Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1367: wall

Reincarnation has always been very mysterious, and no one can control it. Therefore, it is natural to wait for the awakening, restore the memory, and then know what the situation is.

As for which domain to reincarnate, which race is completely random. Therefore, it is for this reason that killing God and choosing to win the house instead of choosing to reincarnate.

First of all, the blood is not fixed, and it is not allowed to reincarnate to a very poor body. Don't talk about awakening memories when you arrive, it's good to be alive.

Nowadays it is different, it is completely fixed mode, and the reincarnation area is in the three realms, there is no running around. These phenomena made him stunned.

Although he had already guessed a point before he came in, he was inevitably shocked after he actually came in.

This really shocked him, and things that could not be done outside can be done here. It still looks so perfect, there are no loopholes.

He was watching from the side, and after these souls jumped into the reincarnation pool, they were born soon and eventually became babies. This scene can be seen from the reincarnation pool and witnessed all the circumstances outside.

Since there is no memory, everything is no different.

"If I jumped, wouldn't it be possible to reincarnate?"

Yi Tianyun thought that if he kept his memory and jumped from here, wouldn’t he be able to reincarnate and be more effective than taking the house. As long as you keep your memory and cultivated from an early age, it is undoubtedly a win on the starting line.

However, there is no way to choose to be born in any family. It is still a random mode, not fixed. That being said, it is already very powerful.

Immediately, he looked up and looked to the front, with a slate in front of it, with a dense array of contents. There were a few of them that were immediately stunned after he saw it.

This article is very simple and rude: no one can be reincarnation through the restoration of the Holy King.

Then again, it was originally not born in the Three Realms, and there is no way to reincarnate here.

With these two rules, the first one is the simplest and most rude, and the idea before Yi Tianyun was destroyed. It means that if you break above the holy king's period, that is, above the level of the star king, you can't reincarnate here.

"It seems that it is not perfect. It has not reached the level of anti-day, and can be reincarnation."

Yi Tianyun shook his head. He thought that everything would be so perfect, so that the strong cultivation was a invincible existence here.

For the time being, no matter whether it is reincarnation or not, it is a matter of death. The deceased will turn into a soul and come back to life.

As long as you keep your memory, there is no problem. At least people will not die, even if they are almost talented, they are still alive.

It seems that he is innocent now, even if it is powerful, such as the nine spirits, there is no way to do this. However, it is quite powerful to be able to reincarnate within the holy period.

The densely printed gods on the ground stretched out to cover the area. At the same time, the source of energy is continuously absorbed, so that this reincarnation pool can be maintained. If there is no energy to maintain it, it will be shut down early.

In addition, the side is empty, but there is an entrance in front, I do not know where to go.

"I don't know the front, what other secrets are there." Yi Tianyun went straight ahead and quickly entered the passage.

When entering this passage, there are various pictures on the surrounding walls. What Yi Tianyun sees is that every corner of the Three Realms is on the wall and constantly changing.

It is like observing the outside of the place, and can bring all the outside to the bottom of the eye.

“Is this an observation room?”

Yi Tianyun walked over and reached out to touch the wall. When he just touched the wall, he found his arm crossed the wall and penetrated into the other side.

"Can you go through?"

He was shocked, and he walked out to the front and walked through the wall with ease to the scene that matched the picture. It is just a snowy mountain area, which is the location of the original Tianzhu Palace, where it is still snowy.

The address of the original Tianzhu Palace is still there, and it has been refurbished, but now it is not used to live, it is used for visiting.

In fact, it is used as a memorial to historical sites. To commemorate the Tianyun Empire, it has evolved from this scale to the present.

From time to time, there will be practitioners coming to visit, as a tourist point of sightseeing, and at the same time explain various historical events at that time, so that they are amazed.

"Master, this Tianyun Emperor, was it so strong at the time?"

"Yeah, he is very strong. At that time he was arrogant and saved the entire Scorpio Palace. Otherwise, the Scorpio Palace was completely destroyed..."

"I will surpass Tianyun Emperor and become a stronger existence!"

"Hey, don't talk, if you are heard, you have to be killed!"

"Master, I am not a manifestation of rudeness. It is precisely the performance of respect! I want to be stronger, like Tianyun Emperor, to protect the Three Realms! If it is not for the purpose of surpassing Tianyun Emperor, what is the point? I think Tianyun The Great, I definitely want more powerful people to appear, protect the Three Realms, and rule the Great Divine!"

The disciple is excited, his eyes are full of worship, but he is worshipping, and the more he wants to transcend.


"Enough, these words are correct, but don't talk about it as well!" The master shot the little head of the disciple and motioned him not to talk nonsense.

The companions next to him looked at him with blame, and told him not to talk nonsense, so as not to be implicated.

Now Yi Tianyun is the existence of God, and he dare not swear. This young man, dare to talk like this, is definitely too long.


Yi Tianyun looked at the situation in the sky and paid more attention to the situation of this kid.

This bold boy is not high, only the refining period is repaired, but the age is about ten years old, it is a good talent. But what he admires is still the courage to learn to transcend, rather than be willing to stay below.

He wants more powerful people to appear, instead of being afraid to surpass him, he chooses not to break through so fast.

Moreover, who is the enemy of his breakthrough speed?

"Yes, when the matter is over, it is the selection of the disciples..."

He has not recruited disciples until now, and now it seems that he can recruit some disciples. As a pro-disciple, it is undoubtedly more able to do things for yourself and protect the Three Realms!

Immediately, his head was taken back, everything was fine, and no one found him. In fact, no one will find it at all. If you look at it below, nothing will be seen.

Because Yi Tianyun is in the virtual air inside the Three Realms, looking outside in the void, people outside can't see him.

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