Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1393: confidence!

A practitioner of the Tiantianquan domain shook his head and felt too reckless about it. They joined this domain, the elders are convinced orally, does not mean that other practitioners are convinced, after all, many things, they have not seen.

A second-class **** domain, joining a one-of-a-kind domain is very dissatisfied. Now Yi Tianyun is making this decision, making them feel very reckless and have no brains.

"The announcement of the Tianyun domain master is not too sloppy..." The elders of Huang Huang had a complicated look and felt that Yi Tianyun was too anxious, so it was easy to get out of control.

The rest of the elders nodded and expressed their approval. Although they know the strength of Yi Tianyun, he believes that his ability is very strong, but the rest of the practitioners are different, they will worry about their own safety, but also the fear of the Sanpin Divine!

Every one of them is very scared. Even if there is no war, how can they fight? Did not lose first.

"I don't want to be sloppy." The owner of the glass field smiled and said: "I don't think it is sloppy. Since he chooses to announce it, he has absolute confidence in himself. Moreover, with his temper, he will never deceive his subordinates, and everything will be announced. come out."

If you are the owner of the glass, let them be silent. They didn't refute anything, but they felt that there was a problem! They have never seen it, and which deity has absolute cohesion.

Soon, this immediately caused a shock.

"Participate in the battle of the gods? God, we have to participate in the battle of the gods! Since the Emperor Tianyun decided to participate, then we will fight!"

"Yes! Tianyun Emperor is not afraid, what are we afraid of!"

"But my child, and my wife, are relatively weak, what should I do..."

"Afraid of what, can be transferred out! Tianyun Emperor did not say that all people must participate, the rest will be transferred out. This glory, we got it!"

"Yes! Heavenly Emperor takes care of us so much, it's time to contribute!"

"But we have been so low, what can we do in the battle of the gods?"

"Afraid of what, since Tianyun Emperor thinks it is ok, it must be a battle! The battle of the gods, I have always been very yearning. But I have not even qualified to participate, if not Tianyun Emperor, I am estimated I can't participate in this life!"

Everyone is boiling up, want to participate in this battle of the gods, for Yi Tianyun. It can be said that their worship of Yi Tianyun has reached its peak.

As time goes by, the rest of the forces are very loyal. Mainly here is fair enough, the treatment is more generous, and it is much better than they used to be.

Since they are treated like this, they are naturally springing up! What if your wife or something is transferred to the domain, it will not be affected.

As for the ability, one by one will choose to play!

Soon, the enthusiasm of many practitioners was passed on. Although there is no competition, but this number is very rare, so little! Basically negligible, most of them choose to participate in the war.

As for those who did not participate in the war, they all chose to join recently. When they heard that they would participate in the battle of the gods, they would soon run.

After all, if you declare that you are participating in the battle of the gods, you will declare war with all the three gods. Can they not run? If any of the three geniuses attacked and killed them in advance, it would be a tragedy.

However, there was no loss in this part of the departure. It was not long before it was added, and the loyalty was naturally low.

"Returning to the elders, the situation of the Three Realms..." The guards who came in were shocked and could not say anything.

"What is the situation of the Three Realms? Isn't there a lot of practitioners left?" The elders of Emperor Huihuang looked at their faces and felt that they would definitely be like what they thought.

"No, no... basically didn't go. They just joined in the recent days. They didn't choose to leave before. They are very enthusiastic and support the decision of the Tianyun domain master!" After listening to these guards, they felt Unbelievable.

Many of them have made a bet and feel that they are running half or half of them. Who knows that a killing, no run at all, one by one choose to stay here, support Yi Tianyun's decision!

“What?” Many elders were stupid and wondered if they had got it wrong. “Are you sure you have not left, but have been here?”

"I'm sure I haven't left... I am very enthusiastic and excited. I am very admired by the Tianyun domain master." The guards are eccentric, and they don't know what kind of charm Yi Tianyun has to achieve this effect.

"It's too exaggerated, it's too exaggerated..." The elders sat in the chair and still couldn't believe it.

"I said, since he announced it, he has his own confidence." The glass domain owner smiled, but the heart still felt very shocked. It really didn't go. This cohesiveness, the whole **** domain, basically no such Cohesion!

Many forces are forced to leave because they are strong. In the case of a product of the gods with the egg hitting the stone, it is still too loyal to choose not to go.

But this loyalty is built on many conditions. If Yi Tianyun didn't treat them well, he already ran.

On the side of Yi Tianyun, after hearing the news, he smiled and said: "I will say, they will definitely not go."

Shi Xueyun has been shocked. Although she has been managing this place, she still thinks she will go a lot in the face of this kind of thing. Who knows not to go!

"It seems that Tianyun your charm is too big, completely lock their hearts." Shi Xueyun laughed.

"No, it is with your help, I can be so confident." Yi Tianyun smiled and said something that Shi Xueyun did not understand.

Yi Tianyun dares to be so confident, mainly because they are extremely loyal and will definitely not choose to leave. This is all under the management of Shi Xueyun.

For example, to build a statue or something, all kinds of rewards are in the name of Yi Tianyun. This will make them grateful and become more and more loyal to Yi Tianyun.

Shi Xueyun, they can't see the loyalty, Yi Tianyun can see it, so it will be so confident. If not, he did not dare to announce it. When he ran for most of the time, it was a big loss.

Although in many cases, they will not be used, but the construction of the forces will not work if they are less.

"Yes, are we so useful?" Shi Xueyun shook his head and felt that he didn't believe it.

"Very useful, after the three realms of God, it depends on you." Yi Tianyun smiled, his heart full of confidence, as long as there are such people, even if you go to the domain of God, still stand firm!

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