Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 977 It's All Fake

Lin Tian ignored the shock of these people, but prepared to enter the attic. As for the swordsman holding the wooden sword, he frantically charged again.

The wooden sword flickered green immediately, but Du Tian said, "You'd better give up, your sword energy won't hurt him."

"I'm one of the top ten sword immortals, so I don't believe that I can't hurt him."

After the swordsman finished speaking, those sword qi crazily rushed behind Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian pushed the door open as if nothing had happened.

Those sword qi spread out from Lin Tian's body and hit the attic directly, and there were formations everywhere in the attic.

Therefore, after the sword energy spread out from behind Lin Tian, ​​it landed on those places, making various collision sounds directly.

Everyone was dumbfounded seeing this scene, and the swordsman didn't believe that his swordsmanship would be blocked by a person who had crossed the Tribulation Realm, so he continued to dance his sword there, and continued to attack Lin Tian frantically.

But in the end, those sword qi still couldn't hurt Lin Tian, ​​and the swordsman was so depressed that he put away his sword.

Dutian heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that no one was hurt, "Okay, stop attacking, it's a waste of time, get back quickly."

The swordsman glared, "Back off? Who do you think you are?"

"It's for your own good that I asked you to retreat, otherwise, would you still want to provoke him?" Du Tian asked back, but the swordsman didn't bother to pay attention.

Lin Tian has already opened the door and walked inside, but the room is empty.

This made Lin Tian frowned, and then began to sense the source of power.

Seeing Lin Tian in a daze, Du Tian ran in, and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the room was empty, "Fortunately, no one was there."

"Do you think there may be no one?" Lin Tian asked back, and Du Tian looked around, "Isn't there no one?"

"It's not that there is no one, but that the other party is hiding well." After Lin Tian finished speaking, a maid came outside the house, and she smiled to the people inside, "Miss knew you were coming, so she hid her early."

Lin Tian turned around and looked at the maid, who took out a letter, "Here, you can find Miss."

"She can't leave." Lin Tian said these words, and the maid was stunned for a while and said, "How do you know that she can't leave?"

"She is guarding something here, and if this thing cannot be moved, then naturally she won't leave, will she?" Lin Tian said to the maid.

The maid looked at Lin Tian strangely, "Master, how can you be sure that you are right?"

Lin Tian didn't explain much, but hit a wall in front of him with his palm.

The wall exploded in an instant, and then a boudoir appeared in front of everyone, and the maid said anxiously, "Why are you so rude."

Lin Tian ignored it, but the swordsman had already rushed inside, stood in front of Lin Tian, ​​pointed his sword at him and said, "You don't want to take another step."

Lin Tian looked around, and Du Tian said strangely, "There is really no one here."

"I said, she hides well." Lin Tian smiled half a smile, then turned around and stared at the maid.

The maid immediately said strangely, "What do you think I am doing?"

Du Tian laughed at Lin Tian, ​​"You still expect her to tell you where the oiran is?"

"No, she is the oiran." Lin Tian smiled, but Du Tian was stunned, "Oiran? Isn't she a maid?"

"Everyone says that Oiran knows how to beautify, but in fact, the highest state of beautify is just for people to see, it's all fake." Lin Tian smiled and looked at Dutian.

Du Tian looked puzzled, "Is it all fake?"

The maid was startled, and the wind and thunder rolled on Lin Tian's body at this moment. When Lin Tian spread the wind and thunder that entangled him around, the surrounding scene changed.

At this time, everyone was standing in a courtyard, and in this courtyard, there was a well, and a blue light was shining in the well, and within this blue light was the fifth thing that was suppressed.

Not only that, but the servant girl also changed her appearance, gradually becoming more and more stunning, and even had big watery eyes, long eyelashes, and snow-white skin.

At the same time, the woman was wearing a bright red dress, which was completely different from the maid's appearance just now.

Du Tian saw this with wide eyes, "This."

Lin Tian said with a smile, "The charm technique, the moment we entered this room, she performed it, which disturbed our souls, and what we saw was all an illusion."

Du Tian took a breath, "What a terrifying ability."

"How did you see through it?" The oiran stared at Lin Tian strangely, while the swordsman and others were also puzzled, and the masked woman was also watching silently not far away.

Lin Tian stared at the oiran and said, "My soul is much stronger than yours, so it is completely impossible for you to interfere with my soul with the charm technique."

The oiran didn't believe it, and said, "Your cultivation is only at the Tribulation Realm, I don't believe you are so strong."

"It's your business if you don't believe it. Anyway, I want to take this thing now, so you'd better not stop it, or you will hurt yourself later, and don't blame me for not reminding you." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he walked towards the well.

The oiran didn't make a move but stared at Lin Tian's back and said, "I'm not scaring you, this well absorbs a force from the ground, so powerful that people can't get close."

Lin Tian didn't take her words seriously, but continued to move forward until only three steps away from the well, the well released a powerful blue light and blocked Lin Tian from it.

Lin Tian took a step, but his body took a step back, as if he was going backwards, and Du Tian was confused when he saw this, "What's going on here?"

The oiran laughed and said, "I've said it all, the power of this well is amazing, you can't get close to it."

"This little power can't stop me." After Lin Tian finished speaking, his body flickered, as if "teleporting" over, and he reached the mouth of the well in one fell swoop.

The oiran's smile gradually disappeared, and his brows frowned, "How could this happen?"

Du Tian stared at the oiran, "He is a monster, you, don't mess with him, or you will be punished."

The oiran frowned, closed his eyes, and then the scene changed again, and everyone appeared in a forest, but the well disappeared.

Du Tian was stunned for a moment, "What's the matter?"

Lin Tian sneered when he saw that there were only three of them, "How dare you use the charm technique on me? Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"The Tiangu Alliance has an order to stop you, otherwise it will be our death, so you can't blame me. If you want to blame, you can blame you for provoking someone you shouldn't." The oiran said.

Lin Tian sneered, "There is never anyone in this world that I dare not mess with."

"Boy, I admit that you have some skills, but you have only crossed the Tribulation Realm after all. Compared with the masters of the Tiangu Alliance, the gap is too big, so you should give up, and I will not make things difficult for you."

"Do you think your charming technique can stump me?" Lin Tian smiled bitterly, and the oiran said, "This time, in addition to my charming technique, I also cooperated with the power of that well, so if you want to break it, is it right?" impossible!"

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