Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 975 Breaking the precepts also has to be pestered

Lin Tian laughed there, "Does he think everyone is as ignorant as him?"

The female leader is now on Lin Tian, ​​so she naturally doesn't want anything to happen to Lin Tian, ​​so she looks at Lin Tian hesitantly, "My lord, this thing is really strong."

"Small idea." Lin Tian grabbed the talisman with one hand, and the female leader was taken aback. Who knew that when the power of this talisman hit Lin Tian, ​​it had no effect on Lin Tian at all.

I saw Lin Tian pinching this talisman easily in his hand and muttering, "Ghost Dao talisman, this guy can actually get this kind of talisman."

Lin Tian looked at it, put away the talisman, then took off the fourth piece of animal skin, stared at the female leader and said, "Okay, you can go."


"Yes, is it possible that you want to stay here and wait for that ancient demon to come to you?" Lin Tian asked back.

The female leader hesitated, "What about you?"

"I still want to practice in that place." After finishing speaking, Lin Tian disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the female leader stayed there in a daze for a long time before leaving.

Lin Tian was practicing there quietly, but within a short while, that ancient demon, that is, that black shadow, appeared outside the cave, staring at Lin Tian and said coldly, "I didn't expect you to be able to break even ghost talismans. "

"Don't underestimate me, my ability is greater than you imagined." Lin Tian closed his eyes and continued to practice, while the ancient demon said coldly, "No matter how strong you are, can you surpass me?"

"You are just a transformed body. As for your true deity, it is probably at the level of a fairy." Lin Tian sneered as if he knew everything.

The other party was startled, "Who the hell are you, why can you tell?"

"When I break the map of mountains, rivers and heaven, you will know who I am when I arrive at your Tiangu Alliance." Lin Tian said coldly, and the Tiangu demon snorted, "You only broke through four levels, and there are still five levels to come." .”

"It's nothing to be afraid of." Lin Tian said disdainfully, and the Tiangu demon snorted, "Then I'll just wait."

After finishing speaking, the Tiangu demon turned around and disappeared, but Lin Tian didn't take him seriously, but continued to practice his own.

But Dutian and others who were trapped on the other side waited for half a month, but they didn't see Lin Tian, ​​which made Dutian anxious, "It's been half a month, is he still alive?"

"It must be alive." The masked woman affirmed.

Dutian was puzzled, "Why do you trust him so much?"

"He created too many impossibilities." The masked woman hesitated and said, but Dutian was curious, "What about you? Who are you again? Why don't you see people with your true colors?"

"You care too much." The masked woman said coldly, but Du Tian wondered, "I'm just curious why you, a woman, always follow him."

"We have a common purpose." The masked woman hesitated, while Du Tian was suspicious, "A common purpose?"

"Yes, he wants to destroy the Ancient Sky Alliance, and I'm going to find something from the Ancient Sky Alliance." The masked woman explained.

That Dutian suddenly realized, "No wonder you always follow, so you also have a purpose."

"It's better than someone like you, isn't it?"

"Me, who am I?" Dutian became anxious, and the masked woman wanted to say something, but Lin Tian's aura appeared, and she stared at the two of them and said, "Why? Are you arguing so hard?"

When Du Tian saw Lin Tian coming out, he stepped forward and complained, "Why did you come out now?"

"Why do I have to come out?"

"We're waiting for you here, and we're still waiting, half a month has passed." Du Tian complained.

Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, "Did you wait?"

"You." Du Tian felt aggrieved, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "If you want to stop me from killing people, I advise you to give up, because you will never be able to do it."

"Yes, I will definitely do it." Dutian said stubbornly, but Lin Tian shook his head helplessly, ignored it, and walked out of here instead.

The masked woman asked curiously, "Why did you go in for half a month?"


"What? Cultivation? Are you cultivating inside?" The masked woman was obviously a little shocked, and even thought she had heard it wrong.

Lin Tian didn't say much, but walked to the place where he came in the earliest, and then shot a force at a place.

In an instant, the dark sky around them returned to calm, and the three of them returned to the Yang Realm again.

"Here, are you back?" Dutian was a little surprised, but the masked woman asked curiously, "Where are those members of the Black Moon Sect?"

"It probably won't appear." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he continued to set off for the fifth power point.

But Dutian pestered him, "Did you break the fourth level and go to the fifth level now?"

Lin Tian ignored him, making Dutian very depressed, and said lazily, "Although I can't stop you, I can follow you and make you mad."

Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, and then went on his way without saying anything.

Five days later, Lin Tian reappeared and came outside a brothel called Nanhuangtian Gefang.

Today, the song workshop is not opened in any city, but in a mountain village, just like a wilderness inn.

But it was very lively here, and even many men were queuing up, scrambling to get in.

Seeing this, Du Tian frowned, "Could it be that the fifth place is in this brothel?"

"What? Are you still able to quit women?" Lin Tian looked at Du Tian with a smile, and Du Tian frowned, "This kind of place is not suitable for me."

"I'm sorry, I like this very much." Lin Tian smiled, and then queued there, while Du Tian was half dead, "You, you are just trying to annoy me on purpose."

Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, while the masked woman turned around, changed into a men's outfit, and then dressed herself as a young man, but still covered her face.

Du Tian was stunned for a moment and said strangely, "You are a woman, and you want to go to this kind of place?"

"Wherever he goes, I will go." The masked woman said, and Du Tian gritted his teeth, "If you have gone, then I will follow."

The masked woman looked at him strangely, "Are you sure?"

"What? Don't believe me?"

"I'm afraid that if you can't stand it for a while, if you break a certain commandment, then you will not be able to become a monk." The masked woman couldn't help teasing.

Du Tian said confidently, "My Dao heart is very stable, and it won't be broken so easily."

The masked woman smiled and didn't say much, but Lin Tian was watching there, especially outside this Tiangefang, there were many women soliciting customers.

But these women are just ordinary women in the brothel, so many people look down on them, so they just give a small amount of money, and then they enter the brothel by themselves to find other pleasures.

It continued like this until Lin Tian was three people, those ordinary women swarmed up one by one, and the masked woman avoided it all at once, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "Who are you oirans?"

"Hey, young master, you have a big appetite, and you will be the oiran when you come here!"

"That's right, young master, it's not so easy for you to meet Hua Kui."

As for the masked woman and Dutian, he was curious about why Lin Tian wanted to find Huakui, but Lin Tian threw some spirit stones to them, and pointed to Dutian and said, "This young master likes women very much, and he is very rich. Kiss him."

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