Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1378: Merger force

The phrase "just rely on me" shook them all. This is nothing but arrogance, it is simply domineering!

I have to say that there is indeed an effect. The strength that Yi Tianyun showed before is more than a lot of Tianzun. Can Yi Tianyun have only one person, can this really work?

"Tianyun domain master, but we are facing the holy peak **** domain, it is too strong. At least there are no less than ten Tianzun strong, this can be difficult to do ..." When the elders of Huang Huang were shocked, they quickly calmed down Come down.

These things must be calm, not a hot mind, and immediately choose to join.

"You don't have to say more, just join your gods!" The glass domain owner made his own choice.

The other elders were shocked. A second-class **** domain joined a one-of-a-kind domain, and this came out to laugh at the dead. There has never been such a precedent, but now they have been created by them.

"The main person in the glass field, this, this..." They want to cry without tears, and they don't know how to say it. The only thing that the glass domain owner decides will never change.

This was the case before, and now it is.

"Do you think that my mind is hot and I am free to make decisions?" The glass domain owner shook his head and said: "Now I don't join hands. Is it decided to join forces when the holy peaks are approaching? Everything is a foregone conclusion when we resist. ""

"But, but how to say, it is a product of the gods to join us..." Elder Huang Huang is not a fool, knowing the situation, just let them join a product domain, it is really unacceptable.

This is like a strong man, like a weak person as a master.

After all, I still can't accept this, not accepting cooperation.

"It seems that you are still not willing to let go of your body. What is the skill of the Tianyun domain master, you have not seen it just now? Now he let us join, instead of letting him join!" The glass domain leader shook his head.

The elders of Huang Huang were silent. This is not a mistake. The strength that Yi Tianyun showed has already killed them. What is the quality of a product, there is Yi Tianyun sitting alone, has been much stronger than them.

At least three of the gods came to the gods, they immediately could not stand.

"This, this...but to join their forces, they have to move and move." Moreover, the environment will be a lot worse, or else they will be transferred to us?"

No matter which side you join, you have to transfer your position. It’s impossible to leave it here. How wasteful this is.

Although not all planets can move away, at least some can be removed. If they can, they don't want to move away. They think it is a bit stronger. This is relative to a product.

"No, you have moved to my power. Let's get started now, time is running out." Yi Tianyun shook his head and refused their offer.

The Tianquan Divine is not bad, but for now, it is worse than his Three Worlds! This is not a mess, the gods are working hard, and there are all kinds of big battles on each planet. It is much better than here.

"Well, it is not a matter of time, just shift now!" The owner of the glass field immediately issued an order. She has always been very decisive and said one thing.

The elders of Huang Huang had a bitter smile and could only choose to obey. Soon they quickly issued orders, while controlling several important planets, and began to turn into a spirit ship, quickly flying away from here.

In fact, it is not difficult to transform into a spirit ship. The second level of the gods can do this step. Just need a lot of materials, the speed is not very fast.

"Your speed, is it so fast?" Yi Tianyun saw these moving planets, the speed is less than 10% of the three realms, it is too slow.

"Is this still slow? The speed is already fast enough. How can a big planet be very fast?" The elders of the huanghuang had almost jumped up. In their view, it was already quite fast.

At the same time, they are also proud of them. They are among the best in the two worlds.

"Okay." Yi Tianyun did not say anything more. The Three Realms are from a super-powerful hand. They are naturally much faster than they are.

However, it is better to be able to move, and it is a few to move a few.

When they announced their intention to evacuate and chose to join the Three Realms, a pile of cultivators blasted. It is a shame to add a second-class **** domain to a product domain. Some have chosen to leave, while others have insisted on their positions and withdrew.

The main reason is that some people heard the sound of the wind, saying that they were provoked to the holy peak of the gods, and they all chose to escape. At this point they did not intercept, this kind of thing, there will be disciples who choose to escape is normal, and the ones left are the most loyal.

Just seeing so many disciples choose to leave, they all feel very sad, cultivate the foundation for so many years, and say no, it is gone. There are still many planets that still cannot be withdrawn in the realm of God.

It is not that they do not want to withdraw, but they cannot withdraw, only some of the planets can move.

"Oh, if we don't choose to evacuate, I think there are still many people who choose to stay." Elder Huang Huang sighed and looked awkward.

"I don't think so, it's always going to go. Are you already seeing more of these things?" The glazed domain owner is not pessimistic, but calmly calms down: "And this is not a wrong decision, you think I will Is that kind of brainstorming and making decisions?"

They didn't dare to speak immediately. They were not before, but they are not sure now. Seeing that Yi Tianyun was very strong, he immediately turned his back on it and felt that he was somewhat deficient.

Yi Tianyun is very strong, but when they face it is a three-character domain!

"Tianyun domain owner insisted that we transfer to him, I think there is the safest place, and there are still many secrets we don't know." The glass domain owner smiled and said: "If I didn't guess wrong If the Tianyun domain owner is so calm, there must be a strong help, or something special!"

Everyone here has seen it, and it is really possible to think about it. Yi Tianyun is not like a fool, how can he make the wrong decision at will?

"Yes, there are indeed strong players to help out. But when the battle of the gods began, they will come to help." Yi Tianyun looked at them and smiled: "But you don't have to worry, as long as it is not the entire holy peak of the gods attack, I Have the confidence to intercept and let them go without it!"

Yi Tianyun squirted a cold smile, let them see the creeps, immediately thought of the two horrors of the previous Tianzun, it was really spiked.

Now the situation is so chaotic, all of them are preparing, and it is impossible for the holy peak **** domain to come out. If you come to a part, you can’t really go back without it...

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