Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 908 Dead Warrior

After hearing this, Nangong Yan and the others understood, but the masked woman teased, "Boy, are you arrogant?"


"Yes, the difficulty is increased by more than five times for two people to cross the tribulation, and the difficulty is increased by more than ten times for three people, what do you think?" The masked woman laughed.

But Lin Tian laughed, "I'm not afraid of Tianlei being strong, but I'm afraid it's too weak."

"Too weak? Are you kidding me?" The masked woman heard for the first time that someone called Tianlei weak.

But Lin Tian didn't care, and let the three of them start to feel Tianlei.

After about a while, the sky began to roll with thunder and lightning, and the three of them crossed the tribulation at the same time, the thundercloud was very big.

People in the vicinity were curious about what happened, so they rushed over.

Suddenly there were many people nearby, and the masked woman smiled and said, "Boy, you made such a big noise that you have attracted others."

"It doesn't matter." Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, but the masked woman teased, "If I were your enemy, I would come over and attack them right away, and let them fail the tribulation."

"Whoever dares to come, I will kill him." Lin Tian's words were not too big or too small, but the surrounding people could hear them clearly.

As a result, many people were frightened, but some people laughed in a low voice and said, "This kid is a bit crazy."

"Whether crazy or not, he can instantly kill people in the Ascension Realm Dzogchen. Few people can do that alone."

"Yeah, this guy's ability in Yunzhou City a while ago is really scary."

When everyone was discussing, some people appeared in the crowd, and these people looked at each other, as if they were looking at each other and transmitting voices in private.

Just when the three of Nangong Yan resisted the first thunder, those people rushed out suddenly, and the masked woman was startled when she saw dozens of figures, "Boy, look, come here."

Lin Tian smiled evilly, "It's you who are waiting!"

As soon as those people rushed into the formation, they lost their way, and then looked around, while Lin Tian quickly beat these people to serious injuries, and when he was about to surrender them, these people blew themselves up to death one by one.

The powerful self-detonation almost shattered the formation. Fortunately, Lin Tian added a lot of materials to stabilize the formation, but he frowned, "These guys are dead men."

The masked woman breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, your formation is useful."

However, the onlookers outside were all stunned. They obviously didn't expect such a terrifying formation around the three women.

Lin Tian stood there, staring at the surroundings and said coldly, "Who else wants to come? Just come out!"

At this time, a man with acne scars on his face and a little hunchback came out of the crowd, and he smiled not far from the formation, "Boy, it's not bad, it's better than I imagined."

"Are you from the Holy Gate?"

"You even know the Holy Gate?" The man was a little surprised, and Lin Tian looked at the masked woman.

The masked woman smiled and said, "It seems that I guessed right."

The pockmarked man snorted, "I don't care how you know, anyway, today you and the three people from Tianshuimen will die."

"Do you want to come in and have a try?" Lin Tian asked back, but Acne smiled strangely, "Do you think I will deal with you all myself?"

"What do you mean?" Lin Tian stared at the acne scar and asked curiously, and the acne scar clapped his hands.

At this time, dozens of people appeared underground, and at first everyone didn't know what these dozens of people were going to do, but the next moment, everyone was stunned.

Because these people are all crossing the catastrophe, and they sense the thunder together.

This means that dozens of people crossed the tribulation at the same time. The scene scared the masked woman, "Three people have more than ten times the power of crossing the tribulation. Don't these dozens of people have to die?"

The onlookers also looked dumbfounded, but the acne scar stepped back step by step, and smiled at Lin Tian in the formation, and said, "Boy, dozens of people will cross the tribulation. The power of the thunder this day may not be thousands of times, but there are some Hundreds of times!"

Lin Tian wanted to rush out, but when he saw that the sky thunder above the three daughters' heads had begun to change color, he leapt and rushed to the top of the three daughters.

The acne-scarred man sneered, "You have to carry it yourself? Isn't this courting death?"

The masked woman was also startled, "Boy, if you fight hard, your power will increase."

Not only the masked woman, but also the onlookers were stunned.

Because the power of crossing the catastrophe by oneself is completely different from the power of helping others to cross the catastrophe, just like when Lin Tian helped Hei Xueyu resist the last thunder from the sky last time, he attracted the tenth terrible thunder.

But Lin Tian was not afraid, he still stood above the three women, staring at the sky thunder that was getting bigger and bigger.

The people nearby were so frightened that they hurriedly retreated, fearing that the thunder would be too powerful and affect them.

The third daughter was frightened, especially that Nangong Yan who almost cried, "Big brother, you, you go away."

Fen Qingqing also knew what this meant, so her eyes were red, "Old Ancestor, let's go."

Tian Bing said anxiously, "Old Ancestor, get out of the way, we will do it ourselves!"

Lin Tian looked down at the three girls with a smile, "If I get out of the way, you will be wiped out!"

Of course the three girls knew, but if Lin Tian didn't get out of the way, it would be Lin Tian who would be wiped out, so the three girls were anxious and shouted there.

The masked woman outside was dumbfounded, and she muttered, "This kid, is he really willing to die for his disciple?"

But the acne scar laughed, "Boy, I admire your courage, but courage alone cannot survive."

Lin Tian turned to stare at him and said with a smile, "If you have the ability, don't leave."

"Go? If you want to go, I won't go until you die!" The pockmarked man laughed triumphantly.

Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, and the people nearby wondered why Lin Tian was still in the mood to smile.

On the other hand, Nangong Yan was already sobbing, while Fen Qingqing and Tianbing had teardrops in their eyes.

Lin Tian looked down at the three girls and said with a smile, "Why are you crying, I'm not dead?"

Nangong Yan blamed herself while sobbing, "We are all useless!"

"Old Ancestor, if there is an afterlife, we will still be your disciples." That Tian Bing said even more sadly.

Fen Qingqing also knew that today's catastrophe could not be avoided, so she looked at Lin Tian, ​​although she didn't say anything, but her face that was not afraid of death revealed a look of resignation to death.

Lin Tian shook his head helplessly, "You are from Tianshuimen, why do you love to cry so much?"

In the face of Lin Tian's reprimand, the three women did not refute, but instead cried, sobbed, and remained silent.

The masked woman outside couldn't stand it anymore, and planned to attack the people around her.

Before Nai He could do anything, there was a rumbling thunder in the sky.

The powerful light in the area where Lin Tian and the three women were located spread out, and the masked woman was blown away by a strong air current.

The same goes for the onlookers, all of whom were blown away, and the dozens of people who had crossed the tribulation realm also received thunder from above their heads.

Although these sky thunders were not as big as Lin Tian's area, their power directly razed the area where those people who crossed the Tribulation Realm to the ground.

"Tsk tsk, it's spectacular." The pockmarked man laughed while floating in the air not far away.

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