Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1377: Just rely on me!

"Oh, successful killing Siyuan Tianzun, gaining 130,000 compression experience, two thousand points compression crazy value, two thousand points compression sin value. A demon blood (rare), Tian Yao armor (top grade Tiandao level), basin domain information ""

"Successful killing, more than 50,000 points of compression experience."

The reward popped up, and the overall is not bad, that is, no Tianzun Lingbao burst out. Of course, even if it bursts out, it may not be suitable for him. Tianzun Lingbao is not like the rest of the treasures, they must compare the corresponding abilities before they can be displayed.

Tianzun Lingbao can be said to be very valuable, or it can be said to be worthless. Every day, Tianzun can basically breed the treasures, which is like his own ability. When he breaks through the level of Tianzun, he begins to breed.

As for what kind of Tianzun Lingbao was born, it is not only to look at your own abilities, but also to look at your own materials. The key doesn't need any refining skills, just need to slowly breed.

This is the same as the core energy in the body. It needs to be nurtured a little, and eventually it will form the Tianzun Lingbao. Generally speaking, the effect is the best.

However, if the properties are similar, the effect is also very strong. The number of times that Tianzun Lingbao is bred is limited. Each large level can only breed one.

It means that the next three levels can produce one. Each level gives birth to one, which is equal to the level of Tianzun Lingbao.

Killing God Tianzun does not have a superior Tianling Lingbao, mainly not yet bred. The more advanced Tianzun Lingbao, the higher the difficulty of breeding.

For Yi Tianyun, this is a lot of good things, and there are better.

Immediately, he turned his gaze to Yi Long Shen Jun. This guy was quite arrogant before and was dragged over by Yi Tianyun.

"You, what do you want to do!?" Yi Long Shen Jun was seriously injured and was firmly controlled by Yi Tianyun, but he could not move.

"I don't want to do anything, just want to ask something." Yi Tianyun has no nonsense, grabbed his head, and the power of the violent soul suppressed it, and immediately opened the soul!

Yilong Shenjun was stunned by the soul of the search, and the source of memory was continuously extracted.

After a while, Yi Long Shen Jun was thrown to the side, and it has become an idiot. Under such an amazing soul search, how can you not become an idiot?

"It turned out to be..."

Yi Tianyun's soul search is to find out the memory of Yuqin Shenjun. Now it seems that Yuqin Shenjun is still in the holy peak of the gods and has been helping the holy peaks. Because of the oath, there is really no way to change it, unless the owner who made the oath has died.

Followed by Yi Tianyun, he lifted his hand and cleaned up the dragon. After cleaning it up, he regained his gaze to the traitors.

"Clean up, it's the turn of the fish."

Yi Tianyun reached out and made a move. Those traitors who had been attacked by the earthquake were arrested. He didn't kill them, but they all slammed one foot and pulled hatred in disguise, so that if they were killed, they would gain experience.

"These traitors will be handed over to you to solve it." Yi Tianyun patted the palm of his hand and was very satisfied with his strength. After absorbing the core of the Five Elements and integrating martial arts, all aspects have been greatly improved. .

There is no breakthrough in the cultivation, but the improvement in this respect is quite amazing. It is more remarkable than the improvement of one or two layers. It is not the case that the foundation of oneself is often the most important.

They are stunned by the glass domain masters, and thought they would have a deadly battle with Siyuan Tianzun. Who knows that three or two, Yi Tianyun will kill a Tianzun.

If you kill a Tianzun before, it is all about sneak attack. Nowadays, it is all about relying on strength and killing Siyuan Tianzun.

It’s terrible that these horrible forces let them breathe a sigh of relief. I don't know when, Yi Tianyun has overtaken everyone, including the glass domain owner.

The elders of Huang Huang had a chill, and they all doubted that Yi Tianyun deliberately concealed his strength. Since joining Tianquan Shenyu, he has hidden strength.

But what is wrong, if it is, what is the purpose? This strength is so strong, how to join the three-character domain is not to stay in their second domain.

This problem, they were quickly transferred by Yi Tianyun's move, and each of them looked at the traitors with anger.

These betrayers are all awake, and they are conscious, but they are seriously injured and difficult to move. Seeing them step by step to this side, his face became paler and bloodless.

At this time they found that their deputy domain owner was so terrible.

"You traitors, a group of white-eyed wolves, did not expect to choose to betray us!" Elders Huang Huang came over and angered.

"I, we are not betrayers, we want to make our gods more brilliant..."

"No, yes, we didn't make a mistake, even if there is no reward at the end, at least after the battle of the gods, we can keep it..."

They still don't give up and feel that their decisions are correct, not wrong.

"No matter right or wrong, the punishment of the betrayal is death!" The glare of the glass field is cold and cold, and a wave of blue ribbons in his hands is rolled over, and the elders are eliminated.

The cleanup work was handed over to her, and she was the domain owner here. This happened to a large extent. Whether she is wrong or not, the result is that she is wrong, this is called poor management.

"Now it is to solve the traitor, but now we are equal to provoke the holy peak of the gods, what should we do?" Elder Huang Huang was full of fear in their eyes.

The betrayers were killed, but it was nothing. It was their elders. However, the two gods died here, and it is impossible to deal with them at will, and they will certainly suffer the anger of the Holy Mountain.

"Can there be any way, anyway, the result is a death, vigorously fight with them once!" The glass domain owner is not invincible existence, some things can not be changed, such as this kind of thing, she can not change.

Joining is dead, not joining is also dead, simply fight for one.

"You don't have to be so pessimistic, choose to join my **** domain, join in this battle of the gods!" Yi Tianyun Shen Sheng.

"Join your **** domain and join the battle of the gods together?" They all looked at each other and were scared by this topic.

Why is it mainly? What power do they have and no power? The level of the gods is a part, but it is much worse than the three-character. There is one in Tianzun, but it is also far from the Sanfeng God.

"Why?" The glass domain owner looked at him and asked.

"Just rely on me." Yi Tianyun is full of confidence.

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