Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 907 Preparing for a Difficult Tribulation

Lin Tian ignored it, but walked towards Fen Qingqing step by step, and all the ropes on Fen Qingqing's body broke automatically.

Nangongyan and Tianbing quickly supported her, and called her anxiously for a long time, until Fen Qingqing opened her eyes in a daze.

Seeing Lin Tianshen, Fen Qingqing's eyes were reddish, "Old Ancestor."

"Don't talk, I'll heal your injuries." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he began to heal Fen Qingqing.

After about a while, this Fen Qingqing gradually recovered from her weakness, and she was able to stand up and walk.

"Thank you, Patriarch."

"I will avenge this revenge for you." Lin Tian only said a few words, then turned and walked out, while the masked woman laughed and said, "You can also avenge the people from the Holy Gate?"

"Whoever makes a move will die!" Lin Tian said coldly, but didn't say any more, while the masked woman muttered to herself, "This kid is really crazy."

Fen Qingqing and the others were curious about who this masked woman was, but after Lin Tian walked out of Jiang Zhiruo's mansion, he saw Jiang Yao who had already returned.

"Your order, I have already arranged it." That Jiang Yao replied, and Lin Tianen said, "Trouble."

Jiang Yao hesitated for a while and then stared at Lin Tian, ​​"I'm afraid I have something to ask you."

Lin Tian looked at Jiang Yao curiously, "What's the matter?"

"My father and a group of old people were poisoned, and they are staying in the mansion now. I'm afraid I need your help to solve it." That Jiang Yao said embarrassedly.

"Let's go." Lin Tian didn't say much, and let Jiang Yao lead the way, and Jiang Yao was overjoyed, and immediately led Lin Tian and others to Yunzhou Mansion.

In a secret room in Yunzhou Mansion, countless people gathered, and these people were all poisoned, and they couldn't use any spiritual energy.

Jiang Yao saw a middle-aged man hurried forward and said, "Father, Mr. Lin, I've invited you."

That middle-aged man is none other than the palace master, Jiang Chi.

Palace Master Jiang looked at Lin Tian excitedly, "Master Lin, please!"

At this moment, everyone here has heard about Lin Tian's rescue of Yunzhou Prefecture's crisis today, so everyone is very grateful to see Lin Tian.

After Lin Tianen made a sound, he stepped forward to eliminate the poison of these people. After half a day, everyone here was alive and well.

Palace Master Jiang looked excited, "Thank you, Miracle Doctor Lin, this time."

"It's a little effort." Lin Tian said casually, and Palace Master Jiang said, "If you need anything in the future, you can just mention it. I, Yunzhou Prefecture, can help, and I will definitely help."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "I will."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian planned to take someone away, but Palace Master Jiang suddenly said, "Master Lin, can we talk alone?"

"Speak alone?"

"Yes, this is related to my third daughter." Mansion Jiang obviously didn't want others to know, but he wanted to ask Lin Tian for help.

As for Lin Tian, ​​when he heard about Jiang Zhiruo, he immediately said excitedly, "That's all right, you wait for me in the mansion."

Nangong Yan and others were immediately settled in the mansion by Jiang Yao and others, while Lin Tian followed Mansion Master Jiang to a study.

That Mansion Master Jiang made sure that there was no one around, and that the sound insulation effect was completed, before he closed the door, stared at Lin Tian and said, "I am deeply sorry for what happened to my third daughter."

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about something useful." What Lin Tian wanted was not his apology, he just wanted to know more about this Jiang Zhiruo.

At this time, Mansion Master Jiang flipped through the bookshelf for a while, found a book, and took out an animal skin inside.

I saw that there was a seal on the animal skin, and the seal had to be opened by Palace Master Jiang himself.

"What is this?" Lin Tian asked curiously, and Palace Master Jiang explained, "This is an animal skin that I got by accident, and after my third daughter poisoned us, she kept looking for this, but I didn't say anything."

"Just this thing?"

"Yes, because of this thing, she turned against me and invited poison masters to deal with us." Palace Master Jiang said helplessly when he thought of this.

"If this Jiang Zhi is not your own?" Lin Tian suddenly asked suspiciously, and Palace Master Jiang said awkwardly, "To be honest, she was born by my concubine outside, until she was ten years old, her My mother brought her here and met me, and since then, she has been my third daughter."

"No wonder she is so ruthless to you." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he looked at the animal skin, but Palace Master Jiang was helpless, and injected his spiritual energy into the animal skin.

After a while, the words and paintings on the animal skin appeared.

"Zhanxiantai." Lin Tian didn't expect to see a beast picture of Zhanxiantai again.

"Yes, she has been pressing me for the picture of the Xiantai."

Lin Tian was suspicious, "Isn't this Zhanxiantai saying that there will be no return? She is so interested?"

"It is said that the people behind her need it." Palace Master Jiang explained, and Lin Tian had no choice but to pick up the beast picture, "Then give this to me first, and you announced that this picture was taken by me. I think those people will find me."

"You will be in danger then."

Lin Tian sneered, "I'm worried that I won't be able to find them!"

Palace Master Jiang had no choice but to say, "That's fine, I'll announce it later."

"Alright then, I'll go first."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he put away the picture, and then walked out of the study, and the Jiang manor immediately rectified the Yunzhou mansion.

Lin Tian and the others returned to Tianshuimen Villa, but when they saw the empty villa, Lin Tian asked curiously, "Where are the others at Tianshuimen?"

"In order to prevent being framed by Jiang Zhiruo, I sent them all back to Tianshuimen in advance." That Fen Qingqing explained.

Lin Tian nodded, "Understood."

But after Lin Tian pondered for a while, he said to Elder Pi, "Go to Tianshuimen, in case someone sneaks into Tianshuimen."

Elder Pi responded, "Yes, Master."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian gave Elder Pi the specific location of Tianshuimen, but before Elder Pi left, Lin Tian asked Elder Pi to go to Fengxian Mountain to find other people in Fengxian Mountain, and took them all to Tianshuimen.

Soon, only Lin Tian and the three women were left in the entire villa, but Tian Bing pointed to a roof and said, "Old Ancestor, who is that woman? Why is she sitting on the roof all the time?"

"Leave her alone." Lin Tian didn't explain much, but that Tianbing was puzzled, "Is it an enemy or a friend?"

"Neither enemy nor friend."

This made the three of Tianbing look puzzled, but Lin Tian looked at the three women, "I am going to help you improve your cultivation, and then cross the tribulation and hit the Ascension Realm!"

When they heard that they were going to cross the catastrophe and hit the Ascension Realm, the three girls were immediately happy.

However, Lin Tian took the three daughters and started to go shopping in the city, and prepared some materials around.

Half a month later, Fen Qingqing's injuries healed, and the cultivation of the three girls had all reached the Great Perfection of Crossing the Tribulation, so they were short of crossing the Tribulation.

"Are you ready?" Lin Tian stood on a high mountain, staring at the formations arranged around, and then asked the three women.

The three girls nodded, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "Then we will go through the tribulation together today, the three of us."

"Together? Will it be too dangerous?" Fen Qingqing asked worriedly, and Tianbing also hesitated, "Old Ancestor, it is said that if many people cross the tribulation, the power of the thunder will double."

Lin Tian laughed and said, "I just want to double my strength!"

"Why?" The three looked at Lin Tian in amazement, while the masked woman outside the formation laughed and said, "The stronger the sky thunder, the stronger the cultivation base will be if you succeed in crossing the tribulation."

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