Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 906 Totem, Holy Gate

Director Liang thought that Lin Tian could be hacked to death with one knife, and Nan Gongyan and others also showed worried expressions.

But at this moment, Lin Tianxie smiled, "The knife is gone, what do you use to chop!"

Before everyone realized what was going on, the saber of Chief Liang disappeared, and he hit Lin Tian empty-handed, but Lin Tian hit the Burning Palm with his palm instead.

The cool manager was so frightened that he hurried to the backstage, but before he could stand still, Nocturne appeared and directly entangled the cool manager.

Manager Liang wanted to break free, but Lin Tian's Xu Mie hit him again, and Manager Liang vomited blood on the spot, his face pale.

"Impossible!" Manager Liang never thought that he had reached the perfection of Ascension Realm, and he didn't even touch Lin Tian's fur, but he was already seriously injured.

That Jiang Zhiruo was even more frightened, "How could this happen!"

The people present were stunned, their minds went blank, until Lin Tian hit Xu Mie again, that Chief Liang was completely blinded, and then fell to the ground, dead.

The on-site guards were confused and didn't know what to do, but that Jiang Yao ordered, "Now I will take over the guards of the state capital!"

The guards looked at each other, but at present they could only compromise. After all, Jiang Zhiruo was dying here, and the chief executive was dead again. The only person with rights was Jiang Yao.

So these people said respectfully, "Yes, Second Miss!"

Jiang Zhiruo was not reconciled, "No, you can't take my rights away!"

Jiang Yao ignored it, but when Lin Tian was about to make a move, a black wooden bird flashed past, directly smashed through the earth wall, and then left with Jiang Zhiruo in its mouth.

Lin Tian flew out immediately, and then hit the wooden bird with a Burning Palm from the air.

The wooden bird immediately fell apart, but this Jiang Zhiruo disappeared.

Lin Tian frowned and lowered his eyebrows, staring at the broken wooden bird in the yard, and everyone gathered around to see what it was.

Jiang Yao stared at the wooden bird and frowned, "Is the rumor true?"

"What's the rumor?"

"It is rumored that my third sister has joined a force, and this force is very large, it is said that it has infiltrated all major states, and there are many capable people in this force."

Lin Tian sneered, "Is the Tiangu Alliance strong?"

"The Tiangu Alliance is in the open, but this one is in the dark. No one knows their origins, but this force does exist." Jiang Yao explained.

Lin Tian muttered in his heart, "What kind of power is it?"

Jiang Yao was grateful to Lin Tian, ​​"No matter what, you helped me a lot today, thank you very much."

"I'm helping myself." Lin Tian explained, while Nangongyan and Tianbing ran to Lin Tian's side.

"Big Brother, Sister Fen is still being imprisoned by that woman!" Nangong Yan said anxiously.

Lin Tian looked back at that Jiang Yao, and Jiang Yao explained, "I know where she is being held!"

"lead the way."

"En." Jiang Yao immediately took the army and left here.

The onlookers talked about it one after another, and the news spread quickly, making people from all over the place curious about the origin of this ancestor of Tianshuimen, so terrible.

However, at this moment, Lin Tian stood outside a formation, and this formation was an underground secret room in Jiang Zhiruo's home.

"That's it." Jiang Yao pointed to the formation in front of her and said, while Grandma Ming looked at it and said, "This formation is not simple."

Elder Pi also looked at it and said, "Master, this."

"This is the fairy formation, and it's not incomplete, it's a one-star fairy formation arranged by someone." Lin Tian explained.

"What? Immortal Formation?" Everyone was startled.

After all, incomplete fairy formations are already very rare, but now there is a complete one, and it is some kind of one-star fairy formation. Although everyone doesn't understand what one-star fairy formation means, it sounds scary.

Lin Tian said suspiciously, "The one who can arrange a one-star fairy formation is definitely not an ordinary mortal."

"Is it also from that force?" That Jiang Yao was puzzled, and Lin Tian said, "No matter what strength you have, if you provoke me, you will die!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian patted the formation with one hand, and then the jade pendant appeared, and then the formation was looming.

But a picture flashed on the formation, and that picture was a pattern of colorful flowers.

"What is this?" Seeing this pattern. "Lin Tian couldn't help asking, but everyone shook their heads, obviously not seeing it.

But at this time a voice came from behind, "This is a totem, it belongs to an ancient tribe."

Everyone turned around curiously, just in time to see a masked woman.

That Jiang Yao said coldly, "Who are you?"

Everyone thought that the masked woman belonged to that force, so they were all on guard, but Lin Tian said, "She is not from that force."

"You know him?" Jiang Yao was curious, but Lin Tianen said, "Yes."

The masked woman laughed and said, "Fortunately, Mr. Lin didn't say he wanted to kill me."

"Say, what's going on with this totem?"

"Millions of years ago, human beings on land and in the sea lived together in tribes, and each tribe had its own totem, which is the god in their hearts. Later, physical skills gradually disappeared, and everyone went to practice. Many people no longer believe in God, so the totem gradually disappeared, but there is a totem that has survived until now, that is, the colorful totem in front of me, also known as the Holy Gate.”

"Holy gate?" Lin Tian had never heard of it, even when he was in the world ten thousand years ago, he had never seen it, so he was a little surprised at the moment.

"Yes, Holy Gate, but there are very few people who know about it, and there are very few records. What about me! I heard it from someone in the Snow Mountain Temple by chance, because that person is also from the Holy Gate."

"Then what about him?" Lin Tian really wanted to know the origin of this holy gate and who else was there.

"He, unfortunately, passed away some time ago." The masked woman said with a smile, but Lin Tian asked suspiciously, "Did you lie to me?"

"Mr. Lin, what's the benefit of me lying to you?" the masked woman smiled secretly.

However, at this time the formation was completely broken, and a cage appeared inside.

In this cage, Fen Qingqing was trapped by countless chains, and had injuries all over her body, and she was a little delirious.

Seeing this, Nangong Yan and Tianbing were very anxious and hurried forward.

Jiang Yao gritted her teeth and said, "Such a ruthless hand!"

Lin Tian didn't speak, but killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he said to Jiang Yao, "Miss Jiang, I need your help to walk a message."

"Say, I'll do it."

Lin Tian said, "I declare to the outside world that whoever can find the location of the Holy Gate, or the person of the Holy Gate, I can help him become a fairy!"

"Immortal?" Everyone was startled. After all, those who ascended to the Great Perfection and passed through the Nine Tribulations did not dare to claim that they could become immortals 100%.

"It's troublesome." Lin Tian said to Jiang Yao, and Jiang Yao said kindly, "I will use the power of Yunzhou Prefecture to arrange it."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yao immediately took Grandma Ming and left here, but the masked woman laughed and said, "Boy, you say that people can become immortals? Are you bragging?"

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