Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 976: The Number One Swordsman in the Southern Wilderness

When these women heard this, they swarmed over, entangled Dutian directly, and shouted forcefully, "Master, come to me."

Lin Tian smiled and walked into the brothel, where Du Tian cursed, "Bastard, you, you wait."

The masked woman had no choice but to keep up, but Dutian evaded in various ways, but was still entangled by these women.

Lin Tian has already come to the house, and can smell the fragrance of flowers everywhere, but the masked woman frowned, "Could it be that this oiran is related to the fifth level?"

"I feel that the fifth level is in this brothel. As for whether it has anything to do with the oiran, I have to ask the nearby guests."

"Guests?" The masked woman was puzzled, and Lin Tian came to some guests and ordered some small wine and side dishes.

To the nearby guests, one by one sighed, "It would be great if I could share the same room with the oiran in my lifetime."

"Oiran is so noble, how can we see it at will?"

"Isn't it enough to spend money?" Someone said arrogantly, but everyone complained, and someone even said, "You know this oiran, what do you call her?"

The person who uttered the wild words just now was puzzled, "Isn't it just a woman?"

"Wrong, she is not a simple woman, but a woman who has learned the art of charming."


"Yes, it is rumored that only fox demons can do this kind of thing, but this woman can do it, and she will be deeply fascinated by her just by looking at her."

"It's not so evil, is it?"

"Really, this is the news from Nanhuang Palace."

"Could it be that she has also been to Nanhuang Palace?" Some people who don't know have various doubts, but Lin Tian looked at the masked woman and said with a smile, "Do you understand now?"

"You mean, this oiran is the person in charge of the fifth level?"

Lin Tian explained, "I couldn't be sure at first, but I scanned the whole brothel with my spiritual sense, and I knew the source of this power, and this place is the residence of Huakui, do you understand?"

The masked woman smiled after hearing this, "But this oiran is quite capable, are you sure you can defeat her?"

"Try it and you'll know." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he got up, then turned around and walked to the place he sensed.

When they came to a courtyard, a group of big men stopped Lin Tian and others, and then the leader said, "You two, this backyard attic is the residence of the oiran, and outsiders are not allowed to approach."

Just as Lin Tian was about to say something, Du Tian rushed over panting.

I saw that Dutian's clothes were torn into a mess, and there were marks of red lips all over his face.

Seeing this, the masked woman gasped, "What have you experienced?"

"What else? It's this guy who caused me to be robbed by those women." Du Tiantian whimpered.

Lin Tian laughed, "Robbery? I think you don't want to hurt those women, so you spread the money on purpose."

"I'm a kind person, and I don't want to make a move, so I did." That Dutian looked aggrieved at the end.

The masked woman said strangely, "You won't be at the mercy of those women, will you?"

"No, but I gave them all of my valuables, and they let me go when they saw that I had nothing left." Du Tian wanted to cry but had no tears.

The masked woman clicked her tongue, "These days, robbing money is robbing sex."

"You, you." Du Tian was half dead, but Lin Tian smiled at the big men, "Everyone, you have also seen that my friend was robbed by your people, so I will go inside and find the oiran to discuss it." .”

"What was robbed? Kid, you'd better speak clearly." The big man in the lead stared and said, while Lin Tian grabbed Dutian who didn't know what happened, "If you want to get back the money, go to the attic in front. Someone is responsible for paying back the money."

Du Tian was dubious, "Really?"

"Really." Lin Tian nodded, and Dutian hesitated, but those big guys got mad and went straight forward, some even grabbed Dutian by the collar, "Get lost!"

After finishing speaking, Dutian was thrown out, and Dutian got up, but he didn't do anything, but Jin Guanghuo said, "I tell you, I don't know how to do it."

"Oh? Then you still dare to ask for money?" The big man stared.

At this time, Lin Tian suddenly spared them and rushed to the attic behind, but just after arriving at the attic, a swordsman appeared.

I saw this swordsman, with a line of eyebrows, and holding a wooden sword with green light in his right hand, and even said with an old age, "Do not enter, or you will be killed."

Lin Tian was about to make a move, Dutian hurried over and said to the swordsman, "Wait, I'll talk to him."

After finishing speaking, Du Tian stared at Lin Tian and said, "Today's wealth, I broke it, it's mine, but can you not do it?"

"Have been robbed by people, and you still speak for them? Are you doing something wrong?" Lin Tian teased.

Du Tian stared at Lin Tian, ​​"As long as there is no killing, any sacrifice is worth it."

"Then do you think I might stop?" Lin Tian asked with a smile. That Dutian really felt that Lin Tian couldn't stop, so he looked at the swordsman and the big men surrounding him, "You, don't Provoke him with your hands, otherwise he will beat you all to the ground, or even wipe you out."

Those big men were like bandits. When they heard this, they immediately ran away, rushed over, and dragged Du Tian aside.

Dutian hurriedly protected his body with golden light, while those people were beating there with various magic weapons, and some even cursed, "Don't hide if you have the ability."

"I'm advising you not to do anything, why are you hitting me?" Du Tian asked anxiously.

"We just want you to see what will happen if you do it!" A big man hacked wildly with a knife, and Du Tian pointed at these people, "You, you will be cleaned up later, don't blame me for not reminding you."

When those people heard this, they continued to attack madly, but Lin Tian looked at the swordsman and said with a smile, "Let's go."

"What if I don't let it go?" The swordsman pointed his sword at Lin Tian, ​​while still looking at Lin Tian sharply.

"You are not my opponent." Lin Tian said directly, but the swordsman couldn't help laughing, "I am the number one swordsman in the Southern Wilderness, and I am also one of the top ten swordsmen."

"Top Ten Sword Immortals? I seem to have abolished only one last time." Lin Tian said lightly.

The swordsman thought Lin Tian was joking, so he sneered, "Boy, I'm the number one swordsman, I'm not just kidding."

"Number one swordsman? You're a little watery."

"How much? Well, I'll show you how fast my sword is." After the swordsman finished speaking, he swung his sword very fast.

But Lin Tian was faster, and disappeared from a distance in one go, standing by the attic door and said, "It's still not as fast as me."

The swordsman was stunned, turned around quickly, stared at Lin Tian at the door of the attic, "You."

Not only the swordsmen, but also those big men and thugs were all fooled.

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