Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1394: ready

The Three Realms are so stable that they have never thought of Shi Xueyun and will be so stable. This scene is even more shocking to the Tianquan Divine, so that they are shocked at the same time, but also feel that their cohesiveness is really insufficient, compared to the gap is too big.

I want to add a product to the Divine domain, or when it is transferred, a large group of practitioners have left, what cohesiveness, compared with the Three Realms is a scum!

In terms of comprehensive strength, it is undeniable that the two-character domain is stronger. But now a little contrast, it is a pile of slag. If you have a strong comprehensive level and no cohesiveness, then it is not your own. If you don't know the next moment, you will become a disciple of others.

So that they are used to this situation, they are substituting this situation into other forces. It’s been hit hard now, and it’s not too light! I have said that I will definitely go a lot before, but now it seems that they are wishful thinking.

When the Three Realms were to participate in the battle of the gods, they immediately set off an uproar. This matter spread out to the surrounding gods, and at the same time it spread to the second and third worlds.

Soon, the famous Sanjie Divine, which suddenly became famous, suddenly exploded. It was just a mockery, and there was no praise.

Basically, those who think that the Three Realms are not self-reliant, or that they are trying to hit the stone with an egg, or they want to find death, there is no **** domain to look at them.

The one-of-a-kind domain that had been allied with Yi Tianyun was scared to declare alliance with the Three Realms and not participate in the battle of the gods! What ally, in the face of danger, natural choices have left.

This point Yi Tianyun will not blame them, as long as they do not come to invade, what allies do not matter. After all, if you change to the second domain, you will choose to be affiliated with yourself. The battle of the gods is too scary, and the qualifications of a genius and the cannon fodder cannot be discussed. How can we participate?

In the case of alliance, the three-character domain is mistaken for one piece, and that is troublesome. Yi Tianyun wants to die, they don't want to die.

However, there is a **** domain, but there is no choice to ally, this is the gods of the gods! Instead of dismissing the alliance, they sent people to talk.

This time, the Tianzhu domain master and Nian Ciyu came in person. After they came in, they all bowed respectfully.

"I have seen the glass domain master, the Tianyun domain master..." The Tianzhu domain owner personally arrived, just to come, it shows his intention: "This time, I want to form an alliance, a part of the battle of the gods! We will transfer Their own forces have joined the Three Realms and hope to accommodate the disciples we have come over."

The resources of the Scorpio are limited, and the number of planets that can be moved is estimated to be one or two. This is still the limit. The rest can't be moved at all, the resources are too bad, and it is impossible to have several pieces that can be moved like the second-class **** domain.

Yi Tianyun squinted at the Tianzhu domain masters, presumably they know Tianquan Shenyu, after choosing to join the Three Realms, they also want to choose to join.

"We are going to participate in the battle of the gods. Are you sure you want to join in this time?" Yi Tianyun asked again.

The owner of the glass field did not speak at the side. The things here are all managed by Yi Tianyun. They have no right to intervene.

"Yes, it is this time to join in. We hope to participate in the battle of the gods, participate in this battle of honor!" Tianzhu domain chief burning: "We believe that the Three Realms can win the final victory!"

"Are you doing a flattering?" Yi Tianyun smiled. This is really good to say. Even he himself dare not say that this day the landlord dare to say so.

"No, no..." The Tianzhu domain is very incomparable, but he does have some meaning of flattering. In the face of these strong, can he not flatter?

"Okay, since you have this determination, let you join. You have to quickly transfer the forces, time is running out." Yi Tianyun waved his hand, did not say anything, want to join to join, he still can not ask It.

I also planned to draw some of the gods to come over. Now it’s good, and Tianzhu Shenyu actively joins. He didn't know what the reason was, but the situation was much better.

Soon the Tianzhu domain owners, they retire and leave, and immediately went to transfer forces. After they left, the glass domain owner said next to him: "In fact, I let them join in, but after listening to them, they basically did not ask any reason and immediately chose to join."

“Hm?” Yi Tianyun wondered: “Why?”

"No reason, I think you can pass the battle of the gods, plus always feel that the celestial gods are loyal, let them join in, drink a little soup, and promote them. The situation of the gods is still OK, the overall strength is not bad, join Come in just to strengthen it." The glass domain owner said with a smile.

Yi Tianyun was shocked and looked up and down and said, "How can I not know if I can win? You know, you know?"

"A kind of hunch, anyway, gambling, there is nothing wrong, you say not?" The glass domain owner smiled slightly, the woman's intuition is quite terrible, especially the strong woman.

Mainly the glass domain owner has seen too many miracles, can't he be successful this time? Anyway, they have not retired, and they are gambling.

"Well, I hope we can win." Yi Tianyun smiled.

Soon the Tianzhu domain was transferred, and there were not many strong ones. The ones that were willing to come and join were always a small part. In the face of the battle of the gods, they all fled, which is really miserable.

The cohesiveness of the Three Realms has always been strong, and it is so powerful that it can be sighed after the other gods know it.

After knowing the three-character domain, it is extremely disdainful, even if it is cohesive. A product domain is a product of the gods, cohesive strength, no strong power, it is rubbish.

“Hey, success, let a product domain join its own power, gain 500 points of compression experience, 500 points of compression proficiency, and ‘I’m a domain owner’s small enhancement of triple power!”

"Only increase the power of three times..."

Yi Tianyun frowned. It seems that if the grade is too low, the effect will drop. In this way, if the three-character domain joins itself...however, it is impossible to have three geniuses to join themselves, unless the three realms are three-level.

What is left now is the waiting time. With a little preparation, you will be greeted by the most terrible battle of the gods. Once you start, you must be charred.

But this is equal to the period of blood transfusion, reshuffle the cards, let the outer gods come to a big cleansing, there may be a large group of three powers no, or there may be a lot of second-class gods. The gods that can survive are winners!

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