When Kong You heard this, he started to feel a little worried, and he still encouraged Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, untie my strength, and I will help you."

Lin Tian looked at Kong You with a smile, "Do you think I will believe you?"

Kong You suddenly said helplessly, "Then wait, you will be bullied by them."

Lin Tian didn't speak, but Elder Guang became curious, "Could it be that your power was sealed by him?"

Kong You pretended to be calm, "No."

Elder Guang didn't believe it, but at this time Lin Tian suddenly disappeared, and everyone wondered where Lin Tian had gone.

At this time, some people with weaker souls were suddenly attacked by Lin Tian who had switched positions.

A group of people were seriously injured on the spot, and Elder Guang was furious, "Bastard, take him down for me!"

But Lin Tian has seven avatars, one deity, which can be changed at will at the same time, so that those people don't know where Lin Tian has gone.

I saw Lin Tian coming out, injuring some people, and then suddenly disappeared from his original position.

All of a sudden, the people in Xueshan Temple panicked and fled away one after another. Only Elder Guang and those people with strong souls were looking for Lin Tian there.

Kong You laughed, "Elder Guang, I didn't expect you to lead the team out today, and it would be so miserable."

Elder Guang looked ugly, especially when he saw the corpses all around, he gritted his teeth angrily, "I'll take care of you after I take him down."

"His speed, you want to win, it is very difficult." Kong You teased, and Elder Guang stared, "I don't believe in evil anymore."

After finishing speaking, Elder Guang asked those people with strong souls to approach him, and then these people gathered together, staring at each other's surroundings, just in case.

At this time, Lin Tian sent a voice transmission to Su Yuanyuan and the others, "Leave here first."

Su Yuanyuan and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, and then took advantage of Lin Tian's battle with these people to retreat a little bit to the side, and Kong You quickly followed after finding out.

Seeing this, Elder Guang gritted his teeth, "Damn it, chase after me."

But when these people went out, Lin Tian appeared again and said with a smile, "Is it me you are going to deal with?"

Elder Guang snorted, "You're so good at hiding, we won't arrest you anymore!"

Obviously Elder Guang had already thought of a way, that is to take down other people, but just as these people were about to rush out to deal with Su Yuanyuan and the others, Lin Tian suddenly released countless ghosts.

All of a sudden, there were phantoms on the surrounding snow, and that Kong You was stunned from a distance, "So many?"

Su Yuanyuan was also taken aback, but Elder Pi didn't expect so much, so he hurriedly said to them, "I know there is a place to hide, so hurry up and follow."

Those few people had no choice but to keep up, and Elder Guang who was there was completely stunned when he saw thousands of Lin Tianmoying, and he stammered, "Is this still a human?"

The people from the Snow Mountain Temple who were watching from the other side were all taken aback, especially that Luo Fei muttered, "What is the origin of this guy?"

Lin Tian stared at Elder Guang and said with a smile, "Your souls are very strong, and your defenses are also strong, but don't worry, I will definitely find a way to deal with you later."

The next moment, these phantoms disappeared one by one, and finally Lin Tian's avatar and the main body were no longer there, leaving only those people with soul defense hoods looking at each other.

Elder Guang looked around, except for Xue Hua and the people from his Snow Mountain Temple, there was no one there. He gritted his teeth angrily, "Look for it, find it for me!"

But those people hesitated.

"Elder Guang, this kid is so difficult to deal with, so what if we find him?"

"That's right, Elder Guang, we found him, we can't trap him, we can't kill him, there's nothing we can do."

Elder Guang was so angry that his face was ugly, "No matter what, find it for me first!"

The people had no choice but to search around, but they didn't dare to leave too far away from each other, they could only walk and search for places that were close to each other.

In Jiuxue Tianshan, under a mountain, Elder Pi said, "When you go up this mountain, there will be labyrinths everywhere, and it will be much better then."

"Maze array?" Lin Tian didn't understand it very well when he came here for the first time, but Su Yuanyuan said as if he understood something, "Is this the Labyrinth Mountain in Jiuxuetian Mountain?"

Elder Pi said kindly, while Kong You smiled wryly, "It is said that this labyrinth mountain is easy to enter but difficult to exit. When we go in, we will be trapped inside and cannot get out."

But Elder Pi said, "My master understands formations, so it's easy for him to come out."

Kong You didn't believe it, but he still muttered, "He? Even know formation?"

"Really!" Elder Pi said, but Kong You stared at Lin Tian strangely.

At this time, a group of people from behind came, and Elder Guang said excitedly, "I knew you would hide here."

Lin Tian stared at Elder Pi and the others with a smile, "Go in, and don't come out without my permission."

"What about you?" Su Yuanyuan asked curiously, while Lin Tian said with a smile, "I want to go to the Snow Mountain Temple."

"Play?" Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but Lin Tian didn't explain much and let them in directly.

These people had no choice but to enter inside one by one, and then disappeared in front of Lin Tian.

Lin Tian stood there smiling and looked at Elder Guang and the others, and Elder Guang immediately put everyone on alert and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, what tricks do you want to play again?"

"I want to go to your Snow Mountain Temple, can I?" Lin Tian smiled, but Elder Guang was dubious, "Go to our Snow Mountain Temple?"

"Yes, don't you want to take me back?" Lin Tian looked at the group of people with a smile, but the group of people felt agitated and stared at Lin Tian strangely.

To Lin Tianxiao said, "Lead the way."

Elder Guang glared, "Why did you take you there?"

"If you don't take me there, I'll go to this maze, so you don't even want to catch me." Lin Tian looked at the group of people with a smile.

Those people looked at each other, and Elder Guang muttered to himself, "I can lure him to some special places in the Snow Mountain Temple, and let other people attack together. At that time, no matter how fast he is, it will be useless."

Seeing Elder Guang's pensive look, Lin Tian smiled and said, "How is it? Have you thought it through?"

"Okay, I'll take you there!" After Elder Guang finished speaking, he asked everyone to be on guard against Lin Tian, ​​and then led the way ahead.

Lin Tian followed up with the group of people with a big smile, and the people in the Saintess Hall who were waiting nearby were shocked when they heard that Lin Tian was going to the Snow Mountain Temple.

Lin Tian walked up to Luo Fei and asked with a smile, "What? Scared?"

Looking at Lin Tian at this moment, Luo Fei was indeed terrified, but Lin Tian comforted him, "Don't be afraid, I won't eat you, why are you so worried?"

Raffi stammered, "You look scary."

"Really? It wasn't like this when you were in the Spirit Beast Farm before." Lin Tian said with emotion.

When Luo Fei thought of the Spirit Beast Field, his heart trembled a few times, and then he didn't know what to say, but Lin Tian asked with a smile, "Don't be nervous, let's have a good chat."

But Elder Guang shouted there, "Don't let anyone approach him!"

Those people dispersed immediately, and Luo Fei also retreated to the side, only Lin Tian walked there alone, and the others were guarding at the side, guarding at the same time, it looked very weird.

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