Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1385: The most garbage of a planet

"It's that simple?"

Yi Tianyun stunned, he did not expect the other party to make this request, but it was promised, she was welcome to join!

Now that there is a shortage of people, and it is full of hatred against the holy peaks, it is a lot of good to join. Plus, if he helped him succeed, it would be a great achievement.

Although it is equal to mutual benefit, in general, it is still a big help for him. Attracting the rest of the elders, when you remove them, it is equivalent to eradicating the internal elders of the holy peak gods. When it is equal to cutting off the left and right arms, the battle of the gods can be fun.

"It's that simple, would you like to take me in?" Yuqin Shenjun's eyes flashed, and I am very much looking forward to Yi Tianyun to accept myself.

"That's still used to say, very welcome!" Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

"That line, you will wait for my good news!" Yuqin Shenjun smiled at him, turned and flew back.

Looking at the back of her departure, Yi Tianyun would smile, and he did not worry that Yuqin God would betray himself. He would have hated the holy mountain **** domain. How could he betray himself?

The rest depends on her ability. Can you deceive them and act in front of so many days? It is not a simple matter.

"Almost, the glass sisters are ready to arrive."

It’s been a while since the transfer time. It’s reasonable to say that it’s almost there.

Sure enough, there were several planets soon, and finally moved to the Three Realms. As soon as several giant planets appeared, they immediately alerted the surrounding guards.

"God, what have I seen, a few huge planets fly over here?"

"Day your uncle, don't hurry to inform the elders, these guys are not good, certainly not good!"

"Warning, alert! All vigilance, ready to withstand these invaders!"

Many of the guards are busy, ready to open a variety of defensive arrays, to resist these giants. The Three Realms are now in the open stage of the surrounding doors, similar to the feeling of not having a wall.

Unlike those perfect gods, they can only be accessed through the passage. It takes a lot of effort to make these channels. This time, the elders Ji Yu have proposed that they should do it now.

Yi Tianyun asked them not to get it, so they opened the door and let them come in. The main thing is that he has the title in his body, and then he is going to participate in the battle of the gods. He will soon go to the **** domain. It takes no sense to spend so much effort.

Moreover, if you get it, it will take many years to get it. It is estimated that the elders Ji Yu’s efforts to get it all will take at least several thousand years before they can be arranged.

Getting these channels is not a simple task and it takes a lot of effort.

"Not so nervous, these are our allies." Yi Tianyun's figure appeared next to them, said to these guards.

"Tianyun domain master... Yes! We understand, let's inform now and get rid of the alert!" When the guard saw Yi Tianyun, he did not say anything and immediately changed his alert.

Followed by Yi Tianyun, went to the main side of the glass domain and smiled: "You have finally arrived, and it seems that it is not very smooth along the way."

It can be seen that they all have traces of fighting.

"One point, when passing through several areas, you will encounter a large number of monsters, you can only fight." The glass domain owners feel very helpless, and have not been so busy for a long time.

The rest of the elders are tired and half dead, resisting the constantly coming monsters, can you not work hard? So huge planets, speed is not fast, even if the defense is perfect, can not afford to be attacked all the time, can only honestly kill these monsters.

It’s crazy all the way, but I can’t stop, or I’ll be caught up, it’s a problem.

"Come on, I will arrange for you to be close to the central area, and it will be safer in that place." Yi Tianyun laughed.

“A little safer?”

Many elders and deacons looked at each other and felt dissatisfied. How safe is a product domain, especially a brand new domain, and certainly not perfect in every respect.

However, they are not easy to say, after all, come to other people's sites, how to be low-key.

But when they passed the warning planet, they saw that the planet began to guard the big array, and they were put together one by one. When they put some large arrays that could be attacked, they all widened their eyes.

"This, this is the four gods of the gods... Then, is that the attacking **** that is close to the quasi-five products?"

"This, this is too exaggerated, so a small planet, there are so many big arrays? Is this too wasteful?"

"Also, there is a big array of mobiles, all inside?"

The elders of the huanghuang are all stunned. One of these more powerful gods is engraved in a planet that is not worthy of the eye. It is a waste.

These important planets will engrave such a precious **** seal. The key is that even the four gods are extremely rare, and they are all three gods. Such a small planet, even the gods of the five products, can not let them be shocked.

"Tianyun domain master, this, is this too wasteful? Even if you want to make it, it is also the key planet to get it. Is this originally there?" Elder Huang Huang, who looked like a lost money, felt very waste.

"No, this is what I let my hands get." Yi Tianyun said with a smile: "However, these are more general gods, the closer they are, the stronger the gods are. More ugly, this one Because the planet is too small, there are fewer engraved gods, which is the most garbage."

"The most, the most garbage?" They took a sigh of relief, and their eyes were filled with incomparable fear and shock.

This is better than their best, to tell them the most garbage?

This feeling is like the use of two medicinal herbs for the average person, which is a luxury existence. Nowadays, one person said that the two medicinal herbs are used in their homes to blend water in the water!

The things they are proud of are the most junk in this place. The feeling of being a little dissatisfied with the original Divinity is now gone, and it is replaced by a feeling of inferiority.

Seeing their expressions, Yi Tianyun smiled. In fact, these words are exaggerated. This is not the most garbage, and there is still garbage, but this is not the best.

He just wants to succumb to their self-respect. Don't think that a **** domain is not as good as a second **** domain, and that is also the **** domain!

His **** domain is a gathering of a large number of elites. The comprehensive cultivation of the strong is less, but the elite can not match most of the two worlds!

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