Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1369: Crazy stacking

The remaining time of Yi Tianyun is to absorb the energy of the core of these six products and five elements in madness. It can be said that the invincible treasures have been found. This kind of treasure has already belonged to the rank of the superior Tianling Lingbao, and even more precious.

The core of the six-level level is already amazing enough. Now with a five-line core, the effect is even more amazing.

Yi Tianyun deeply lamented and made the power of the Three Realms. What is the sacredness of what is the level of rebellion? He feels that the level of heaven is already impossible. It must be above the level of heaven, in order to create such an amazing three realms.

In fact, the light is the inscription of the nine spirits, knowing that repairing is far more than the level of Tianzun, but a higher level. But at a higher level, how amazing would it be?

He can't imagine this, but one thing he knows is that it is absolutely against the sky. It is as simple as a slap in the face of death.

This kind of answer, he thought he should be able to find the answer he needed in the four-character domain.

As time passed, his body quickly condensed two cores. Because it is the core of the five elements, the rest of the attribute energy, coming to this side, flooded into other planets.

This is not a big problem, it is equivalent to more energy absorption, and continue to strengthen the scale of the planet. Suppose he has none of the attributes of the planet, that is, condensing five at a time, these big strokes are really amazing.

Even so, he can't vacate any planet and come in. If there is no planetary energy in the body, even the breakthrough can't be done. If there is no way to break through, don't mention coming in here.

A year has passed, and the outer three realms have developed rapidly. Under the management of Shi Xueyun, everything is running at a very high speed. The repairs are leaps and bounds, and the resources are even more mammoth. Additional forces, a variety of picking elixir, or hunting monsters are all awarded as rewards.

As for other forces, there is basically no power to find him. I have already found what I am looking for, and I will not come to him if I have not found it. Of course, the words to be found are determined by Shi Xueyun, and they do not need Yi Tianyun to decide for themselves.

In a blink of an eye, in the past 50 years, Yi Tianyun has cultivated for fifty years underneath! This is the first time he has absorbed so long, mainly because the absorption speed is too slow.

The energy of the core of the five elements is too condensed, and it is very difficult to absorb a trace of energy, just like a tug-of-war.

This is so stable that it is difficult for him to absorb. But even if it is difficult, he will absorb it. Anyway, now that there is plenty of time, there is nothing to do. In particular, this is equal to cultivation, as it is incidentally.

After fifty years of cohesion, the planets in the body have finally formed, and the five planets have rotated in his body, constantly releasing various energies and flooding his body.

This is not the end. It is necessary to have five planets, and then join together to form a huge five-line core, which can be considered officially completed.

If this is not the case, then it can only be judged as a failure! Just condensing five planets is not a success at all, it can only be a foundation.

"To start to condense into one, you can only succeed, and the failure is only... die!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes are burning, and the five planets are condensed together, which is extremely difficult. Once it fails, he is dying. If he succeeds, he can not only complete the task, but also become the true master of the realm!


Along with a roaring bang, five planets collided in one piece and made a loud noise. The five planets blasted directly into a pile of gravel.

Yi Tianyun also felt like he was hit by a heavy blow, his head rang a variety of voices, and almost let him faint.

"Standing on the platform!"

Yi Tianyun succumbs to his own Lingtai, not letting himself lose consciousness. Once he loses consciousness, he is dead. Even if he has a "life" to use, he does not want to feel the death.

Moreover, this kind of thing needs a one-time success. If it fails, even if you live, it will be difficult to get together.

While staying awake, he re-aggregated countless gravel, and the energy that was broken around him was quickly gathered back by him. Followed by the innumerable gravel, began to condense from all sides, piece together to form a huge planet!

It also takes a long time to be able to form agglomerate. However, according to this pace, the time required can be not short. The real focus is still on the energy that is constantly broken. If it is too late, these energy will collapse and it will be difficult to achieve success.

Without energy-assisted cohesion, what success is it?

Yi Tianyun can be said to be racing against time and start to accelerate, but the speed is still too slow. This is like a huge house, a piece of bricks stacked up, and may eventually be built into a house, but the speed is too slow.

This may take a lot of time, and when he finishes, everything fails.

"It's too slow, too slow..."

Yi Tianyun’s cold sweat on his forehead, he did not expect the cohesion speed to be so slow, meaning that if he continues to do so, he must fail. There are so many five planets, and this is like building a hut, maybe a person can hurry. But what about building a castle? Just a person, you can't keep up with the progress.

"I don't know the crazy mode, can you speed up?"

He didn't think much, and immediately showed out the crazy mode. The energy in the body was quickly stimulated to the fastest speed, which was directly superimposed at a speed of 128 times!

The planet energy that runs in the body begins to flow at a crazy rate.


A piece of meteorite madly collided together, and then gathered together to form a small half planet! This is just a blink of an eye, it has successfully condensed a small half of the planet, the speed is going too fast.

Can you be faster than the speed of 128 times faster than before?

This is a bit beyond Yi Tianyun's expectations, he would like to try it, I did not expect it to be really successful. It is incredible that the speed of cohesion has increased by one hundred and twenty-eight times.

"According to this progress, it will take a long time to successfully condense!"

In the heart of Yi Tianyun's heart, a huge surprise, the giant planets began to condense at a speed visible to the naked eye, emitting a multicolored light. In the current situation, it can take up to a few days to be successful, and it doesn't take too long.

This time, the worry in his heart suddenly fell, no need to worry about the failure of cohesion, leading to problems.

"Unfortunately, this crazy mode can't be applied to absorb energy, otherwise it doesn't need to be absorbed for so long..."

For this, the crazy mode is still a bit weak.

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