Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1379: piece

Other elders are very pessimistic. On the contrary, the main inside of the glass domain is like a mirror. In combination with Yi Tianyun's situation, it is a bit sure.

Even if it is not very strong, at least it is more emboldened than their Tianquan domain. She never dared to mess around. When others thought her head was hot, her head was more awake than anyone else.

It’s just that Yi Tianyun’s cultivation is worthy of her fight. The assumption is that it can be upgraded to this level in the short term, which is enough to prove that it is not simple, has an adventure, or has a background! If you conceal the strength, let alone the fact that it is a strong partner, as a partner of theirs is no better.

"I hope I can continue to surprise me this time..."

The owner of the glass field looked at Yi Tianyun next to him, and the eyes were full of hope. She thinks Yi Tianyun can always give herself some hope, I hope this time can also have a miracle!

At the same time, inside the holy peak of the gods, it can be said that the pot was blown up. The death of the two gods is undoubtedly heavily drawn on their faces, especially the two heavenly or external gods, which means that the battle of the gods can participate in the robbing of the token core.

Today, both of them are dead, meaning that they have lost two strong forces.

"What is going on here, can you have such power?" A strong man sitting on the throne, his eyes coldly looking down.

The elders trembled and were shivered by this majesty. The strong man in front of him is undoubtedly the domain owner of the Holy Mountain domain, called the Holy Peak Domain.

The name is naturally not called Shengfeng, but each domain owner is based on the name of the domain, so when you call the name, you know which domain you belong to.

"Yes, yes, according to the news that has been passed, the other party has a helping hand. It is also a helper of the one-of-a-kind domain, which is the three-field **** domain that has just appeared recently."

"The Three Realms are originally called chaotic gods, belonging to a land without a master. The interior is extremely chaotic. To conquer this chaotic domain, you need at least half a step of heaven, or a heavenly level. Therefore, this chaotic domain is stronger than most of the gods. Being able to control this chaotic domain is not simple.

"At present, it seems that the two gods are dead. It is possible that the domain masters of the Three Realms and the domain masters of the Tianquan domain will join forces. It may also be a sneak attack, or it may be a secret calculation..."


The head of the holy peak domain took a chair and the tone was cold and cold: "I don't want analysis, what is the result! Simply tell me, whoever used to completely flatten their two gods, the rest don't follow me. nonsense!"

The Lord of the Holy Peak is so overbearing. What he wants is not the useless analysis, but the simple and rude results. Shun me, Chang, I am dead!

The following elders face each other. These are the local elders of the Holy Peaks. There are seven or eight heavenly deities on the side, and they sit next to each other. The big guys who can sit down are not low, but they still have a lot of difference.

Only at the level of Tianzun can you sit here and talk. Standing, even if the Shenjun peak is repaired, that is, half-step Tianzun repair, they are all standing. In the three-character domain, this is the difference in treatment.

There is no right to speak without a god.

"We have four people in the past." At this time, the four elders sitting on the side stood up and repaired for the highest level to reach the lower level. The lowest ones were all repaired in the early days, and four were sent in one breath. This is Biger handwriting.

"The two gods are dead there, and the other is not simple. The best of the four of us is to join hands. If you join hands, even if the median Tianzun is not an opponent in the early stage, unless the other party has a mid-to-late strength, otherwise It’s easy to take it! It’s a bit of a surprise, we’re getting out, it’s not a problem.”

Headed by the two elders of the Holy Mountain Gods, Beiyue Tianzun, the most powerful. As for the elders, they did not stand up while sitting on the side. The cultivation of the elders was undoubtedly stronger, and it was quite upright to achieve the mid-term retreat.

It’s just that he doesn’t need to go. If he even sent him, it’s really worthy of these gods.

Five elders are dispatched, can you afford to win the other side? If you send too many out, you will not be excused, but you will only feel too weak! After knowing other gods, I wonder if I will laugh out loud?

The Lord of the Peaks looked at them and said: "Okay, this is handed over to you, only success, no failure! Look at our jokes over the thousands of gods, be sure to give me!"

He is very confident in the four heavenly masters, knowing their level, and they are really strong. Even in the face of a powerful Tianzun, there is full confidence to escape.

"Yes, the Holy Peak Lord!"

The four of them looked cold and immediately turned around and flew outside. They did not continue to stay here, saying that eradication was eradication. They will erase these gods that violate their majesty as quickly as possible.

These are all hostile to them, and they will know something about their winds and movements. Here is the death of Tianzun, there must be a happy and bad one, and the less the stronger the better, the better.

"The Lord of the Holy Peaks, it seems that you are really negligent. In the face of a product **** domain and two product gods, you lose two Tianzun. This is to strengthen it, but now it is stuck in the eye, grabbing the token core, we are I can't help, everything depends on you."

"Yes, you can't make a mistake. If this battle of the gods fails, you can imagine it. The adults above can be very dissatisfied."

A few strong people sitting on the edge, they all released a strong breath, and they can obviously feel their cultivation. They are all in the middle of the heavenly level, and some even reach the later stage.

These are undoubtedly the helpers of the gods, they are sitting here, watching the every move of the Holy Mountain.

"This time it will definitely not go wrong. Everything is negligent. This time it is sent to explore clearly, and it will definitely be solved perfectly. Unless there are other forces to help, it can be easily eradicated!" The main peak of the Holy Peak domain is cold and sweaty, he is the biggest The blame is the strong, and if they give up their own words, then the battle of the gods will not have to play.

After all, the Lord of the Peaks looks so arrogant, not a chess piece above the gods.

"This is fine, but it may be that other gods help. Now many forces seem to have nothing on the surface. There are strong people sitting in the dark. We will not do it at a critical moment, or it will affect your luck!"

Several Tianzun nodded, and the indiscriminate help would affect the air transport, but it was not what they wanted to see.

"Yes, yes, yes..." The leader of the Holy Peak can only nod and nod, and dare not refute half a sentence.

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