Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 902 The So-Called Helper

In Beixuezhou Prefecture, the four masters fled back from the wilderness.

Mrs. Yang in the state capital widened her eyes after hearing this, "What? They came out?"

Bei Leng said angrily, "Not only came out, but also beat back the four masters at once."

Madam Yang gritted her teeth angrily, and asked those four people, "What's going on!"

These four people narrated one by one, and also said that the stinky beggar was terrible.

"So, that kid didn't make a move, it was that beggar who drove you away?" That Mrs. Yang glared angrily.

Xue Bing and the others didn't dare to say anything, but Madam Yang gritted her teeth angrily, "Damn it, who is this beggar and how did he get here!"

The four of them also wanted to know, but that Bei Lengkuang frowned, "Recently, I heard that a group of masters ran out of Jiuxue Tianshan, and the beggars are probably from inside."

"A group of masters? Can you recruit some to deal with that guy?" Mrs. Yang was impatient.

"I've already sent someone there, and I think there will be news soon." Bei Lengkuang said, and Mrs. Yang said kindly.

After a while, gradually many people from Jiuxue Tianshan came to report, and the asking price was very high, but in order to deal with Lin Tian and the others, Bei Lengkuang could afford it no matter how high the price was.

Therefore, in less than half a day, many people came here as diners, and the prices were very scary.

All of a sudden, the Bei Xuezhou mansion was bustling.

"Guys, you actually joined us, so can you do things for us now?" that Bei Lengkuang stared at the crowd and said.

Those people expressed their willingness one after another, and some even offered a price, "As long as you give me money, I can do anything."

"That's right, we are the people from the strongest snow mountain temple in Jiuxue Tianshan, there is nothing we can't deal with." Someone even said madly.

"Yes, we are people who have been baptized countless times." Some people became even more arrogant.

Bei Lengkuang didn't know what the baptism meant, but after everyone explained it, he finally understood, so he looked at everyone, "Everyone is so powerful, can you make a move?"

"Tell me, who to deal with." Some people can't wait to show.

However, at this moment, the four masters rushed in frantically, and even sued Bei Lengkuang.

"Master, here we come."

"What's coming?" Bei Lengkuang didn't understand at first, but after the four people finished speaking one by one, Bei Lengkuang said angrily, "This guy, dare to come?"

The doormen laughed one by one, "Don't worry, let's deal with that short-sighted guy."

"That's right, with us here, this kind of blind person must be scared to run away when he sees us."

These people were crazier than the other, but when Lin Tian and the others appeared, all of them shut up, their eyes stunned.

Bei Lengkuang laughed loudly, "Boy, you are quite courageous, dare to come here!"

"I think the Beixue Prefecture government should be rectified." Lin Tian smiled at Bei Lengkuang, but Bei Lengkuang sneered, "Boy, don't think that you are the only one who can ask for help."

"Oh? Are you looking for someone?" Lin Tian looked at the group of people with a smile, and all of them got goosebumps.

Bei Lengkuang didn't notice, and smiled at Madam Yang, "Madam, do you want to tell him?"

"Of course." Mrs. Yang was also full of confidence at the moment, but Bei Lengkuang pointed at the group of people excitedly, "These people came from Jiuxue Tianshan and Snow Mountain Temple, and each of them has been baptized many times. great people."

Madam Yang also sneered there, "As long as we give an order, they will kill you."

Lin Tian laughed, and Bai Yushan also laughed, but Elder Pi shook his head helplessly.

That Kong You sighed, "A bunch of scum."

At this time, the masked woman sitting on a roof shook her head helplessly, obviously seeing the end.

Seeing Lin Tian and his group shaking their heads, Mrs. Yang glared after sighing, "Why? Are you not afraid?"

Bai Yushan laughed there, "Madam Yang, you should ask them if they are afraid!"

Mrs. Yang didn't know what Bai Yushan meant, but she turned her head to look at those disciples, "Everyone, as long as you take down these people, I will reward you very much from Beixue Prefecture."

Unexpectedly, these people backed away one by one, and some even laughed awkwardly and said, "This business is not going to be done."

"What?" Madam Yang's eyes widened, and that Bei Leng said anxiously, "Didn't you just say that you can deal with them easily?"

Someone hesitated and said, "Master Bei, others can do it, but he, we really can't do anything about it."

"Why?" Bei Leng asked anxiously, but those people didn't explain, until Lin Tian said with a smile, "Everyone, I don't want people in this mansion to leave. Can you help?"

When those people heard this, they immediately burst into excitement, "No problem!"

"Mr. Lin, don't worry, no one can leave here today!"

After those people finished speaking, they jumped around one by one, guarding all places, and even arrested some old guys from the Bei family from the secret room.

For a moment, the Beixue State Mansion seemed to be taken down by someone, and that Bei Lengkuang turned pale, "How could this be?"

Mrs. Yang said even more angrily, "Boy, you, why can you order them."

Lin Tian didn't speak, but Bai Yushan laughed and said, "Mrs. Yang, to be honest, people from Jiuxue Tianshan and Xueshan Temple were almost all defeated by our adults, so when they saw our adults, naturally Terribly scared!"

"What?" Mrs. Yang's eyes widened, while Bei Leng couldn't believe it, and stared at Lin Tian in horror, "Boy, you."

Lin Tian stared at Bei Lengkuang and the others and said with a smile, "If anyone doesn't want to die, he can surrender to me now. If he wants to die, then I'll kill him later and train a new Palace Master."

This frightened Bei Lengkuang, and some of the Bei family members made Bei Lengkuang confess their love one after another. After all, they didn't want to be wiped out.

As for those guards, and the four masters, they were already frightened and surrendered one by one, and Lin Tian imprinted their souls one by one, then stared at Bei Lengkuang and Mrs. Yang and said with a smile, "Both, what about you now?" ?”

Bei Lengkuang was depressed and subdued, and this Mrs. Yang glared at Lin Tian angrily, "Boy, I won't let you succeed."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Yang swallowed a pill, and the next moment, this Mrs. Yang died, and her soul disappeared.

Lin Tian frowned, "It's the same as Mr. Zhou's death."

Bei Lengkuang was stunned for a moment, then said helplessly, "Why do you do this?"

Lin Tian looked at Bei Lengkuang and said, "Do you still want revenge?"

Bei Lengkuang saw that the entire mansion was like this, and he couldn't talk about revenge, so he could only say helplessly, "From now on, I will just listen to you."

Lin Tian also imprinted his soul into him, and Lin Tian found something interesting in Bei Lengkuang's memory, so he looked at Bei Lengkuang curiously, "Are your wife and that Master Zhou from the same sect?"

"Yes, they are from the same school!"

"To the ghost gate." Lin Tian said three words, and Bei Lengkuang said in surprise, "How do you know?"

"I didn't know at first, but your memory told me." Lin Tian laughed, and Bei Lengkuang stared at Lin Tian in surprise.

But Lin Tian said, "The people of Chaoguimen practice a kind of kung fu, as long as they are combined with a pill, they can die physically, and their souls return to Chaoguimen without disappearing, right?"

Bei Lengkuang stared at Lin Tian in shock, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "No wonder, you are not too sad, because you know her soul is not dead."

Bei Lengkuang said helplessly, "My lord, she and I are husband and wife after all."

"Okay, let's not talk about this, talk about it, where is this Chaoguimen?"

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