just like to watch the excitement."

The two people in Bai Yushan didn't believe it, but Lin Tian had once again condensed black vortexes, hitting these soul defense shields one by one, but they were blocked by these people one by one.

Elder Guang said proudly, "Boy, you see, they are all masters of soul defense, and your soul method is ineffective against them."

"It's not invalid, it's because I'm too weak to exert my strength now." Lin Tian smiled wryly, but he sighed in his heart, "How can these guys cultivate their soul defense so high?"

At this time, Kong You teased Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, in fact, these people were originally used to deal with me, but now they are used on you."

Lin Tian didn't expect this to happen, and Elder Guang snorted, "Kong You, you know a lot."

"I've heard that you want me to surrender, but I haven't found a chance." That Kong You was not afraid, and directly stated the purpose of the Snow Mountain Temple.

"Then I'll take you down together today." Elder Guang said proudly.

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