Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 974 Capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot escape

The leader laughed after seeing Lin Tian staring in her direction, "You can enter this place but not exit it until you die."

"That's someone else, not me." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he took a leap and flew towards the small hole. However, when the surrounding lightning, wind and ghost energy approached him, they had no effect on him at all.

The leader was stunned, staring at Lin Tian in disbelief, "Boy, you."

But at this time Lin Tian had already appeared in front of her, staring at her coldly, "Are you still attacking?"

The leader retreated step by step, but the old woman was dumbfounded, "Can this come out?"

At this time, Lin Tian suddenly disappeared and reappeared, standing behind the two old women, and the leader reacted faster, and quickly avoided it, while the old woman was much slower, and was severely injured by Lin Tian's sword on the spot.

"Ah!" The old woman screamed, and when she stepped back, she lost one of her arms, which made her terrified, "Don't, don't kill me."

The female leader stared at Lin Tian anxiously, "Boy, let her go."

"If you say let it go, don't I lose face?" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he stabbed his sword into the old woman's body.

The female leader said anxiously, "You."

At this time, the old woman's body was shriveled, and the soul inside quickly fled behind the female leader, "Master, save me, save me."

"Let's retreat first." The female leader took her and disappeared quickly, while Lin Tian put his hands on his back and said coldly, "Wait, when I come out, it's time to destroy you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian turned around and went back inside through the small hole again.

The female leader hiding in the dark was stunned when she found out that Lin Tian had returned, "This guy, has he returned?"

"He, isn't he afraid of death?" The old woman asked strangely, and the female leader frowned, "Depending on the situation, that place is useless to him at all."

"Then what should we do?" The old woman became anxious, obviously she didn't expect such a result.

The female leader thought for a while, and finally said coldly, "I guess this place can't be kept."

"But Tiangu Demon gave a death order, we must guard until the end, otherwise we will be killed." The old woman panicked.

The female leader gritted her teeth, "You go to the underworld to hide first, and leave it to me here."

"But this guy is so scary, can you fight it?" The old woman worried, and the female leader gritted her teeth, "Let me try."

After finishing speaking, the female leader sent the old woman away, and after the female leader returned to the Black Moon Sect, she dismissed the others, and finally came to the place where Lin Tian practiced.

"Boy, I have already sent away all the members of the Black Moon Sect. If you want revenge, you can find me, and I will bear all the responsibility." The female leader said.


"Yes, I was ordered by Tiangu Demon to deal with you. If there is anything wrong, you can attack me, but don't hurt others." The female leader looked ugly, obviously she had realized that Lin Tian was terrible.

Lin Tian sneered there, "What? Abandon yourself and help everyone?"

"We were also forced, so I dismissed them, and they will no longer participate in the grievances between Tiangu Alliance and Tianshuimen in the future."

Lin Tian said there, "Then you give me the picture, I can consider it, and forgive you."

"No, I will only fight to the death."

"Death in battle? Are you going to work for the Tiangu Alliance?"

The female leader said helplessly, "If I don't die in battle, the Tiangu Alliance will also destroy my Black Moon Sect, so the only way is for you to die, and everyone will be safe."

Lin Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Dead or not, I have the final say, not the Tiangu Alliance."


At this time, Lin Tian suddenly came in front of the female leader, and the female leader backed away nervously, as Lin Tian stared at her and said, "Your soul has been cast by the Tiangu Alliance, right?"

"You, how do you know?" The female leader looked at Lin Tian in shock, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "Because my soul is much stronger than yours, I sensed it right away."

The female leader was shocked, and Lin Tian said, "If you don't want to die, come here, and I will take out that talisman."


"Are you afraid?" Lin Tian stared at her, and after the female leader hesitated for a while, she walked towards Lin Tian.

Lin Tian looked at this stunning face and said, "Your face probably confuses people a lot."

The female leader was stunned for a moment and said, "We walk in the dark all year round, what do we want to do with a good face?"

"It can confuse people." Lin Tian said with a smile, while the female leader smiled bitterly, "In this world, strength is everything, otherwise you will only be reduced to being a tool for others."

Lin Tian didn't expect the female leader to be so enlightened and said with a smile, "What? Do you hate the Tiangu Alliance?"

"They arrested my master and added a soul chasing talisman to me. If they go against their will, they will destroy this talisman and take my life, so we can't help ourselves." The female leader sighed.

But Lin Tian waved his hand, and a talisman was taken out by Lin Tian, ​​and the female leader was stunned for a moment, after checking her body, she found that the talisman was gone, which made her stunned and said, "You."

"Okay, the life-seeking talisman is gone, can you give me the things that the Tiangu Alliance left with you now?" Lin Tian asked tentatively.

The female leader quickly explained, "It's not that I don't want to, it's just that that thing was suppressed by a talisman."


"Yes, this talisman absorbs the ghost energy around it, and it will generate powerful power to suppress that thing." The female leader explained.

Lin Tian understood and said, "Then I'll go get it first and then talk about it."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian planned to get it first, and then planned to practice, but the female leader was very respectful to Lin Tian, ​​"I apologize for what I said before."

"Feel sorry?"

"Yes, at the beginning, I was against you and made things difficult for you for the Tiangu Alliance." The female leader was very helpless at the end.

Lin Tian laughed and said, "Do you know why I didn't kill you?"


"You are willing to exchange your own life for the people of your Black Moon Sect, so I appreciate you, so I don't plan to kill you for the time being."

The female leader was stunned for a moment and then said, "Thank you for not killing me."

"However, in order to prevent you from betraying me, I have to keep an eye on you." Lin Tian said without hesitation, and the female leader asked strangely, "An eye?"

Lin Tian tapped the female leader's forehead with one hand, and the female leader immediately widened her eyes, "Your soul."

"Okay, you will be my man from now on." Lin Tian said, and the female leader immediately said respectfully, "Yes, my lord."

Lin Tian stopped talking, but came to the black talisman that the female leader said.

Then Lin Tian saw the fourth piece of animal skin suppressed under the black talisman.

"Here it is." The female leader pointed to the black talisman and said, and Lin Tian planned to remove the black talisman.

But the female leader said, "The ancient devil said that no one can touch this talisman, otherwise they will be attacked by a powerful soul."

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