Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1373: interesting

The words of Shihongtianzun made the faces of many elders sink. I have to say that the holy peak **** domain is indeed more arrogant. In the many three-character domain, it is one of the best. Even the star-studded beast has this stuff, which proves that it is very simple.

It is not an extremely powerful **** domain. It is impossible to have a star god.

As for the fear of other gods, it is not a problem for Shi Hongtian. Anyway, sooner or later, it’s not a problem with other gods.

What the lord of the glazed domain said is that other sacred fields also look at this place. If they come strong, they will not give them face. They are not strong, why is Tianquan Shenyu strong?

What is revealed now is that hegemony, other gods are not strong, they dare to come! Mainly they have this strength, able to crush everything and resist all strength.

The holy peak of the gods has this strength, not the world's glory. The three powers that are a little bit worse are really afraid to say so.

He is so emboldened that he has many strong and strong people. The Tianzun strong is the key force of the battle of the gods, able to sweep the existence of everything.

Heaven is more than king, it is king. It doesn't mean a **** domain, just as long as it is a god. There is no source of fresh blood coming in, it will definitely lead to the destruction.

Today, the holy peak of the gods, there are enough fresh blood and strong enough. Moreover, I often go to plunder the genius to come in. How can it be bad? In the previous battle of the gods in the sky, they were plundered by the top ten, and this made the Tianquan **** domain hurt their vitality.

"What is the holy peak of the gods? It is really overbearing. Before we snatched our disciples, we are still so shameless to force us." The owner of the glass domain sneered: "I have to say that your holy peak is really hegemonic!"

"How about robbing your disciples, with your ability, will only waste the potential of a large number of geniuses!" Shi Hongtian respected and sarcastically, did not care that the glass domain owners said that their face was thick, but it was a rebuttal.

This is like picking a good elixir and stealing you, just don't want to waste you.

This kind of theory is really amazing, and it makes them more angry inside. It’s only the holy peak of the gods that is so arrogant.

They spend so much money, organize various gods to compare, in order to screen out the fresh blood. Now it has been snatched away, and there is no compensation. It is really uncomfortable.

If it weren't for the power of the Holy Mountain, the great gods would have joined together and gave a lesson to the Holy Mountain.

"It's really a good one to steal our disciples, I am afraid that we will waste!" The glass domain owner must be blown up. Her character is like this. It is really not pleasing to the eye. "Today we choose to refuse, no matter what comes." God domain, we will all refuse! If we are really strong, we will die in the end!"

The will of the lord of the glazed field is so firm, even if it is the three-powered gods to force, still resist, fearless!

The rest of the elders have always been, and they are not afraid of these three geniuses. In their view, you can't give up your dignity if you die. If you can't make a big fight, if you die to the last one, you have to drag the three-character domain to the water, and you can drag one.

The reason why the three-character domain that has come to win over, the reason why I dare not come to chaos, is mainly afraid of the second-class **** domain crazy counterattack. Even if they win, it is quite troublesome to make some trouble at this juncture.

The original battle of the gods will require some strength. If there is a loss, it will not only lower morale, but also affect its own combat power. This kind of unpleasant thing, they will not be strong.

Shi Hongtian respected this side and stared at them for a moment. He smiled and said: "Yes, if the rest of the elders are on our side?"

Shi Hongtian Zun reached out and patted it. Soon, several elders on the side quickly came over and stood behind Shi Hongtian, many of whom were older elders.

"You!" When the elders of Emperor Huang looked at them, their inner anger increased, and their eyes would spurt out.

The traitor is always the most disgusting thing for them, but now it happens to them. Five or six elders have rebelled, and one of them is a relatively elder three elders.

"The main person in the glass field, I think everything must be considered from a long-term perspective. The comprehensive strength of the holy peak domain is very strong. If you can join them, or attach them, after the end of the battle of the gods, we will become the three-character domain." As a patron, no one dares to bully us."

The eyes of the three elders are full of indifference. Looking at the eyes of the lord of the glass, there is no respect.

They have all joined the holy peak domain, they are not afraid of the glass domain owners, even if they join later, they will play a very high position here, with greater power.

How to define power is managed by the Holy Mountain domain, and naturally you don't have to worry.

"Yes, the person who knows the time is Junjie. The rest of the gods are solicited, we can refuse, but the holy peak **** domain is different, with absolute power. This battle of the gods can basically be taken down."

"The glass domain master, just agree to let it down, don't do unnecessary resistance, this will only make your end of the game even more miserable, death and injury is even more serious."

These traitors continue to persuade people to go higher, they can hardly break through higher levels. Choosing to join other gods is definitely a better choice.

Relying on the Holy Peaks, you will definitely get more resources and let yourself go further. It’s hard to move in the Tianquan domain, and I can’t continue to improve.

"call out!"

A cold mantra ran through, and suddenly the three elders were smashed and nailed to the wall. Everything is so fast, so decisive.

In the blink of an eye, the three elders were nailed to the wall!

This attack was issued by the lord of the glazed field. She faced these traitors and did not say a word. The shot was immediately a trick, and the three elders were nailed to the wall at once, and the blue ribbon in the hand had already turned into a sword running through his body.

"Garbage, die!"

The glass field master smashed the ribbon in his hand, and when he wanted to give him a squat into two sections, suddenly a faster figure, slamming a palm on the ribbon, "嘭", this band Blow directly into two segments.

At the same time, the elders nailed to the wall fell from the sky and squatted on the ground. The shot was the world of Hong Tianzun, his face was gloomy, did not expect the glass domain master to immediately shoot, he did not react.

He also thought that the main person in the glass field would be very desperate and angry, and in the end would choose to compromise. It seems that he is naive now, and the mainstay of the glass domain will not compromise.

Yi Tianyun behind them, eyes full of fierce, it seems really interesting...

(End of this chapter)

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