Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1374: Don't worry!

"The owner of the glass, it seems that you are really stubborn!"

Shi Hongtian's face is ugly, even if he can't look down on these traitors, he will join his own side anyway. Now almost killed under his nose, his face can see where to go.

"Clean up the traitor, that's it." The glare of the glass domain is cold and cold: "Don't tell me what the time is for Junjie, these are farts! The betrayers are traitors, don't think I don't know for myself." Private interest, I feel that I am unable to move, I chose to rely on the three-character domain, I really thought it was good for Tianquan Shenyu? I am!"

The temperament of the glass domain master is so hot, no one has let go of the spray, especially so straightforward to say, let these betrayed elders face a green and white, obviously is said.

In fact, this is not only the case, but also the fear of the Holy Mountain. They don't want to die, they want to choose a more reliable backing. If the bet is right, then after the war of the gods, you can enjoy amazing treatment.

"The glass domain master, don't be too stubborn! We have our own ideas, but more is still good for the Tianquan **** domain! If the gambling is right, our Tianquan **** domain can fly to the top, and advance into the three-character domain!"

"Yes, why are you suffering this? The Holy Peak is so powerful, don't toast and not eat fine wine, but also hurt the three elders!"

They are indignant at the owner of the glass field, and feel that the owner of the glass domain is stubborn and unable to open up.

"Jokes! Really think that only the Shengfeng Shenyu has a chance? Wantian Shenyu, also an extremely powerful competitor, don't think I don't know. I am more optimistic about the Ten Thousand Gods than the Holy Peaks!"

"But it's the main son who eats bones and doesn't spit. I really thought that it would make us fly. If I was attached at the beginning, I still believe these words. I can't tell them that they have long been outside the domain of the gods, and certainly not It will be us!"

Temporary joining, the treatment must not be strong before joining, want to become a three-character domain immediately, dreaming! In her opinion, only the cannon fodder is possible.

Shi Hongtian’s eyes were awkward, and his heart was actually amazed. He did not expect to be said. Some of the minds were hot, and they joined immediately. In the end, they were a cannon fodder.

The elders who betrayed a glimpse, it’s a bit reasonable to think about it.

"We can't abandon you, and if you want to get the benefits, you have to fight. As long as the battle is over, you will definitely give you good treatment! Wantian Shenyu, we can not look in the eyes!" Shihong Tianzun immediately Shouted out, lest the elders here be shaken.

"But now, this is all the case. Your three elders are almost killed. Do you think that even if you give up, will the glass domain owner choose to let you go?"

Shi Hongtianzun sneered, and once something started, there would be no way to go.

The elders looked at the three elders who were seriously injured and almost killed the three elders. If they choose to go back, the results are estimated to be much better than the three elders, and the betrayers will always die the worst.

"Don't pay attention to her, kill them, and seize the control here..." The three elders have already climbed up, but the world has saved him, or he is dead.

Under the slam of Tian Zun, it is not so fun.

Shi Hongtian respected him without paying attention to his words, but looked at the glass domain owners and said: "The last chance is to choose to return, or choose to die! Don't think that I really don't dare to move you, a district respect, I still don't Put it in your eyes!"

He doesn't want to waste a god, but he doesn't want to waste so many strong people. If you use it as cannon fodder, you can kill a lot of people.

"Oh ah..."

At this time, there was a scream of screams. The people quickly turned to look at the past and found a figure standing next to the three elders. There was a long gun in their hand to poke the heads of the three elders.

In front of a god, so daring, it is Yi Tianyun! I don't know when, he has come to the three elders and killed the three elders.

"The traitor should not be so much." Yi Tianyun looked at Shi Hongtian Zun indifferently. "That said, you took my words. It is a Tianzun in the district. I really don't look at it." ”

His tone is so casual, even if Shi Hongtian is the next middle age, he really does not look at it. What is the three-character domain, have you heard of the evil spirits? Still not killed by him.

They smashed their eyes, and even the glass domain master did not know, Yi Tianyun passed. She has been trying to find a way to break through the line of defense and kill these traitors. Nai Shi Hong Tianzun intercepted in front of him, the spirit has been opened, not as successful as she was.

Under this circumstance, Yi Tianyun is like a human being, killing the traitor. This is undoubtedly equal to the face!

"Who are you!?" Shihong Tianzun's pores grow up immediately, his eyes are full of vigilance, and he can kill in front of him. The strength is absolutely not simple.

"I? The deputy domain master here." Yi Tianyun grinned and said: "At the same time, I am also the domain owner of another **** domain. Just right, I will be hostile to you in the future, now I will solve it for you, then it will be a little simpler. less."

Yi Tianyun’s words, let alone the world’s glory, even the glazed domain owners were scared. These words are equal to declaring war with the holy mountain gods! And it is still a declaration of war in the battle of the gods, which means that it does not endless.

The battle of the gods is endless, and the battle is at the last moment.

"Another domain domain master, which **** domain?" Shi Hongtian respected his eyes, he did not rush to start, everything must be clear.

"I don't know if you have heard of the name of a new domain, that is the Three Realms, I am the domain master there, a domain owner who is about to participate in the battle of the gods!" Yi Tianyun said.

"The domain master of the Three Realms?"

They have a glimpse of it, this is indeed heard, but a product of the gods is really inconspicuous, there is not much attention.

"Ha ha ha, really laughed at the dead, a product of the gods also dare to arrogant in front of me, die!" Shi Hongtian Zun reached out and grabbed, I do not know when, a force has already wrapped around Yi Tianyun, slap him to the past, If you are photographed, it must be a meatloaf.

Shi Hongtian is not a fool. How can he be unprepared for such a dangerous enemy?

It was only what he saw, but it was a taunting look on Yi Tianyun’s face. The next moment, he immediately felt a sense of crisis, coming from behind. When he reacted, a long gun had nailed him to the ground, and the violent five elements of force rushed to his limbs. For a time, he could not resist!

(End of this chapter)

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