Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1386: Introduction

Following the planets passing by, they can all see the opening of some big arrays. The name is to check the effect of the big array. In fact, these are all Yi Tianyun let them do this, in order to go all the way, Huang Huang The elders saw the big array here clearly.

What is the essence of the two gods, here is the garbage! All aspects are extremely perfect, even if Tian Zun attacked, they can defend for a while.

Can their planets be able to withstand the storm of Tian Zun? The answer is impossible. Up to two or three defenses will be broken and it will be easy.

On the other hand, there is a strong contrast between the two sides. It can be said that it is completely abused and unilaterally suppresses it. The strong side is a little less, but it is a big lead in all aspects.

"This is the four gods..."

"There is also a quasi-five **** print there..."

"God, there are really high-quality gods. How do you do this? How much resources do you have to ask, what kind of people should come to help!"

Among their local powerhouses, there is no such high level of existence, and there is still a low level. If it is too high, it will be gone. Therefore, in contrast, the sense of disparity is extremely strong.

"This does not require people to be invited. In my power, there are people who have the corresponding ability. It is not difficult to engrave these."

This is not a slap in the face. The gods are very high in this respect. It takes a little effort to engrave these big battles. Plus is your own person, where you need extra compensation.

If you want to get it, ask someone to pay very high. For example, engraving a good mobile big array requires several heavenly treasures. This is still a reward for moving the big array, and there are other big battles, and it takes an amazing reward.

Although it can afford it, it will never be like Yi Tianyun. As long as the planet is engraved with a big array. This is someone who is willful. Anyway, the gods are idle here and have nothing to do. They are doing cultivation and engraving a large array of these planets.

"Do you still have these geniuses?" They took a sigh of relief, and they were filled with shock in their eyes. They thought that Yi Tianyun was rich in money and asked people from other places.

It seems that they are too naive, they are all themselves, and they need to ask others to come over. This made them even more surprised. How did they do it?

They have been established for so long, and they have not received so many top talents! Yi Tianyun was still their disciple before, and now he has become a domain owner. His strength is not only against the sky, but the forces are also against the sky.

"Yes, but some talents are still in short supply." Yi Tianyun said with a smile: "For example, alchemists and refiners, just joining you can fill this hole."

This is indeed the case. Even if he has a lot of resources and wants to cultivate it in a short period of time, it is still difficult. Not everyone can have a system like him.

They just breathed a sigh of relief. If everything is suppressed, it’s really impossible to see people here. At that time, come here to eat rice, nothing to do.

The glazed field mains turned their eyes on the opposite side, full of surprises: "No wonder you said that you want to join your power. Now it seems that these things are more than a big part of us."

The words of the glazed domain masters have made many elders stunned. They still have some rejection before, and there is still a little bit of rejection now. Instead, they dipped their light and wanted to hide here.

"Alright, it will be stronger in the future." Yi Tianyun smiled and smiled.

They look different and can be stronger? For them, it is already difficult to get to the sky.

Soon, several of their planets quickly flew to the center and soon came to the center. There is actually no special thing here, that is, it is closer to the Three Realms. In terms of security, it is indeed the safest place.

"It's almost this position. I hope that during this time, we will have a good cooperation." Yi Tianyun smiled and smiled.

"Happy cooperation..." They nodded quickly.

"The Tianyun domain owner, I don't know what we need to do?" asked the owner of the glass field.

"Do not worry, soon someone will assign you relevant tasks. This, let us arrange no problem?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"This is no problem, we came here, don't explain, don't know what to share." The glazed domain owner will naturally have no opinion, and the other party will show their strength to be convinced, and they will naturally choose to obey.

"Well, no problem. I will introduce you to the main characters here, and will arrange for you to come over and strengthen your big battles to resist the offensive of Tianzun." Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

"We have a strengthening here?" The elders were dumb and immediately scared by Yi Tianyun's big hand.

"Of course, there are copies. You have joined us. It is natural to be one and help each other. As for other matters, we will not intervene and manage it by yourself." Yi Tianyun gave the set again. Come over, just joined, can't be free to intervene.

This is easy to cause contradictions, so separate management is the best. But gradually, it will be assimilated, just like those forces before.

Yi Tianyun is not in a hurry, step by step, and will successfully join himself.

"Good!" Many elders were bright, they thought they would intervene to manage, and now it seems that they think more.

Soon, Shi Xueyun, they came over, and each of them was like a hero, and they fell on the edge.

"This is my wife, this is the great elder who manages, this is..."

Yi Tianyun introduced the past one by one. They all looked shocked. They were all women in power. This is really incredible for them. Most of them are males in power, and the glazed domain masters can take power, which is hard enough by their own strength.

Is this really strong?

"Hello, I am Tianyun's wife, I am very glad that you can join in." Shi Xueyun came over and fell down generously, not because of their cultivation, but felt pressure to multiply, this is a kind of self-confidence.

The cultivation of Shi Xueyun has the level of the landlord, which is much weaker than them, but from the perspective of momentum, it is not weak.

"It seems that this is the younger brother, I am the owner of the glazed domain, and I will call my glazed sister later." The glazed domain owner came over and grabbed the small hand of Shi Xueyun, and looked friendly.

The elders of the huanghuang, they saw that the eyes must be smashed out, and the glazed domain owner was so kind?

Yi Tianyun shrugged aside, and when they were in the tower of the gods, they established the relationship between the younger brother and the younger. Here, the owner of the glass field shows these things, but it is not unexpected, that is, other elders are dumbfounded.

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