Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1368: Five elements core

A pro-disciple can say that it is necessary, or it can be said that it is unnecessary, and everything depends on his choice.

Yi Tianyun now has a treasure, but he can't teach it. Even Yi Sixue and Shi Xueyun can't talk to each other, mainly because they don't match.

He needs a disciple who is fluent in martial arts, so that he can be taught. The advantage of this is that a number of loyal disciples, but also a super strong!

He doesn't have much, it is more resources. It is not a problem to train disciples to fly absolutely quickly. It is to constantly take resources and mammoth.

However, he can't find his own requirements now, he must pay attention to the balance of the five elements, and be able to cultivate the existence of the ten refining monarchs like himself.

"This matter, let's talk about it later, this kid is quite interesting." Yi Tianyun has some interest in this courageous kid.

This courage and courage is enough to make him a bit of interest to be a disciple, and it may be good to be a registered disciple.

His demands are not necessarily talented. The first thing he wants is absolute loyalty. Even the loyalty is not there. How can he teach it? It is hard work and diligence, and finally it is talent.

There is no talent, maybe late achievements are limited, but he does not necessarily have to be a top class. This type of disciple does not play beyond him, or is a super genius, but is faithful and calm.

If you have a big event or something, you can participate in it and discuss it.

Immediately he re-focused his eyes on this wall, looking at the past all the way, the scenes around him have different changes. Everything has no problems, and it is proceeding in an orderly manner.

In the years that he was not there, he was still very stable and united.

Generally speaking, there will be nothing, unless he recruits an enemy, it may lead to the killing. Now it is provoked to the enemy, but who knows what he did?

In particular, killing God's death, no one will doubt that he is coming to him, a one-of-a-kind domain, how can it kill God Tianzun?

As he walked all the way, this road was really long enough. The main reason is that the three circles are flattened and turned into a long corridor. They can observe the past and see all the details.

Therefore, this corridor will appear quite far. Yi Tianyun's walking speed is still fast, while constantly watching the situation around.

"There is no need for this type of observation room when it is repaired to a certain extent. It seems that this should be a place for walking..."

When repairing to the level of the landlord, the spiritual knowledge has been able to explore any corner at will, which is no different from looking at the eyes.

However, it is estimated that it is a hobby, Yi Tianyun can't control it.

Soon he saw the front exit, speeding up his feet, and passing through the corridor in one breath, into the exit. After going out, the eyes suddenly opened up, and the glimpse of a five-row light ball, rotating in front of the eyes, the source constantly released energy.

The core of the five elements: the core of the six products, belonging to the type of super core, extremely rare. The super core, which combines the five attributes, is a fusion of each other, and its power is extremely amazing. This is the power of the Five Elements!

"The core of six products, the power of the five elements of supreme?"

Yi Tianyun took a sigh of coolness, even if the core of the six products is the core of the five elements, it is rare, it is just unprecedented! The single attribute can still be seen, and nowadays multi-attribute fusion, it is really unprecedented.

Unexpectedly, where he came, it turned out to be a core position.

This will remind him of the other two cores. I wonder if it is the core of the five elements? At least this one is the core of the five elements! This time, can he not absorb it into the body madly, increase the integration of power in his body, and form the core of the five elements?

Nowadays he has metallic, water and wood properties, and the Ray property is not within the five elements. It means that if you absorb it, you can fill the energy of the other three attributes.

"It's crazy, the five elements merge into one core..."

Yi Tianyun felt the energy of the shackles, fearing that even Tianzun would be difficult to compare, and at the same time, he could not dare to approach. If you are free to approach, the light is the energy fluctuation, it is estimated that his soul will be wiped out.

Then he observed around, there is nothing here, and there is only one core of the five elements. In the rest, there is no additional entrance.

The back area of ​​the five elements of the core is a dead end, and nothing else.

"After absorbing these five cores, you will become the true master of the realm! At the same time, open two other trials."

At this time, a line of words appeared in the void, letting the following Yi Tianyun stunned. I did not expect this to be a trial task. By absorbing the core of these five elements, I will become the master of the real world.

“Hey, success in taking special tasks ‘become a dictator of the real world’, and completing the task to get the title of “everything in charge of the world” can inspire the strongest effect in the world! The rest of the rewards, no.”

“Where is the real master of the real world, is there this thing?” Yi Tianyun was shocked. With his strength, can’t he really talk about the real controller?

When he saw the core of these five elements, he knew that the true master was mastering the core of the five elements. The core of the five elements represents the power of the world.

The key is that there is no reward! This makes Yi Tianyun feel speechless for a while, to complete this task, even the experience value is gone? Just get a title directly?

But he didn't think too much. Even if he got this simple reward, he felt that the reward was so amazing that he would not attach the rest of the reward.

"Where the real people really control, it seems that you have to try it."

Yi Tianyun’s eyes lit up and he immediately meditated and began to absorb the energy of the five elements at a distance. If you can absorb it, you can immediately condense two planets in your body. In this way, the previous mission standard has been reached, that is, if you break through to Tian Zun, you need five planets.

If you absorb it now, wouldn’t it be two more?

He did not stay half a point, immediately began to absorb it madly, and guided the energy inside. After inhaling the body, after a while of buffering, immediately began to condense two core energies, namely soil properties and fire properties! It is possible to condense two at the same time, which is really unprecedented.

"I don't know what kind of ability would be the real master after successful absorption?"

Yi Tianyun's heart is excited, maybe after the control, the battle of the gods will certainly win! Perhaps this is the only way to reach a four-character domain before you can stand firm. Even if you have the power to help every day, but you have more strength as a card, why not?

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