Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 978 Desert Inn

When Lin Tian heard this, he just smiled slightly, spread his hands, and then the wind and thunder entangled all over his body.

Seeing that Lin Tian was the oiran who used this weird technique again, he said in the dark, "It's useless, this time with the well, it's very difficult for you to break."

"You, really underestimated me." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he leaped and landed in a place, and slapped him.

The entangled power of wind and thunder gathered directly from that palm and hit a tree heavily.

This tree looks very ordinary, just an ordinary tree, but Lin Tian suddenly attacked it, making Du Tian look puzzled, "Are you kidding me? Attack the tree?"

The masked woman stared at the tree, "This is not an ordinary tree."

Sure enough, after the tree was hit at that moment, the surrounding environment disappeared, and then a mouthful of blood fell on Lin Tian's hand.

At the same time, the tree in front of Lin Tian turned into an oiran, and then stared at Lin Tian in shock, "You."

"What? Are you shocked?" Lin Tian looked at the oiran with a smile.

Huakui's face was pale, and he took a few steps back, staring at Lin Tian in horror, "How did you find me?"

Not only the oiran, but also the masked woman and Dutian were very curious about how Lin Tian found her, after all, they didn't sense it at all.

Lin Tian stared at Hua Kui, "Everything has its own life, even if you turn into a tree, I can still find your difference."

The oiran stared at Lin Tian like a monster, "See you next time, I will definitely not let you find out."

A stream of blood flowed from the oiran's mouth again, and then the whole body was like a beam of blood, flashing and flashing until it disappeared completely.

Afterwards, the surroundings returned to look like a courtyard, and the well was still there, but the swordsman and the big men were gone.

"You shot too hard just now." That Dutian said to Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian sneered, "put away your tricks."

"She's a woman, you hit her like that."

"As a monk, do you also feel pity and cherish jade?" Lin Tian suddenly couldn't help teasing, and Du Tian immediately explained, "I'm Du you."

"You'd better cross yourself." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he ignored him, but came to the side of the well and began to absorb the power released by the well.

That Dutian said depressedly, "This guy is really hard to deal with."

The masked woman watched silently, and she was already familiar with the strangeness in her heart.

At this moment, in a mountain not far away, that oiran's face was ugly, as if he had lost too much blood, and his whole body was weak.

The swordsman supported her and said, "Miss, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." The oiran insisted, but at this moment a black figure appeared, staring at them and said, "You guys are running really fast."

When the oiran saw it, he immediately knelt down and said, "My lord."

The swordsman also said with an ugly face, "This has nothing to do with Miss."

"It's obvious that your skills are not as good as others, and you still say it's okay?" The black shadow snorted, and the oiran said depressedly, "My lord, I admit that I was careless, but that guy is really not simple."

"I am an ancient demon, and there is no such thing as pity and kindness in my place, so tell me, how do you want to punish?" The black figure stared at the two and said coldly.

The swordsman panicked, and the oiran said nervously, "If possible, I would like to go to the Blood Valley of the Southern Desolation Palace."

Hearing this, the swordsman was shocked, "Miss, absolutely not."

"If you lose, you have to accept punishment." The oiran seemed to have already made up his mind, and the swordsman became anxious. As for Hei Ying, he said with a smile, "You are very responsible, I appreciate it, so I will spare your life for the time being."

"Thank you, my lord."

"Xue Minggu, there is a nine out of ten chance that you will die, can you be prepared?" the black shadow stared at the oiran and asked.

The oiran nodded heavily, "I'm ready."

"Okay, let's go, both of you." After the black shadow finished speaking, a leap disappeared, and the oiran looked at the swordsman and said, "Maybe I will die this time, but it is also possible that I will become stronger, so This is opportunity."

"But everyone knows that it's a narrow escape, so let's go." The swordsman was even more worried at this moment, but the oiran said meaningfully, "I must go and avenge this!"

After speaking, the oiran started to hurry, and the swordsman had to follow behind.

Lin Tian was in the yard at the moment, and didn't know what happened not far away, but concentrated on breaking the well. It wasn't until half a day later that Lin Tian stopped.

I saw that the power at the mouth of the well disappeared, and Lin Tian had already got the fifth piece of animal skin and put it away.

Dutian looked around, and said with disgust, "Finally, we can leave this place of right and wrong."

Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, and started to walk out of the brothel, and the girls in the brothel, as soon as they saw Du Tian, ​​they went up crazily as if they were seeing the God of Wealth.

Du Tian immediately shielded his body with golden light, and then shouted, "I've given it to you, why are you still pestering me?"

But everyone didn't believe it, and continued to entangle, until after Lin Tian and the masked woman walked away, Du Tian came out in despair.

It's just that there are some red lips marks on the face, and the clothes on the body are rotten, but Lin Tian is puzzled, "You obviously opened the golden light body protection, why did you become like this again?"

"I was afraid of hurting those people, so I put away the golden body guard." That Dutian looked aggrieved.

Lin Tian smiled wryly, "Golden Light Armor is a defensive ability, not an offensive ability. How could it hurt people?"

"Me." Du Tian didn't know how to explain, but Lin Tian smiled strangely, "I see you, you really enjoy these women."

"You talk nonsense, how could it be possible for me." Dutian immediately defended, and the masked woman on the side couldn't stand it anymore, "Fake monk."

"I didn't. I was really afraid of hurting them just now."

But Lin Tian and the two didn't believe it, and they were so angry that they went crazy, and they explained everything.

The three of them walked away for a few more days like this, and Du Tian was curious about where Lin Tian would go this time.

But Lin Tian came to a small desert area this time.

At a glance, there is sand everywhere, and there are no people or buildings.

"No way, it's all sand?" Du Tian froze for a moment, and Lin Tian said, "The sixth source of power is in this desert."

Dutian was surprised, "So, we are going to the desert?"

"Let's go."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he continued to move forward, while Du Tian and the masked woman had to keep up, until half a day later, the three came to an inn.

This inn is called Nanhuang Inn, which sounds very grand, but in such a desolate place, Dutian guessed that there should be no people there.

But when the three of them opened the door and walked inside, they found that there were many people sitting around.

These people were originally eating and drinking their own food, but when the three of Lin Tian came in, everyone's eyes turned away.

Some were still gnawing on a leg of lamb, and the leg of lamb was still in mid-air, as if the whole person was frozen there.

Du Tian took a glance and said in a low voice, "Why are there so many people here?"

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