Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1375: Give you a chance

Yi Tianyun's five elements are quite against the sky. After he absorbs the five elements of the core, he basically knows what attributes the other party has, and immediately pops out the attributes of the grams, and immediately forms a property suppression!

In particular, the core level of these five elements, but reached the level of six products, most of the planet level of the practitioners, up to two or three grades. Faced with a core energy of six levels, it is all-round suppression.

This kind of suppression can experience the data, that is, the power is enhanced by 50%!

Therefore, under this attack, Shi Hongtianzun found that his power was suppressed, and he could not erupt himself. He could have played with Yi Tianyun, but unfortunately he was too big. Who can think of a strong person who reveals the level of the gods, can it explode such terrible power?

"Save me, think about the source!"

Shi Hongtian Zun shouted, but when the sound did not spread out, a more horrible force had erupted from the inside, and suddenly the Shi Hongtian Zun was smashed into a blood fog, and even the chance of rebirth was gone.

At the same time, Yi Tianyun reached out and took away the treasures of his body, including the Tianzun Lingbao that was too late to use. In general, Tianzun will have a godly treasure.

It’s just that Shihongtianzun has no chance to display, and he has already been killed.

"Oh, successful killing Shihong Tianzun, gaining 80,000 compression experience, a thousand points to compress the crazy value, a thousand points to compress the evil value. Get Tianhong Zunbao (Tianzun Lingbao), Shengfeng Divine Information Record, 50 times experience card."

"Deep kill, gain extra experience rewards 50,000 compression experience points."

This time, the leap-level killing reward is not the same, just like looking at the mood. However, this is very satisfactory to him, and it is better than nothing.

"call out!"

At this time, a fierce murderousness has already fallen on Yi Tianyun. Yi Tianyun did not hesitate to take a shot, and the five elements of the core plus the crazy injury mode broke out, and a shot broke out.


A burst of energy exploded in the hall. The main eye of the glazed field is fast. In fact, when Shi Hongtian shouted, he had already dragged the elders on the side and quickly hid to the side. At the same time, he opened a thick defensive shield, and all kinds of treasures were thrown out.

As for those who betrayed the elders, they were not so lucky. They were immediately affected by this horrible force, and they were seriously injured by the earthquake. Death is not dead, but it is almost dead.

The power of the two great heavenly ranks broke out, and it was really a sigh of relief.


The protective cover on the main side of the glass field is constantly being slammed by this energy. Cracks have already appeared in the vagueness, and almost will be broken.

The explosion ended when it was ready to be broken.

Nowadays, the original lavish hall has now become a ruin. The guards outside have been affected, and the dead, wounded and wounded are terrible.

The power of the Tianzun class erupted here, and these repairs were low, and it was really unbearable.

After the explosion, the two figures bounced off and appeared in the eyes of the crowd, creating a strange figure. There is no doubt that this person is Siyuan Tianzun who Shi Hongtianzun just called. I didn't expect them to have two Tianzun arrivals. No wonder it would be so arrogant.

Two Tianzun came and basically took the second genie, even if there is Tianzun present, there is no worry. In particular, this Siyuan Tianzun, or the lower Tianzun later strong, is even more powerful than the glass domain master.

"I didn't expect that the domain master of a one-of-a-kind domain can still have this power, which really opened my eyes!" Siyuan Tianzun looks like a middle-aged man, his clothes fluttering slightly, revealing the hard armor inside.

This is not armor, but a kind of armor. Siyuan Tianzun is a Yaozu, or a beetle of the type of beetle. The body has thick armor and is very hard. It is already equal to a heavenly spirit.

"I know that there are helpers hiding around, after so long, finally come back? If you two appear, it is estimated that there will be no such ending." Yi Tianyun has already sensed that there are strong people hiding in Next to it, but he did not say it, just look at this guy when it comes out.

If they do this, they are nothing more than a left-hander. If someone escapes, Siyuan Tianzun will immediately come out and suppress it, which will have a effect of killing.

Who knows that it is self-defeating, but it makes Shi Hongtian die. If it is relatively close, with his strength, rescue is still no big problem.

Siyuan Tianzun’s heart sinks. In fact, he still wants to play with Yi Tianyun, but through the previous battle, he found that he could not please. If you fight, you really don't know who wins and who wins, maybe even he is dead!

When he thought about what to do, the glass next to them was really dumbfounded. For the time being, no matter how Yi Tianyun became the domain owner of the Three Realms, it is this strength that has exceeded their imagination.

"This, the power of the cloud domain master is too strong this day? Cut a god, it is like cutting tofu. Just now with such a strong Tianzun trick, there is no problem, how to cultivate?"

"Isn't the power that was shown before, isn't it just a half-step Tianzun? Is the difference too big now?"

These elders were surprised and wondered if they were blind or not. They were not very strong before, but now they are as strong as the heavens.

"He concealed his strength..." The glass domain master immediately guessed this and felt that Yi Tianyun was hiding strength, otherwise it would not be possible to reach this level in just a few decades.

"Concealing strength? What does this mean?" The elders wondered.

"Now is not the meaning, the other side thinks that the Tianyun domain master is too bad, a negligence, his life will catch up." The glass domain master smiled: "This is interesting, I did not expect my Tianquan **** domain, but ultimately rely on One person to save."

She shook her head and felt that she had cultivated Yi Tianyun before, and he slowly broke through and then became a successor. It seems that she is too naive now, Yi Tianyun's strength is not to be the deputy domain owner, sitting in the domain is more than enough. Or, the second product domain is estimated to be invisible!

Because of the words of Yi Tianyun just now, it proves his ambitions - participate in the battle of the gods!

They did not dare to participate in the battle of the gods, but Yi Tianyun was dare to prove that its strength is absolutely not simple.

"How, don't you fight?" Yi Tianyun said indifferently: "Or, you can choose to ventilate and report the situation here. As for the escape, I don't think it will give you this opportunity."

Yi Tianyun grinned, so fat a sheep, how could he let it go? And it is still hostile. This hostile force also has a leg with the gods and gods!

This matter was known at the time when I was awarded the Ten Thousand Towers.

(End of this chapter)

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