Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1392: Announce

The injury is very heavy. From this point, it can be seen that Yuqin Shenjun must choose to hurt himself, which will lead to this situation. After all, when I went back, there was no problem with Yuqin Shenjun. There were quite a few old injuries when I came back.

He didn't think it would be made by the Holy Mountain. If the Holy Peaks treated her like this, then she couldn't escape. She did not move like Yi Tianyun. As long as she was caught, she would not want to escape.

"It turned out to be such a plan..." Yi Tianyun shook his head, but it was all worthwhile. If it weren't, it would be hard to deceive them.

Imagine going back in good condition, who would believe her? Therefore, it is definitely necessary to choose to seriously hurt back, but how to grasp this degree, the difficulty is relatively large.

Now it seems that this degree is very good, successfully deceived a lot of Tianzun!

Immediately, Yi Tianyun immediately took Yuqin Shenjun to Shi Xueyun and said to her: "Help me take her to heal, she suffered a very serious injury."

"Which one is brought back, is this sister, or is my sister coming?" Shi Xueyun also said that when he saw Yuqin Shenjun.

"This is a big hero, not a sister and sister..." Yi Tianyun coughed a few times and felt very embarrassed.

"Hey, let me give it." Shi Xueyun immediately took the Yuqin Shenjun to heal, and Yi Tianyun was not convenient to take care of, naturally let his wife take care of it.

After confessing to healing, Shi Xueyun walked over and said: "The injury is quite serious. It is not attacked. It is quite hot. What happened?"

"In fact, this is the injury she made herself." Yi Tianyun said truthfully.

"I made the injury myself?" Shi Xueyun wondered.

Immediately, Yi Tianyun explained it. After telling the general situation, Shi Xueyun was shocked. It is mainly a few days of respect, all died in the hands of Yi Tianyun, this is extremely shocking. At the same time, I feel very admired for the practice of Yuqin Shenjun. It is not difficult to make this bitterness.

"The really dangerous thing, still don't tell me!" Shi Xueyun gave him a look, and the beauty is full of worry.

Tian Zun’s cultivation is not known to her, but when she feels the power of the gods, she knows that she is quite against the sky. Nowadays, Yi Tianyun faces nine Tianzun, can you feel the pressure multiplier?

"This, isn't you afraid of worrying about it? Now that there is nothing left, it has been solved by me." Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

Shi Xueyun’s eyes were red and he rushed into his arms: “I know what kind of enemy you have been facing, I can’t help you, I can only help you maintain the situation here.”

No matter how much she cultivated, she couldn't compare with Yi Tianyun. No matter how she cultivated, no matter how crazy she was, it didn't work. The gap was getting bigger and bigger.

"Hey, what do you think? Here is my root. If you didn't maintain it, it has already collapsed! Your credit is very big. If you change it, it is estimated that it has collapsed." Yi Tianyun laughed. Laugh: "So don't think about it, this is not to comfort you, but it is true!"

This is not a mess, he does not understand management, so he can only continue to find talent to manage. It turns out that he has a good vision and can find a bunch of geniuses who will help manage.

If they did not help, his task is estimated to be difficult to complete, it can be said that their credit is great! None of them are vases, they are extremely capable.

If you are more than one, ask who can compare him? The repair is too fast, no one can match.

"Well..." Shi Xueyun didn't say much, saying too much, it was too emotional. No one, I don’t want to go to the world with my own Taoist, and fight together.

After Yi Tianyun comforted for a while, he whispered: "Almost, it is time to announce it. We have to participate in the battle of the gods."

"Is it announced soon?" Shi Xueyun was surprised.

"It's almost time, there is not much time left, there are still decades left, and it will pass in the blink of an eye, and it takes a lot of time to prepare." Yi Tianyun said.

"Indeed, it takes a lot of time to prepare, and it is a little more time for them to accept." Shi Xueyun shook his head and did not know if it would cause confusion.

A one-of-a-kind domain, can you participate in the battle of the gods, can you not cause confusion?

"Do not worry, they are very easy to accept." Yi Tianyun's mouth is hooked with a confident smile.

Followed by Yi Tianyun, he began to say: "To tell you one thing, we are going to participate in the battle of the gods! We are not mistaken, we are going to participate in the battle of the gods! The winner will become the king of the generation and receive the highest glory; the loser will be destroyed and will not be remembered!"

"From the battle of the gods, there are still two or three decades, this time is not long. Now for everyone to consider, choose to fight with me, or choose to leave, everything is chosen by you, I will not have any stop!"

This sound covers the entire Sanjie Divine so that everyone can hear it. With his cultivation, it is impossible to achieve this level, but with a big array, it can spread.

This is specially made by the gods, and it is easy to convey any message and spread it to every planet.

After everyone heard it, they were all stunned and even more dumbfounded. They never thought about it, they will participate in the battle of the gods! They have been here for a long time, and they can all hear about this. It is the thing of the three-character domain, and the one-of-a-kind domain is simply standing by.

Now they are directly involved, it is incredible!

"Insane, really crazy! Tianyun domain owner, is he not afraid to run all?"

"Yeah, a product of the gods hit the three-character domain, it is simply looking for death! If you go out, you are not finished!"

"Yes! You should not say it, just go to the battle of the gods, so you won't run."

Many disciples who have just joined Tianquan Shenyu, including those elders, are dumbfounded, and think that Yi Tianyun is too reckless, which will definitely lead to riots! Not to mention the riots, certainly many people ran away.

If you change them, the choice is not to say it. When you participate in the battle of the gods, then what is the matter? If you want to escape, you can only choose to resist.

This forces them to participate, and if they succeed, they will not hate. As for the failure, the hatred is useless, everything is gone, and who hates?

No matter what other people think, at least they are afraid to announce it. The courage is too big, the risk is too big!

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