Bei Lengkuang looked helpless, "If I knew, I would have asked their people for help."

Lin Tian frowned, because he really didn't find out where the Chaoguimen was in Bei Lengkuang's memory.

So Lin Tian looked at the people present, but all the people present knew that there was a ghost gate, but they just didn't know where it was.

Lin Tian was a little depressed, but at least that Master Zhou was not dead, which meant that he still had a chance to find her, so Lin Tian calmed down and looked at Bei Lengkuang, "Okay, I won't bother you guys anymore."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian left with Bai Yushan and others.

Everyone in the mansion sent Lin Tian off respectfully, and Bai Yushan worshiped Lin Tian after he walked out of the mansion, "My lord, you didn't see the expression of the mansion lord just now, you really want to laugh."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "I see, you are about to return to Feixianzong."

"Ah, Feixianzong?" That Bai Yushan suddenly didn't want to go back, because it was so interesting to follow Lin Tian.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "Yes, you go back to Feixianzong, and immediately your sect's power will help me investigate two things."

When Bai Yushan heard that there was something to do, he immediately said excitedly, "My lord, tell me!"

"One, help me find out the whereabouts of that saint, that is, Tian Luo, and two, help me find out the whereabouts of Chaoguimen."

Bai Yushan took the lead and said, "My lord, don't worry, I will do it right away when I return to the sect."


"Yes." Bai Yushan packed up his mood and left there, while Lin Tian looked at Kong You and said with a smile, "Do you really want to be free?"

"of course."

"Of course I let you go, but you should know my temper." Lin Tian smiled at Kong You.

Kong You naturally saw it, so he said with a smile, "Boy, as long as you let me go, we can discuss everything."

"It's not worth discussing. I just want you to help me find out about Chaoguimen. After all, you are a ghost cultivator. It will be much easier to get in touch with such a ghost cultivator." Lin Tian smiled and looked at Kong You.

"Then you asked that guy to help just now?" Kong You was puzzled, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "One more person, one more effort, isn't it?"

Kong You thought it made sense, "Okay, I'll just help you."

At this time, Lin Tian released the other party's sealing power, and that Kong You immediately returned to his peak, but he looked at Lin Tian curiously, "Boy, are you not afraid that I will escape?"

"You can escape for a while, but you can't escape forever, so you'd better think about it carefully." Lin Tian smiled and looked at Kong You, but Kong You said helplessly, "Forget it, I'm afraid of you."

After finishing speaking, Kong You took out the sound transmission stone and Lin Tian marked it, and then he left in a leap.

Lin Tianzheng was planning to put away the sound transmission stone, but found that there were a lot of news in the sound transmission stone.

Lin Tian checked them one by one curiously, then frowned, "It seems that it's time to go back to Yunzhou Mansion."

"Yunzhou Mansion?" Elder Pi didn't know where it was, and Lin Tian led him to chat while walking.

In Yunzhou Prefecture, because of Jiang Zhiruo's influence, people in Tianshuimen were suppressed everywhere.

I saw Nangong Yan and the others were frowning in the villa of Tianshuimen in Yunzhou City.

"This big brother doesn't even know when he will be back!" Nangong Yan said depressedly, and Tianbing also said anxiously, "I have been contacting him all the time but there is no response."

Besides these two people, there is another person, Jiang Yao, and Grandma Ming is beside her.

Jiang Yao also looked ugly, but Grandma Ming sighed, "If he doesn't show up within three days, that girl Fen will be in trouble."

Nangong Yan said angrily, "It's that bitch who set a trap for Sister Fen, and now makes the Palace Master and his staff even more ill."

Jiang Yao stood up, "If he doesn't show up within three days, I'll take you all to rescue him."

Grandma Ming was shocked, "Miss, this is outrageous."

"Right now, many people in the mansion have been bribed by her, maybe poisoning or something is fake." Jiang Yao gritted her teeth angrily.

"But the Palace Master now only believes in what he sees in front of him. If you force your way, you will fall into the trap of Miss San."

Although Jiang Yao didn't want to step on this trap, she had to do it.

At this time, the old white-browed eagle appeared, and he was sent by Tongbao sect, and he was also the one who was taken by Lin Tian.

The old white-browed eagle said with an ugly expression, "Everyone, here is a letter sent by Miss San, asking us to deliver it to you through Tongbaomen."

"What letter?" Jiang Yao was puzzled, and the old white-browed eagle handed over the letter. After reading it for a while, Jiang Yao said angrily, "Damn it."

Nangong Yan and the others also glanced at it, and immediately became furious.

"She wanted us to submit to them, and then she let Sister Fen go." Nangong Yan was furious.

"More than that, she wants our ancestor to beg her." Tianbing was even more annoyed, obviously very angry.

Grandma Ming was helpless, "The three masters of Yunzhou Mansion, Dark Blood, have been protecting her, otherwise I would have killed her and hijacked her."

Hearing the dark blood, everyone looked ugly. After all, it was this dark blood that made many of their sneak attack plans fail, so they could only stare there.

Just then, a group of guards came outside and surrounded the place.

Jiang Yao froze for a moment, "What's the situation?"

At this time, He City Lord appeared. He was Lin Tian's person in private, but he wanted to pretend to be Jiang Zhiruo's person on the surface.

I only heard He City Lord say, "Second Miss, everyone from Tianshuimen, I am in charge of investigating the recent theft of Yunzhou Mansion."

"Stolen?" Jiang Yao's eyes widened, and the city lord said with grace, "Yes, a lot of important things have been lost in the Yunzhou Mansion recently, and some people said it was related to Tianshui Gate, so we were ordered to investigate."

Jiang Yao was furious, "I'm going to see the Palace Master!"

"Father is in seclusion, you can't see it." At this moment, there was a laugh from outside, it was none other than Jiang Zhiruo.

Jiang Yao stared at Jiang Zhiruo, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Zhiruo smiled, "Father, he has been practicing in seclusion recently, so he entrusted me with some important matters in the mansion."

"You." Jiang Yao didn't expect such a thing to happen, but Nangong Yan said angrily, "Give me back my sister Fen!"

Jiang Zhiruo looked at the people present with a smile, "That little girl? She will be executed in three days!"

"You." Nangong Yan gritted her teeth angrily, Tianbing stared and said, "Our ancestor will definitely not let you go."

"Your patriarch? He must be a coward. He's hiding now and doesn't dare to come out." That Jiang Zhiruo laughed out loud after finishing speaking.

This made the people in Tianshuimen very angry, especially that Nangong Yan wanted to do something, but Jiang Yao stopped her, "Don't be impulsive."

Nangong Yan gritted her teeth angrily, and the white-browed eagle elder also reminded, "That's right, don't be fooled."

Jiang Zhiruo laughed and said, "Oh, the people from Tongbaomen are here too."

"Didn't you ask us to deliver the letter?" The old white-browed eagle looked ugly.

"That's right, I was given away just now, but I couldn't see your response, so I came to take a look and investigate the theft case by the way." That Jiang Zhiruo smiled.

Jiang Yao said anxiously, "Have you played enough?"

Jiang Zhiruo sneered, "As long as that kid doesn't kneel down and apologize to me, I haven't had enough fun!"

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