Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1384: plan

"You, your site?"

Yuqin Shenjun quickly caught the words in it. If it is Yi Tianyun’s site, isn’t it Yi Tianyun’s domain?

She suddenly thought of the outside world, the domain owner here is called Tianyun domain master! Combined with the name of Yi Tianyun, is it not him?

"Yes, it is my site. The Holy Mountain God sent you over to investigate the situation here?" Yi Tianyun smiled and did not show any hostility.

He originally knew the identity of Yuqin Shenjun, and Yuqin Shenjun also frankly told him, so there was no problem.

Yuqin Shenjun looked up and down Yi Tianyun, like a ghost, shocked: "You really are the Tianyun domain master? Is it the rumored Tianyun domain master? I first thought it was heavy when I heard it. Name, I didn’t expect it to be you!"

"Yes, I am so famous?" Yi Tianyun smiled.

"Of course, there are famous names, especially the four elders who came over, all of which have no news! This makes us wonder if the Three Realms are joining forces with the Ten Thousand Gods." Yuqin Shenjun wondered.

"This is a good association..." Yi Tianyun touched his chin. It seems that they really associate with each other. They feel that the power of a product is insufficient, and there must be a three-character domain in the back.

"Then our four elders, what happened, is it dead or alive?" Yuqin Shenjun asked.

"They, they are already dead." Yi Tianyun shrugged his shoulders and added: "It was killed by me."

"You killed?" Yuqin Shenjun's eyes were sluggish, and she wouldn't think that it would be Yi Tianyun's killing. It was incredible for her.

"Yes, it was killed by me. This news, you will not pass back?" Yi Tianyun laughed.

"This is not going to happen. It is a pity that the elders have not come over. Otherwise, if you are killed, I will be free!" Yuqin Shenjun shines brightly and says: "If you say it, how do you do it? Tianzun, what trap is still used? Four gods, they are all dead!"

She believes that she has died, but she does not believe that Yi Tianyun has solved it. In his place to be solved, in theory, it can be said that it was killed by Yi Tianyun.

"I didn't say it, it was killed by me." Yi Tianyun shrugged helplessly.

"How is it possible? You are not the only **** to repair it... No, you broke too fast?" Yuqin Shenjun carefully sensed and found that Yi Tianyun’s cultivation is already a god, far more than himself. .

"Speaking out, you don't believe, can I have any solution?" Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "They are killing me anyway. Do you think that there is a strong **** in a **** domain? As for the team with the gods, it is simply Nonsense. They are too busy with their own affairs. How come you join me?"

"But, but..." Yuqin Shenjun didn't know what to say for a while, and the news was too big for her.

"There is nothing wrong with it. Now that you are plugged in, you want to investigate my power?" Yi Tianyun has long felt that strangers have come in.

After he has a special title, everything can be easily perceived, and nothing can be perceived. As long as a stranger comes in, you will know immediately. Don't try to escape his detection, he can be easily sensed by him.

"Yes, the four elders didn't come back. They didn't dare to send the strong guys over. They could only send us these spies." Yuqin Shenjun sighed: "It's a pity, if the elders were killed by you, then I am very happy."

Her eyes are full of pity, if she can solve it, she will completely get rid of it. She is controlled by the elders, the elders are not dead, she will naturally not be free, or will obey the previous vows.

Yi Tianyun turned his eyes and smiled. "I have a good way. If you can let the great elders of Shengfeng Shenyu come over, I can help you solve him! By then, you will be free."

"Is this true?" Yuqin Shenjun can be said to hate the extremes of the Holy Mountain, and there is a vow to be in it, she can't resist.

"Of course, this is how you seduce them." Yi Tianyun smiled.

Yuqin Shenjun thought about it and said: "This is no problem. It is not difficult to bring them over, but you need to solve the other spies, otherwise you can't get it."

"This is simple, you are here for a while."

Yi Tianyun quickly disappeared in the same place, Yuqin Shenjun suddenly stunned, do not know how Yi Tianyun disappeared. Although she was puzzled, she did not leave, and she stayed on the side waiting.

After a while, a short time, Yi Tianyun reappeared in front of Yuqin Shenjun, and threw out a few storage rings and said: "This is their relic, they have been solved by me."

"What!?" Yuqin Shenjun stupid eyes, took this storage ring, quickly checked it and found that it was really their stuff, one of them was completely solved.

These spies have been solved. In fact, there is nothing so shocking. The problem is that they are all distributed in different areas. If you want to solve them, you need to go there one by one.

Nowadays, Yi Tianyun has solved it for a little while, and it has been completely relaxed.

"How, now they have been solved, should it be easier?" Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "It is best to bring more powerful people to come over and let me solve them together."

"This..." Yuqin Shenjun has not slowed down from it, and immediately raised his head and said: "How did you do this, special stealing secrets?"

"You can say that." Yi Tianyun looked at her and said: "If you go back, if you go back, you won't be remembered, or are you forced to ask something?"

"It doesn't matter. The oath I made can't talk about the slave vows, so it's still a bit free. If you disguise it a little, they won't have any doubts." Yuqin Shenjun laughed: "But, even if they are forced to ask, they Can you ask something?"

Yi Tianyun’s glimpse, think about it too, Yuqin Shenjun did not ask too much from beginning to end, it was the power that shocked him. Even if you are asked, you can only say that Yi Tianyun is more powerful. It’s just that Yuqin Shenjun is in trouble, and it’s estimated to be dead.

"Since you are so confident, give it to you." Yi Tianyun nodded.

"Right, if I succeeded in attracting you, you can help me solve it, can I ask for a request?" Yuqin Shenjun mysteriously smiled.

"I also asked for it? I still have the freedom to do it... forget it, then you can tell me what to ask." Yi Tianyun thought about it.

"Just join your power!" Yuqin Shenjun clap his hands and smiled: "I don't know if this is ok?"

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