Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 901 The four masters are vulnerable

Bai Yushan and others looked back and saw a masked woman, but Lin Tian smiled there, "It seems that you don't need big men like you for daily life."

Bai Yushan was stunned for a moment and hesitated, "My lord, who is she?"

"Hallmaster of the Hall of the Holy Maiden of the Snow Mountain Temple."

"What? So young?" That Bai Yushan's eyes widened, and Elder Pi was a little surprised, "Master, how is this possible?"

Kong You also had a strange expression on his face, "It's a little different."

"Young? What if she is an old woman pretending to be?" Lin Tian said casually, and the woman ran away, "Boy, who said I was pretending to be an old woman?"

"Then what are you doing with your face covered?" Lin Tian said with a smile, and the woman snorted, "I just want to see what kind of person Tian Luo's fiancé is."

"What? Are you so concerned about me?"

"You're dreaming!" The masked woman was about to die of anger, but Lin Tian smiled, "Tell me, then why did you come here?"

"Follow? This passage can already be entered and exited at will, why is it called follow?" the masked woman snorted.

Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, and then walked a few steps, that Bai Yushan and others quickly followed, and the masked woman followed behind.

"My lord, she really followed." Bai Yushan was surprised, but Kong You said with a smile, "Boy, you are so lucky, even the owner of the Snow Mountain Temple was hooked up by you."

Elder Pi was also full of smiles, but Lin Tian turned around and looked at the masked woman with a smile, "You say you, what are you doing with me?"

"I said, observe you, is there a problem?" The masked woman was confident, but Lin Tian knew that the other party must have some purpose, so he smiled, "Then you just follow like this."

"Follow, follow!" The masked woman snorted, and then followed closely, keeping a certain distance.

As for Lin Tian, ​​as soon as he took a few steps, a group of officers and soldiers appeared nearby, and there were four people leading the team.

Lin Tian had seen two of them before, and Bai Yushan recognized them, Blood Bing and Dark Moon Flame.

One is a master of swordsmanship and the other is a ghost cultivator.

But Bai Yushan didn't know about the other two, but he doubted, "Could it be that these two are from the Beixue Prefecture Prefecture, and the other two masters are sword-tips and tyrants?"

The tip of the knife, a bunch of small knives protruding from the sleeve, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, "That's right, I am the first person to use knives in Beixue Prefecture. Everyone calls me the tip of the knife."

As for the other one, he was muscular and looked like a stone, and with his hands on his back, he said coldly, "The number one person in Beixue Prefecture, Lianba."

Bai Yushan smiled, "The four masters are here."

Xue Bing stared, "Sect Master Bai, this place has nothing to do with you, otherwise we will even arrest you."

Bai Yushan smiled, "You guys, it's better to give up, or you will die a miserable death later."

"Dead? Just kidding, we are the four masters." That Xue Bing snorted, but Bai Yushan couldn't laugh or cry.

Elder Pi asked curiously, "What's going on here?"

After Bai Yushan explained briefly, that Elder Pi walked out immediately, "You guys still want to arrest him?"

"Stinky beggar, it's none of your business here, if you don't want to die, just get out!" That Xue Bing glared, and Elder Pi pointed at Lin Tian, ​​"If you want to catch him, you have to pass my test!"

Xue Bing wanted to get angry, but the point of the knife laughed and said, "Leave it to me."

After finishing speaking, the countless flying knives in the knife tip's hand went out, and they were like afterimages, very fast, reaching the elder Pi in one fell swoop.

Not to be outdone, Elder Pi waved his hands, and a gust of air flowed around him, and these air currents directly knocked all the throwing knives away.

At the same time, Elder Pi snorted, "When I was practicing, you were probably still in the womb!"

The four masters didn't expect Elder Pi to be so powerful, so after the four of them looked at each other, the tyrant said, "I'll come, watch me beat him to death with one punch."

After finishing speaking, the Lianba stretched out his right hand, wearing a golden glove, and punched that elder Pi hard.

A huge golden fist shadow quickly stabbed at that elder Pi.

Elder Pi pushed with both palms, and a strong air current hit the golden fist shadow directly, and the golden fist shadow was instantly blown away.

"This." Lianba stared wide-eyed, unable to believe that his punch was resisted by someone.

But that Bai Yushan was laughing there, "I've said it all, you can't do it, do you still want to fight?"

The four of them immediately sent voice transmissions in private.

"This guy is protected, what should we do now?"

"Notify the Palace Master immediately."

"How do we keep them?"

"Four people shot together to destroy this old man!"

Afterwards, the four of them unanimously decided to join hands to abolish this elder Pi first, so the four people's momentum skyrocketed, and then all their attacks were aimed at that elder Pi.

Elder Pi immediately "demonized", his strength soared, and the attack of these four people rushed over, and they were blown away by Elder Pi's aura.

Not only that, these four people were blown away by Elder Pi's momentum, "Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom", the four masters just fell down.

Bai Yushan laughed, and Kong You sighed, "He came from Jiuxue Tianshan. How can ordinary people like you be his opponent?"

These people frantically shouted in fright, "Retreat!"

All of a sudden these troops withdrew, and Bai Yushan laughed happily, "These people really think they are great."

"Let's go." Lin Tian laughed, and Bai Yushan asked curiously, "My lord, where are we going now?"

"This Beixuezhou mansion doesn't want to live anymore, so let's change the owner." Lin Tianxie smiled.

Bai Yushan took a deep breath, "Change the master?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" Lin Tian asked back, and Bai Yushan hesitated, "My lord, the thirty-six states have been fixed."

"Fixed? What do you mean?"

"Many years ago, there were wars everywhere. In order to stabilize the situation, various forces established thirty-six state capitals. At the same time, this final configuration was also approved by the five immortal officials."


"Yes, so if you want to change the owner, you have to get the approval of the State Capital Alliance."

"What is the state capital alliance?" Lin Tian felt more and more that the thirty-six state capitals were not as simple as they appeared on the surface.

"It's like this. Generally, the state capitals are inherited. If you change your family, you have to submit an application to the alliance, which will be reviewed by people from the other thirty-five state capitals. If you agree, the new family can replace the old family to control that state. government."

Lin Tian sneered, "A state capital, is it still so troublesome?"

"After all, the stability and instability of a state capital will affect the surrounding state capitals, as well as the common people and monks. Therefore, in order to avoid wars between the state capitals, there is such an alliance and such a regulation."

Lin Tian shook his head helplessly, "These five immortal officials are really taking care of more and more things!"

Bai Yushan didn't expect Lin Tian to comment on the five immortal officials so much, but Lin Tian smiled back, "In order to reduce trouble, the family will not be changed, but I have to make them obey!"

"What does your lord mean?" Bai Yushan had an ominous premonition, but Lin Tian smiled strangely and took everyone there.

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